Išžudyti visus

Išžudyti visus 2017


Į vietinę ligoninę atvyksta keistas pacientas. Jis vos gyvas po masinio susišaudymo. Netrukus ten įgriūna ginkluoti vyrai ir pradeda visus be gailesčio žudyti. Kas jie ir kodėl žudo? Vienintelė likusi gyva liudininkė turės atsakyti į visus FTB klausimus. Intriga garantuota iki pat paskutinės kulkos. Filmo žvaigždė – Jeanas Claude'as Van Damme'as.


In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis

In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 2022


In the Eye of the Storm is a six-part documentary series about one of the foremost intellectuals and political figures of our age, Yanis Varoufakis. In the Eye of the Storm begins with a first-hand account of Varoufakis’ dramatic battle with the European establishment, but goes much further to weave a gripping political narrative about the fate of our civilization: where we are, how we got here, and where he believes we must go. We see up close, through Varoufakis’ unique story, how power works at the highest levels, entering a world so often shrouded in secrecy.