Užsispyrusi blondinė

Užsispyrusi blondinė 2001


Elė Vuds – tikra sėkmės numylėtinė. Gražuolė, koledžo merginų klubo prezidentė, širdžių ėdikė ir ...natūrali blondinė. Merginos draugas – koledžo garsenybė, tad vienintelė Elės svajonė – tapti misis Vuorner Hantington, t.y. ištekėti už karštai mylimo vaikino. Tačiau netrukus paaiškėja, kad dūsavimų objektas nė neketina jos vesti. Vaikinas svajoja apie studijas Harvardo teisės fakultete, o tuoktis norėtų su rimta, išsilavinusia mergina: Elė jam atrodo netinkama šeimyniniam gyvenimui. Tai sužinojusi, mergina savaitę depresuoja, suvalgo kelis...


Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies 2017


The tale of three mothers of first graders whose apparently perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.



Sisters 2016


Orit, Natalie and Mor are three sisters, and they are unsuccessful at everything.


All For One

All For One 2016


Dorothy Castlemore arrives at Dumas College wanting to join the sorority Mu Sigma Theta, the place where her beloved grandmother felt at home and a place where she hopes to be accepted as well.


Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy 2022


In a world of privilege and glamour, two young women’s friendship transcends their strikingly different classes as they prepare to complete their education and enter royal vampire society. Based on the young adult novels by Richelle Mead.


Gol & Gincu The Series

Gol & Gincu The Series 2006


Gol & Gincu (English: Goalpost and Lipsticks) was a 2006 Malaysian TV series spun off from the 2005 film of the same title by Bernard Chauly, continuing upon the affairs of the all-female futsal team "Bukan Team Biasa" (Malay: "Not an Ordinary Team"). Its first season was first aired from 4 June till 27 August 2006 on 8TV and while its second and final season ran from 8 July to 30 September 2007. The first season of the series was also aired in Singapore on Suria from 26 December 2006 till 20 March 2007.


Cassandra French's Finishing School

Cassandra French's Finishing School 2017


An overachieving publicist takes matters into her own hands when she can't find a mature guy: she takes a potential mate captive and sends him to a finishing school in her basement to teach him how to be a better man.



Sweet/Vicious 2016


Jules balances her life of being a college student, while serving up vigilante justice on her school's campus. Until Ophelia, a computer hacker, discovers her secret and entangles herself in Jules' quest for vengeance.


Spice Girls: How Girl Power Changed Britain

Spice Girls: How Girl Power Changed Britain 2021


Twenty five years since their debut album Spice, the story of how five British women became a global phenomenon, reflecting and influencing a generation in the process.


Kelli Blu

Kelli Blu 2024


In 2063, self-assured 16-year-old Kelli Blu must find her true self after becoming the Town Protector.