Malkolmas X

Malkolmas X 1992


Įspūdinga istorija apie Malkolmą Iksą, juodaodį lyderį. Filme parodoma, nuo ko Malkolmas pradėjo savo kelią, kaip jis buvo gangsteris, ir tik kalėjimas išvadavo jį nuo blogų įpročių. Režisieriui pavyko labai gerai parodyti visas juodaodžio žmogaus gyvenimo peripetijas. Malkolmas Iksas kovoja su korupcija, įstatymų pažeidimais, rasizmu, neteisybe ir išdavyste.



Apgultis 1998


Įspūdingo politinio trilerio veiksmas vyksta Niujorke. Specialusis FTB agentas Anthony “Hub” (D.Washington), CŽV bylų tyrimo pareigūnė Elise Kraft (A.Benning) ir JAV armijos generolas (B.Willis) – visi turi vykdyti savo priesaiką valstybei – “remti ir ginti Konstituciją”. Ir, kai Brooklyne susprogdinamas autobusas, o Niujorko gatvėse įsisiautėja kruvinas teroras, vyrai ir moterys, prisiekę ginti šalį, privalo prisiminti duotą pasižadėjimą… Anthony – FTB ir Niujorko policijos departamento Kovai su terorizmu skyriaus galva – yra tas žmogus, kuris atsako už miesto gyventojų saugumą, nors situacija, atrodo, jau tampa nekontroliuojama…Dar komplikuotesnės užduotys tenka CŽV agentei Elise, nes čia įsipainiojusi ir Arabų-Amerikos bendrija. Šie du asmenys įpareigoti dirbti kartu tuo metu, kai teroristų siautėjimai grąsina paralyžuoti miestą. Apgulties būtinybė tampa tokia reali… Amerikos prezidentas paskelbia ypatingąją padėtį ir prašo karinių pajėgų pagalbos.



PK 2014


Nekaltas ateivis nusileidžia Žemėje ir praranda savo laivo ryšio įrenginį. Jis sutinka su Džekę, nuliūdusia ir sudaužyta širdimi reporterę kuri padeda jam ieškoti prietaiso. Laikui bėgant, jam kyla daug visokių klausimų.



7500 2019


Tobiui tai tik dar viena diena darbe, jis skraidins lėktuvą iš Berlyno į Paryžių. Bet vos pakilus į pilotų kabiną įsiveržia ir visą lėktuvą užgrobia teroristai. Lakūnas visais būdais stengiasi išsaugoti keleivių ir savo gyvybes.


Tarp mūsų

Tarp mūsų 2016


Trys draugės palestinietės Leila, Selma ir Nur nuomojasi butą Tel Avivo centre. Charizmatiška kriminalinių bylų advokatė Leila mėgsta per dieną susikaupusį stresą pamiršti naktiniuose klubuose. Tik šiek tiek ramesnė didžėjė Selma dievina meną ir kartais dirba padavėja. Jauniausia ir religingiausia iš visų Nur studijuoja universitete ir vienintelė dėvi hidžabą. Konservatyviam Nur sužadėtiniui Visamui nepatinka laisvamaniškos ir modernios draugės. Jis reikalauja paspartinti santuoką ir palikti nuodėmingą Tel Avivą. Leila įsimyli žavingą musulmonų kilmės kino kūrėją, bet šis neskuba prisiimti atsakomybės. Selma įsitikina, kad jos krikščioniška šeima vis dėlto nėra tokia liberali, kaip prisistato kaimynams.


The Clone

The Clone 2001


Human cloning. The Islamic world. Two young people, two different cultures, two different beliefs. An impossible love story that not even time could erase. During a trip to Morocco, Lucas has a forbidden romance with Jade. He returns to Brazil after the death of his twin brother Diogo. A close family friend, scientist Albieri uses this situation to produce the first human clone using cells taken from Lucas. Twenty years later, Jade, Lucas and his clone form an odd love triangle.


Ishq Subhan Allah

Ishq Subhan Allah 2018


A liberal girl and the conflicting views of an orthodox boy reach a stage in which the issue of divorce is raised.



Omar 2012


A historical work that deals with one of the most important pages in Islamic history, as it embodies the biography of the second Rightly Guided Caliph, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him. The importance and role of his role in the history of the call and the establishment of the Islamic State lies, as well as the advantages and special virtues of that character that made him a reference and guiding model for Muslims until the present time. . A boy of brilliant intelligence, he became the greatest ruler of the world, and he did not forget at the height of his power that he represented a message carrying the highest moral values, so he provided care for the oppressed, and guaranteed justice for all, even for his enemies.. He is Al-Farouq Omar bin Al-Khattab.


Legal Wives

Legal Wives 2021


The story of a unique family where a Mranaw man marries three different women for various reasons.


We Are Lady Parts

We Are Lady Parts 2021


An anarchic, laugh-out-loud music comedy following a Muslim female punk band called Lady Parts, tracking the highs and lows of the band members as seen through the eyes of Amina Hussein — a geeky doctorate student who is recruited to be their unlikely lead guitarist.


Mendirman Jaloliddin

Mendirman Jaloliddin 2021


Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah, the ruler of the Khwarazmian Empire, initiated a tragic but united struggle against the Mongol invasion. After unsuccessful attempts by the Khwarazm shahs to stop the Mongol invasion that began in the Central Asian steppes, Jalal al-Din, the last ruler of the empire, put dynastic fights between Seljuks and Khwarazmians aside, and tried to establish a united front to stop the Mongols.


Imam Ali

Imam Ali 1997


series focusing on the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, directed by Davood Mirbagheri and originally broadcast in 1992 in 22 episodes. It was subsequently released on DVD, with other editions including one with English sub-titles, and one dubbed into Urdu. The series covers the events before the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib to his assassination in Kufa, Iraq.


Rage Against the Regime: Iran

Rage Against the Regime: Iran 2024


Eyewitnesses and survivors reveal the truth about the mass anti-government protests in Iran, from the contested election of 2009 to Bloody November.


Al Hasan and Al Husein

Al Hasan and Al Husein 2011


It revolves around the two grandsons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Hassan and Hussein, and their relationship with their companions, sedition that occurred between them and their companions after the killing of Usman ibn Affan.


Monuments Sacrés

Monuments Sacrés 2018


Hindu or Buddhist temples, synagogues, churches or mosques: religions have inspired architectural marvels. Four episodes to discover jewels of Muslim sacred art, masterpieces of Christian architecture, captivating Hindu and Buddhist buildings or even the most beautiful synagogues, witnesses of the history of the Jewish people.


My Jihad

My Jihad 2015


One of BBC iPlayer's first Original Drama Shorts, My Jihad, returns as a series. This tender and funny love story, set in contemporary Britain, explores the unfolding relationship between a young Muslim couple across three further episodes. Can a chance meeting on a bus turn into something more meaningful? Can they put aside their prejudices and persuade themselves and their families that they could have a future? Or are there just too many obstacles to overcome?


Jesus and Islam

Jesus and Islam 2015


Jesus of Nazareth, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Koran. Why? In what way? A deep investigation around the world exploring the rise of Islam during the time of prophet Muhammad.


Mahram Untuk Najwa

Mahram Untuk Najwa 2021


Fadlan and Najwa are a thing of the past. But when Jihan's proposal was carried out, the past came back to haunt him. Even though there is Faiz who is waiting for Najwa's decision. To whom will Najwa attach her heart?


The Life of Muhammad

The Life of Muhammad 2011


The Life of Muhammad is a 2011 British three-part documentary miniseries examining the life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the origins of Islam. The documentary was directed by Faris Kermani, written by Ziauddin Sardar, and presented by Rageh Omaar. It was broadcast by BBC Two over three consecutive weeks from 11 July 2011 to 25 July 2011.


Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City

Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City 2011


Author and historian Simon Sebag Montefiore presents a three-part series that illuminates the history of the sacred, and peerlessly beautiful city - Jerusalem.


A Believer's Guide to...

A Believer's Guide to... 2023


Life's pivotal moments - from becoming parents to losing a loved one. In times of challenge, crisis and change, how believers find strength and community through their faith.


Allah in Europa

Allah in Europa 2017


In the eight-part series Allah in Europe, Jan Leyers is looking for the face of Islam in Europe. Is there such a thing as a European, enlightened version of Islam growing and is that what Muslims themselves want?