Gera mergaitė

Gera mergaitė 2024


Slaptas, geidulingas ir absoliučiai nepriimtinas meilės romanas yra būtent tai, ko reikia šaltai it ledas vadovei, žmonai, motinai Romy. Herojės vyras – mylintis ir mylimas, bet nejaudinantis Jakobas (akt. Antonio Banderas). Jis ir iš pašaknų nykią kasdienybę supurtęs praktikantas Samuelis (akt. Harris Dickinson) galiausiai stoja akistaton. Čia nugalėtojas gali būti tik vienas. Ar… viena?


Rezerviniai farai

Rezerviniai farai 2010


Niujorko policijos departamento detektyvai Kristoferis Densonas ir P. K. Haismitas – patys kiečiausi ir mylimiausi Niujorko policininkai. Jie tarsi mažus vaikus už pakarpos purto visus nusikaltėlius, šluodami savo kelyje viską ir netgi gadindami Niujorko miesto nuosavybę, tačiau niujorkiečiai – o ypač moteriškosios lyties - juos tiesiog dievina. Jie nesitatuiruoja – kiti vyrai darosi jų tatuiruotes. Tame pačiame skyriuje dirba ir detektyvai Alenas Gemblas ir Teris Hoicas. Tikriausiai esate matę juos Densono ar Haismito nuotraukų antrame plane - jie paprastai būna kvailomis išraiškomis. Jie – visiška tokių policininkų kaip Densonas ir Haismitas priešingybė. Jie - liurbiai. Jie – rezerviniai farai. Tačiau kiekvieno faro gyvenime išaušta diena, kai jis gali nuveikti žygdarbį.



Naujokas 2015


Rodos, dar taip neseniai (iš tiesų jau beveik prieš dešimt metų) aktorė Anne Hathaway vaidino nerangią praktikantę filme „Ir velnias dėvi Prada“. Dabar ji – jau pati didelės internetinės mados įmonės vadovė, priimanti praktikantą. Ir ne bet kokį – patį Robert‘ą de Niro! 70-metis našlys Benas (jį ir vaidina R. de Niro) visuomet buvo aktyvus. Tad ramus gyvenimas jam ne prie širdies net ir išėjus į pensiją. Vyras nusprendžia tapti praktikantu internetinėje įmonėje, kuriai vadovauja jam į anūkes tinkanti Džiulė. Natūralu, kad tokio naujoko pasirodymas kolektyve, kur amžiaus vidurkis kažin ar viršija 30 metų, sukelia užslėptą, o kartais – ir atvirą juoką. Tačiau „senukas“ Benas jaunosios kartos atstovams greitai parodys, kad jį laidoti dar per anksti.


Pinigų monstras

Pinigų monstras 2016


Vienos sėkmingiausių visų laikų finansinių TV laidų „Pinigų monstras“ vedėjas Ly Geitsas (aktorius George‘as Clooney‘is) yra užsitarnavęs „Volstryto burtininko“ pavardę. Ilgametė patirtis, daugybė pažinčių bei ryšių pavertė vyrą vienu sėkmingiausių ir įtakingiausių finansinių konsultantų. Tiesa, dėl nenuspėjamumo ir impulsyvumo gyvo eterio metu jis yra tikras galvos skausmas laidos prodiuserei Petei (akt. Julia Roberts). Tačiau ji purkštauja tik dėl akių, nes laidos reitingai kalba patys už save. Vieną dieną, filmuojant eilinę laidą, į televizijos studiją įsibrauna nepažįstamas vyras ir, grasindamas susisprogdinti, paima įkaitais visą „Pinigų monstro“ kūrybinę grupę. Netrukus tiesioginio eterio metu paaiškėja, kad, pasinaudojęs Ly Geitso patarimu investuoti į vieną įmonę, vyras prarado visas šeimos santaupas.


Ar gali išsaugoti paslaptį?

Ar gali išsaugoti paslaptį? 2019


Kiekviena mergina slepia kalną paslapčių, kuriomis nė už ką nesidalintų su jokia gyva dvasia. Na, nebent tai – žavus nepažįstamasis, atsidūręs šalia tuomet, kai manei, kad lėktuvas kuriuo skrendi, netrukus suduš. Džekui išpliurpusi slapčiausias savo gyvenimas detales, Ema jau netrukus suvokia frazės „koks mažas pasaulis“ prasmę – Džekas pasirodo esąs naujuoju jos viršininku! Kaip nemirti iš gėdos, kai jis ne tik žino slapčiausias tavo gyvenimo detales, tačiau yra ir velniškai patrauklus? Mielos damos, nepamirškite – viskas, ką išplepėsite žaviam nepažįstamajam, gali atsisukti prieš jus!


Nes jai labai rūpi

Nes jai labai rūpi 2021


Marla Greison (aktorė Rosamund Pike) – stilinga ir negailestinga teisinė globėja, kuri nuoširdžiai „rūpinasi“ senjorais, o ypač – jų pinigais. Pasinaudojusi įstatymo suteikta teise paskelbti senyvus žmones neveiksniais ir perimti visą jų turtą, kartu su padėjėja ir mylimąja Frane (akt. Eiza González) bei korumpuota daktare Eimos (akt. Alicia Witt) Marla nuolat ieško turtingų senjorų ir paima juos savo „globon“. Į bendrininkių akiratį patenka ir Dženiferė Peterson (akt. Dianne Wiest) – gerame rajone gyvenanti, apynauju mersedesu važinėjanti senjorė, kuri, panašu, turi nemenkų santaupų, o svarbiausia – neturi jokių artimųjų. Kitaip tariant – tikra „vyšnia ant torto“. Puikiai įvaldę savąją schemą, moterys imasi veikti ir netrukus Dženiferė atsiduria senelių namuose, kur „dėl jos pačios saugumo“ yra uždaroma į specialų kambarį, iš jos paimamas mobilusis telefonas, o Marla su Frane imasi aktyviai tvarkyti senjorės finansus. Vis tik merginų laukia didžiulė staigmena.


Good Deeds

Good Deeds 2012


Verslininko Wesley Deeds gyvenimas apsiverčia aukšyn kojom, kai jis sutinka Lindsey, vienišą motiną, kuri dirba valytoja jo biure.


Crazy Love

Crazy Love 2022


No Go Jin is the most popular mathematics instructor in the private education field and the CEO of GOTOP Education. Even though he has only a high school level education, he has achieved all of his success due to his extreme intelligence. He seems like a perfect man with a handsome appearance, high IQ, and wealth. He is also narcissistic. One day, he is suddenly warned that he will be murdered. Lee Shin A works as No Go Jin’s secretary. She is a diligent and responsible employee. Due to her quiet and introverted personality, she has little presence with her boss No Go Jin and her colleagues at work. Her colleagues begin to recognize her, because she has worked for the notorious No Go Jin for more than 1 year. She then learns that she does not have much time left to live.


Blade Man

Blade Man 2014


Hong Bin might've been oppressed by love and his father. However, he comes across his first love again.


American Auto

American Auto 2021


In the headquarters of a major American automotive company in Detroit, a floundering group of executives at Payne Motors must adapt to the changing times or be sent to the junkyard.


Now, We Are Breaking Up

Now, We Are Breaking Up 2021


Will tell stories of emotional love and breakups. Ha Young-eun, a manager of the design team at a fashion label who is a trendy and intelligent realist. Yoon Jae-guk, a wealthy and popular freelancer photographer who also has the brains and looks. Hwang Chi-sook is a director of the fashion label’s design team who attended high school with Ha Young-eun and Seok Do-hoon is a skilled PR company CEO.


Skip a Beat

Skip a Beat 2023


Qian Jing is a strong and independent woman, who was the only one able to take the position of personal assistant for the demanding CEO, Gu Yi. Soon, their relationship becomes not only professional but also romantic. The problem, however, is that nobody knows the true face of Gu Yi, who after a car accident, from being tender and understanding for a moment, can switch in a few seconds to being cruel and obsessive, especially towards Qian Jing. Soon, Qian Jing not only has to deal with her complicated feelings for her boss, but also her past, especially since her motives for becoming Gu Yi's assistant in the first place are not as noble as they might seem.


Our Interpreter

Our Interpreter 2024


Lin Xi who's known as the "witch" in the translation industry reunites with ex-boyfriend Xia Yicheng. Eight years ago, she broke up with him for the sake of fulfilling her mother's wish for her to become a professional interpreter for the United Nations. Eight years later, Lin Xi has become the youngest chief interpreter at Huasheng while her ex Xiao Yicheng has become the chief technology officer of a communications company, which also makes him her potential client. In order to land a contract with Xiao Yicheng, Lin Xi has no choice but to keep dealing with him. She helps his company go public and even though it seems that Xiao Yicheng is out to get revenge on Lin Xi, he actually doesn't have the heart to be mean to her. Work rekindles their passionate relationship and Xiao Yicheng gradually comes to understand that reason she broke up with him. Together, they work hard to realize their dream of "speaking for the country".


Step by Step Love

Step by Step Love 2024


Space designer Bu Ran crosses paths with Lu Cenyang, a talented boss with a shared passion for design. Together, they navigate challenges, staying determined in pursuit of their dreams. Despite hardships, their passion never wavers, leading them to success and recognition in their industry.


I May Love You

I May Love You 2023


For several years, screenwriter Tang Xin has been in love with her manager Tang Yu—even though he is smitten with her best friend! She’s been bottling up her emotions, hoping nobody will discover her secret. That all changes one fateful day when her friend finally tells Tang Yu she isn’t interested in her. Tang Xin plucks up the courage to confess her true feelings to her boss. Who promptly rejects her! Crestfallen, Tang Xin decides to turn over a new leaf – and hands in her resignation. But Tang Yu doesn’t want Tang Xin to leave the company, and tries to convince her to stay.


Wag Mong Agawin Ang Akin

Wag Mong Agawin Ang Akin 2022


Two tough women, a private escort and a company CEO, are bound by a secret - they share the same man, but a bigger secret is yet to explode.


Somewhere Only We Know

Somewhere Only We Know 2019


Ph.D. candidate in Physics Mu Cheng He catches a third-year student in English Xue Tong cheating on an exam. When he even becomes the substitute teacher in her elective course Russian and makes her study with him after classes, her hatred for him only grows. Over time, however, Xue Tong discovers Teacher Mu’s true character and comes to secretly love him.


Love Me Like I Do

Love Me Like I Do 2023


When Liu Xilai and Tian Tian first met it was like a meteorite hitting Earth. And yet Xilai found that this girl who challenged him seemed to be the only thing that could stop himself from blushing, so he decided to keep his little "antidote" by his side as his assistant. Who could be more surprised to find that as they spent time together and formed a strong bond, a strong and beautiful love quietly grew between these two?


To All The Guys Who Loved Me

To All The Guys Who Loved Me 2020


Seo Hyun-Joo works as the leader of a webcomic planning team. She declares that she plans to remain single, but she receives confessions from two men: Hwang Ji-Woo and Park Do-Gyeom. Hwang Ji-Woo is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. He has a cold personality and excellent business ability. Park Do-Gyeom is a popular webcomic writer. He is a sociable person. He and Seo Hyun-Joo grew up like siblings, but he has held a crush on Seo Hyun-Joo for a long time.


Sanaeha Sunya Kaen

Sanaeha Sunya Kaen 2014


Kin is the President of KTK Corporation and is marrying his long time girlfriend of 7 years Ganok. On their wedding night, the bride goes to retrieve a wedding present that she had forgotten for her newly wedded husband. Tawan had just left the airport after finding out that her fiancé had been cheating for two years and is now breaking off their engagement. Moreover, they are expecting their first child. Tawan, hurt and heart-broken, walks home in the rain and while crossing the street was hit by a car driven by Ganok. Tawan was hospitalized. Ganok was later pronounced death. Kin was devastated that he had just lost the love of his life, and demanded to know who that person was that caused his wife's car accident. He later went to Tawan's hospital room and read the name on her ID tag. That name is now forever embedded in his mind and promised Ganok that he will seek revenge for her with the upmost satisfaction....


Big Shots

Big Shots 2007


Four friends are at the top of their game...until the women in their lives enter the room. Lines between boardroom and bedroom blur when these competitive but dysfunctional CEOs take refuge in their friendship, discussing business, confiding secrets, seeking advice and supporting each other through life's surprising twists and turns.


Team Bulldog: Off-Duty Investigation

Team Bulldog: Off-Duty Investigation 2020


A crime action investigation drama about police investigator Jin Kang Ho from the serious crime squad who never gives up on a case until he gets to the end of it. He will solve unsolved cases with a team consisting of a passionate producing director (PD) of an investigative show with low viewership ratings, a detective who used to be a profiler, a bar CEO who puts his violent past behind, and a funeral director who used to be a well-esteemed autopsy doctor at the National Forensic Service (NIS).



Peng 2021


Saying goodbye to her twenties, thirty-year-old Go Sa Ri welcomes this new decade of her life with open arms. Leaving behind the tangled mess of her twenties, Sa Ri is ready to make a fresh start. But walking away from the past is proving more difficult than she ever imagined.


A Warmed Up Love

A Warmed Up Love 2020


Kiki Inoue could not fulfill her dream to become an idol and is currently working part-time at a convenience store. Takumi Asaba is the president of a convenience store chain and enjoys criticizing sweets on social media. One day, Takumi found a similar criticism about sweets made by Kiki and invited her to be a staff to develop an original "best seller" sweets.


First Kisses

First Kisses 2023


Tells the sweet love story of Lv You, president of Biotech Company, and Lu Pan Pan, a talented track and field athlete, who meet each other due to a "memory retrieval experiment" and gradually fall in love.