Raktažodis Housemaid
Žmogus, kuris išrado Kalėdas 2017
Istorija apie tai, kaip Čarlzas Dikensas sukūrė "Kalėdų giesmę", kuri tapo Kalėdų simboliu.
Senza vergogna 1986
Calladita 2024
Mary Reilly 1996
Lizzie 2018
하녀 1960
Mikrobūtis 2018
31-erių kambarinė Miso Seule per dieną uždirba apie 35 eurus. Vieninteliai jos gyvenimo džiaugsmai – cigaretės, taurė viskio po sunkios darbo dienos ir neturtingas vaikinas, siekiantis tapti menininku. Pirmąją Naujųjų metų dieną cigarečių ir alkoholio kainos ženkliai pakyla. Miso supranta, kad jos gaunamo atlygio tikrai nepakaks įprastam gyvenimo būdui. Nepajėgdama atsisakyti viskio ir cigarečių ji nutaria atsisakyti būsto. Būtent būstas Seule jai kainuoja daugiausia. Miso susikrauna daiktus į kuprinę ir leidžiasi aplankyti penkių senų draugų, su kuriais kažkada grojo vienoje muzikos grupėje. Debiutiniame režisierės Jeon Gowoon filme atsiskleidžia jaunų žmonių problemos brangiame mieste.
The Grass Harp 1995
Los decentes 2016
Cô Hầu Gái 2016
欲望保姆 2014
En handfull kärlek 1974
ひき逃げ 1966
En karl i köket 1954
本能 1966
Kristin kommenderar 1946
충녀 1972
Alias Grace 2017
Based on the true story of Grace Marks, a housemaid and immigrant from Ireland who was imprisoned in 1843, perhaps wrongly, for the murder of her employer Thomas Kinnear. Grace claims to have no memory of the murder yet the facts are irrefutable. A decade after, Dr. Simon Jordan tries to help Grace recall her past.
Home to Roost 1985
Home to Roost is a British television sitcom produced by Yorkshire Television in the 1980s. Written by Eric Chappell, it starred John Thaw as Henry Willows and Reece Dinsdale as his 18-year-old son Matthew. The premise is that Henry Willows is forty-something, who has been divorced from his wife for seven years and is perfectly happy living alone in London. That is, until his youngest child, Matthew arrives to live with him, after being thrown out by his mother. The plots generally revolved around Henry's annoyance at having his solitude disturbed, and the age gap clash. Henry employed two cleaners throughout the show's life; first Enid Thompson, and, in the third season, Fiona Fennell.
Doll House 2014
A girl with no home takes a seemingly perfect opportunity to move in with a Professor and his housemaid in a beautiful and secluded mansion. However, the mysteries pile up when the housemaid calls the shots, prevents Young Hee from meeting the Professor, and forces her to follow her strange rules. Fellow housemates Byung Tae and Soo Jung seem to have good intentions when secretly interacting with Young Hee, but just who are they really and why are they there? Leaving may not be as easy as coming into this mysterious house.