Parazitas 2019
Bedarbis Kitaekas suklastoja dokumentus ir tampa turtingos šeimos atžalos korepetitoriumi. Iš pradžių viskas klostosi puikiai, bet vieną dieną pradeda dėtis keisti dalykai.
Bedarbis Kitaekas suklastoja dokumentus ir tampa turtingos šeimos atžalos korepetitoriumi. Iš pradžių viskas klostosi puikiai, bet vieną dieną pradeda dėtis keisti dalykai.
Jaudinanti ir sąmojinga filmo „Mano puikioji ledi“ istorija – apie profesorių Henrį Higinsą, kuris susilažina su pulkininku Pikeringu, jog gali purviną gatvės mergelę Elizą paversti rafinuota ir elegantiška dama. Kaip tarė, taip padarė – socialinis eksperimentas puikiai pavyksta ir visi patiki jaunosios Elizos aristokratiškumu. Dar daugiau – ją beprotiškai pamilsta jaunas aristokratas Fredis Ainsfordas-Hilas. Tačiau kuomet profesorius visus nuopelnus prisiskiria sau ir visai neįvertina pačios Elizos pastangų, ši supyksta ir jį palieka pabėgdama pas Fredį. Tik tuomet senasis Higinsas suvokia, kaip labai priprato prie mielo Elizos veidelio ir kad nebegali gyventi be dailios merginos. Žavus klasikinis Holivudo miuziklas, apdovanotas net aštuoniais “Oskarais”.
Talentingam, išradingam dvyliktokui, perspektyviam jaunuoliui, diagnozuota šizofrenija. Jo tikslas - baigti mokyklą ir išsaugoti savo ligą paslaptyje ne tik nuo bendraklasių, bet ir nuo merginos, kurią jis pamilo.
Filme rodomas dėstytojas, kuris, gavęs netikėtą užduotį dvare, susiduria su savo mokinio manija, kuri grasina atskleisti tamsiausias jo paslaptis.
Filmas, pagrįstas tikrais įvykiais. Pagrindinė herojė, vardu Helena Keler, septynmetė mergaitė. Vaikystėje ji patyrė sunkią ligą, po kurios visiškai prarado klausą ir regėjimą. Daugelį metų mergaitė negalėjo bendrauti su aplinkiniu pasauliu, bet vieną dieną jos viltį praradę tėvai kreipėsi pagalbos į Perkinso mokyklą akliesiems, kurios direktorius ryžosi pasiųsti pas juos, dvidešimtmetę mokytoją iš Bostono, Enę Salivan - beveik aklą moterį, sutikusią mokyti Heleną. Nors iš pradžių mergaitė priešinosi, palaipsniui išmoko bendrauti su Ene prisilietimais.
Teh and Oh-aew were best friends until a boyhood line of reasoning turned them into rivals. Years later as they're preparing for university admissions, both pursuing interests in the field of Communication Arts, the two meet in a Chinese language class. Their reunion awakens complicated and unstable feelings.
Megan Smith, a smart and quirky young assistant at a glossy magazine, is fired when her Yale education proves detrimental to getting ahead in the world of tabloid journalism. Her boss takes pity on her and arranges an interview with the wealthy Laurel Limoges to be a live-in tutor for her twin teen granddaughters. The beautiful and rebellious twins are less-than-thrilled with their new tutor, but Megan is determined to win them over as she enjoys the perks of her new job - breathtaking private suite, gorgeous car and live-in chef.
Fuutarou Uesugi is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Itsuki Nakano. They argue but when Uesugi realizes he is to be her tutor, he tries to get on better terms. While trying to do so he meets four other girls.
Lee Young Kook is a widower with three children. He still hasn’t gotten over the death of his wife. He decides to hire Park Dan Dan as a live-in tutor for his kids and he becomes attracted to her. Meanwhile, Park Dan Dan has bright and positive personality despite her harsh situation.
A down-and-out DJ plots to rebuild his music career while working as a nanny for his famous best friend's wild 11-year-old daughter.
After the events of "Kiss Me Again". Pete and Kao start to have troubles during their relationship. Meanwhile, the love story between Sun and Mork begins.
Wang Yu Xi may be an incredibly handsome and wildly popular superstar but beneath that shining exterior lies a deeply buried secret: he has never really received a quality education. As such, he spends his days living uncomfortably close to the borders of illiteracy. While Yu Xi is usually able to hide his shortcomings, there are times when he fails miserably; the most recent being his botched interview for an important role in an upcoming project. With his need for a tutor now glaringly obvious, his company has no choice but to find him one, but the search is proving to be more difficult than anyone originally imagined. Working as a tutor at a local agency, Wei Chi Yao has always dreamed of becoming a teacher but the challenges of turning that dream into reality have been difficult to overcome. When asked to take on the role of a superstar’s teacher, Chi Yao can’t seem to find a way to refuse. But having a severe phobia of crowds makes working with Yu Xi incredibly difficult.
Ma Liewen, a dedicated bookseller fights to keep his dream alive while caring for his ex-wife and forming a bond with Jian Dan, a former teacher recovering from heartbreak. As past and present collide, he must choose between love, duty, and his future.
Thi, a college student, had a part-time job as a tutor. One day, one of his students got into trouble with high-school gangsters. Thi went to protect his student and confronted the leader of the gang, Noey. After that day, Thi ran into Noey so many times, he started to learn that although Noey had a badass look, the boy was ridiculously silly. Noey just came up by himself that Thi was running after him. Thi was so done trying to explain that he had zero interest in him, but fate played funny tricks. Thi was contacted to be a tutor for a new student. That student was Noey. They learned more about each other. Noey started to change himself and made a move on Thi.
28-year-old Motti works as a private home tutor, visiting the homes of a lively host of struggling students, all the while carrying a deep emotional wound, which he will have to mend and find his way back to living life once again.