Dama ir valkata

Dama ir valkata 1955


Meilė suartina nepaisant socialinės priklausomybės, meilė suartina nepaisant to ar esi žmogus, ar gyvūnas. Meilė visus suartina. Taip ji suartino ir du žavius šuniukus, nepaisant to, kad jie priklauso skirtingiems sluoksniams…


Kikės siuntų tarnyba

Kikės siuntų tarnyba 1989


Mergaitei-raganai Kikei suėjus 13 metų ji, kaip pagal tradiciją priklauso visoms tokio amžiaus sulaukusioms raganoms, vienerius metus privalo palikti savo namus, kad išmoktų gyventi pati. Kartu su savo kalbančiu katinu Džidži, Kikė išskrenda į pajūrio miestelį Koriką. Čia atidariusi savo siuntų tarnybą (siuntinių transportavimo priemonė – jos šluota), Kikė turi išmokti tvarkyti savo naująjį gyvenimą... ypač tada, kaip praranda galią skraidyti... Filmas „KIKĖS SIUNTŲ TARNYBA“ Japonijos kino akademijos buvo išrinktas populiariausiu šalyje, Mainichi filmų konkurse jis buvo pripažintas geriausiu animaciniu filmu, o jo režisierius Hayao Miyazaki už šį filmą gavo „geriausio Japonijos režisieriaus“ apdovanojimą.


101 Dalmantinas

101 Dalmantinas 1961


Drabužių modeliuotoja Anita ir kompiuterinių žaidimų kūrėjas Rodžeris susipažįsta savo augintinių dalmatinų, Perditos ir Pongo dėka, įsimyli vienas kitą ir neužilgo susituokia. Jų augintiniai susilaukia palikuonių, kuriuos pavagia Anitos vadovė Kruela De Vil, kad iš jų kailiukų galėtų pasisiūti sau unikalų paltą. Perdita ir Pongas, padedami Anglijos gyvūnų karalystės, vyksta ieškoti ir išgelbėti savo vaikus.


Riešutėlių filmas

Riešutėlių filmas 2015


Čarlis Braunas yra žavus vaikis, tikintis, kad jis yra didžiausias nelaimėlis pasaulyje. Jis taip nepasitiki savimi, jog net patys paprasčiausi kasdienybės įvykiai jam tampa didžiausiu iššūkiu. Laimei, Čarlis turi geriausią šunį pasaulyje – pašėlusį biglį vardu Snūpis. Snūpis yra geriausias jo draugas, nuolatinis palydovas ir didžiausias patarėjas. O šįkart Čarliui patarimų prireiks labiau nei įprastai: jo klasėje atsiranda gražuolė naujokė. Visus pakeri jos grožis, o Čarlis supranta: tai – pirmoji jo meilė! Kaip užkalbinti savo simpatiją? Ką jai sakyti, kaip sužavėti? Pesimistui Čarliu pažintis su naujoke taps didžiausiu metų iššūkiu. Todėl Snūpiui darbo bus per akis: ištikimasis šunelis skatins Čarlį imtis veiksmų, rizikingų žygių ir pavers jį nugalėtoju. O jam pačiam teks akis į akį susitikti su savo didžiausiu varžovu – Raudonuoju Baronu!


Dama ir valkata 2

Dama ir valkata 2 2001


Meilė suartina nepaisant socialinės priklausomybės, meilė suartina nepaisant to ar esi žmogus, ar gyvūnas. Meilė visus suartina. Taip ji suartino ir du žavius šuniukus, nepaisant to, kad jie priklauso skirtingiems sluoksniams.


Pasiutusios letenos: Henko legenda

Pasiutusios letenos: Henko legenda 2022


Henkas – šuo, kuriam nesiseka turbūt labiausiai už visus pasaulyje. Ilgus metus gyvena pavojingiausiamie miesto rajone, amžinai įsivelia į konfliktus su bjauriais gatvės šunimis ir nuolat gauna į kailį. Maža to, į vėplą Henką niekas rimtai nežiūri, o jo pačios didžiausios svajonės, tapti rimtu kovos meistru – samurajumi, nepalaiko net jo draugai. Tačiau, viskas apvirsta aukštyn letenom, kai Henkas atsitiktinai, atklysta į keistą Kakamučio miestą, kuriame gyvena vienos katės! Savaime aišku, kad nei viena save gerbianti katė – šunų negali pakęsti. Todėl ir čia Henkui nusvyra uodega, Samurajaus karjera tokioje vietoje visiškai neįmanomas reikalas. Bet… taikųjį Kakamučio miestelį užpuola sumo katinas Ika Ču su savo pakalikais katinais nindzėmis!


Mikio Kalėdų giesmė

Mikio Kalėdų giesmė 1983


Šiame animaciniame Čarlzo Dikenso šedevro atpasakojime, vaidmenis atlieka klasikiniai Disnėjaus personažai.


PAW Patrol

PAW Patrol 2013


PAW Patrol is a CG action-adventure for old children and preschool series starring a pack of six heroic puppies led by a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder.



Underdog 1964


Underdog is an American animated television series that debuted October 3, 1964, on the NBC network under the primary sponsorship of General Mills, and continued in syndication until 1973, for a run of 124 episodes. Underdog, Shoeshine Boy's heroic alter-ego, appeared whenever love interest Sweet Polly Purebred was being victimized by such villains as Simon Bar Sinister or Riff Raff. Underdog nearly always speaks in rhyme, as in, "There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!" His voice was supplied by Wally Cox.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2006


Mickey and his friends Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures.


Garfield and Friends

Garfield and Friends 1988


The animated stories of Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, their owner Jon and the trouble they get into. And also Orson the Pig and his adventures on a farm with his fellow farm animals.


The Tom and Jerry Show

The Tom and Jerry Show 2014


The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back in a fresh take on the classic series. Preserving the look, characters and sensibility of the original, this series shines a brightly colored, high-definition lens on the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.


Courage the Cowardly Dog

Courage the Cowardly Dog 1999


The bizarre misadventures of a cowardly dog named Courage and his elderly owners in a farmhouse in Nowhere, Kansas.


Mickey and the Roadster Racers

Mickey and the Roadster Racers 2017


Mickey Mouse and his pals Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Daisy and Donald take their unique transforming vehicles on humorous high-spirited races around the globe as well as hometown capers in Hot Dog Hills.


Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds

Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds 1981


France, 17th century, under the reign of Louis XIII. Dogtanian is an impetuous and innocent peasant from Gascony, as well as a skilled swordsman, who travels to Paris with the purpose of making his dream come true: to join the Corps of Muskehounds of the Royal Guard.



CatDog 1998


The life and times of a cat and a dog with a unique twist: they're connected, literally. They share one body with a Dog's head at one end and Cat's head on the other. Adding to their dilemma is Cat's annoyance with Dog, mainly caused by Dog's stupidity and Cat's up-tight personality. Characters: Cat - Cat is the smarter one of the two brothers, and is always hatching some kind of plot to get his brother to calm down, so that Cat doesn't get beat around and hurt. Even though most of these plots involve messing with Dog's feeble mind, they often backfire on Cat, much to his dismay. It may not show all the time but, he deeply loves, and cares for his brother Dog. Dog - Dog is the more lovable of the two brothers, Dog loves to play and party and play some more, he loves baseball and playing fetch with frisbees, balls, sticks, etc, He is very friendly, and happy, but does have a breaking point. He's very sensitive, and if he fails at something he feels horrible, and worthless


The Garfield Show

The Garfield Show 2009


Your favorite lazy, fat cat is at it again. Garfield, Odie, Jon and the rest of the gang are back for more funny misadventures. Whether he's scarfing down lasagna or tricking Nermal the kitten, Garfield is guaranteed to crack you up. But remember: He hates Mondays!


Mr. Pickles

Mr. Pickles 2014


The Goodman family lives with their lovable pet dog, Mr. Pickles, a deviant border collie with a secret satanic streak.


The Ren & Stimpy Show

The Ren & Stimpy Show 1991


Ren and Stimpy are a mismatch made in animation heaven with nothing in common but a life-long friendship and an incredible knack for getting into trouble. Join them in their bizarre and gross world for some outlandish situations coupled with hilarious jokes.


Krypto the Superdog

Krypto the Superdog 2005


Krypto, the Superdog, chronicles the comedic canine adventures of Metropolis' day-saving superdog from Planet Krypton. Krypto jettisons to Earth after traveling across the galaxies as a test-pilot puppy aboard a malfunctioning rocket ship built by Superman's father. Landing astray on unfamiliar terrain, the fully-grown Krypto swiftly seeks out companionship on Earth and flips over Kevin Whitney, a young boy who too longs for friendship. With an amazing array of super hero powers, ranging from heat vision to super strength to flying, Krypto partners with best pal Kevin to fight evil forces that threaten the safety and well-being of the people and animals of Metropolis.


The Atom Ant Show

The Atom Ant Show 1965


Operating out of his private anthill, the formidable Atom Ant picks up distress calls via his built-in antennae and heads out to battle a fearsomely delightful array of dastards including Bug Fat Dynamo, Crankenshaft, M.D. and his arch-nemesis Ferocious Flea. Sharing screen time with our hero are Precious Pupp, a rascal of a mutt who hides his antics from the kindly Granny Sweets and the Hillbilly Bears, the most ridiculous bears to ever come from the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Mickey Mouse Funhouse

Mickey Mouse Funhouse 2021


Mickey Mouse, and his friends – Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto – to Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse, who takes the Sensational Six on adventures of all types to unique worlds that inspire the imagination.


The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries

The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries 1984


Picking up where 'The New Scooby and Scappy Doo Show' left off. The main difference being that the team is now occasionally joined by Daphne Blake and friends to solve mysteries together.


Ren & Stimpy

Ren & Stimpy 1970


This reboot of the 1991 slapstick buddy comedy of the same name centers on a skinny, temperamental chihuahua Ren and his trusting feline sidekick, Stimpy. Together, this twisted twosome find themselves in crazy absurd adventures.


PaRappa the Rapper

PaRappa the Rapper 2001


The series focuses on PaRappa, a cute and happy dog who enjoys music and dancing and often spends time with his friends PJ Berri, Katy Kat, and the girl of his dreams, Sunny Funny. Along with various characters who make returning appearances from the video games, the anime introduces several new characters who are exclusive to the TV series. These include Matt Major, PJ's friend from Club Fun, Paula Fox, Sunny's friend who was rivals with Katy, Pinto, PaRappa's little sister, and Gaster and Groober, a villainous duo who cause all sorts of mischief.