Vaikis ant ratų

Vaikis ant ratų 2017


Padedamas ausyse nuolat skambančios mėgiamos muzikos, Vaikis tiesiog tobulai vairuoja automobilį. Tai be galo patinka jo bosui Dokui, kadangi Vaikio darbas – po apiplėšimo pabėgti nuo bet ko, kas bando vytis Doko surinktą komandą. Kadangi vairavimas ir yra pagrindinė Vaikio aistra, pinigai jam rūpi ne itin - jam kur kas svarbiau, kad ausinėse skambėtų jo mėgstamas ritmas, o venomis plūstų adrenalinas. Šis iš pažiūros keistas jo bruožas kelia įtarimų nusikaltimo bendrininkams, ypač, impulsyviam ir psichopato bruožų turinčiam Batsui.



Varžovai 2024


Du geriausi draugai Artas ir Patrikas su Taša (Zendaya) susipažino dar būdami paaugliais. Tuomet Taša buvo sparčiai kylanti teniso žvaigždė, tuo tarpu Arto ir šiek tiek vyresnio Patriko karjeros perspektyvos atrodė kur kas miglotesnės. Nuolat būdami toje pačioje aplinkoje, jaunuoliai įsipainioja į aistringą meilės trikampį, kuris išyra Tašai pasirinkus Patriką. Tiesa, jų santykiai taip pat nutrūksta, o patyrusi sunkią visas jos karjeros svajones sudaužiusią traumą, Taša netrukus imasi treniruoti Artą. Pastarojo kopimą į teniso Olimpą ir gyvenimą su buvusia savo mergina iš šalies stebi Patrikas. Trijulės keliams vėl susikirtus, į paviršių neišvengiamai ima kilti seniai pamiršti jausmai, aistros, viltys ir nuoskaudos. Ką kiekvienas iš jų pasiryš paaukoti vardan pergalės?


Vėjo nublokšti

Vėjo nublokšti 1939


JAV Pilietinis karas, Džordžija. Jaunoji Skarlet O'Hara viena priversta pakelti ant kojų karo sugriautą ūkį. Tai labai sunku, bet ji stipri. O vėliau ji sutinka žavesiu trykštantį Retą Batlerį. Jiedu patirs daug laimingų ir skausmingų akimirkų kartu. Filmas apie meilės ir nuotykių istoriją tarp Scarlett ir Rhett’o, JAV pilietinio karo (XIX amžiaus 7-asis dešimtmetis) dramatiškų įvykių fone, filmuota pagal įžymų, 1936 m. išleistą romaną „Vėjo nublokšti“. Tai vienas geriausių pasaulio bestselerių, kurio autorė Margaret Mitchell. Geriausias romantinių filmų pavyzdys.



Sabotažas 2014


Elitinis kovos su narkotikais būrys, kuris vertinamas kaip vienas geriausių buvo nesulaikomas ir vykdė sunkiausias misijas. Tačiau vieną dieną po didžiulio kartelių reido, viskas pasisuko nepalankia linkme: kažkas neteisėtais būdais pasisavino 10 mln dolerių. Įtariamųjų ratas platus - tai galėjo būti ir vienas iš kovos su narkotikais būrio narių. Po tokio reido ir išsišokimų šis būrys atkreipė į save Kartelių dėmesį, o tai nieko gero nežada.Vienas po kito pradeda paslaptingomis aplinkybėmis komandos nariai.



Dynasty 2017


Follows two of America’s wealthiest families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, as they feud for control over their fortune and their children focusing on Fallon Carrington, the daughter of billionaire Blake Carrington, and her soon-to-be stepmother, Cristal, a Hispanic woman marrying into this WASP family and America’s most powerful class.


The Real Housewives of Atlanta

The Real Housewives of Atlanta 2008


Bravo's cameras turn to the Southern states as the network presents this inside look at the Real Housewives of Atlanta. These women handle the personal dramas that affect their affluent lifestyles with a signature Southern brand of “style” and “grace.”



Atlanta 2016


Two cousins work through the Atlanta music scene in order to better their lives and the lives of their families.


Married to Medicine

Married to Medicine 2013


Follows a group of successful and educated women who are connected to the world of medicine in Atlanta, including doctors and wives of doctors. Whether delivering babies in Louboutins or rushing off to galas in Buckhead, these women do everything with style, drama, and of course, southern flair.



Star 2016


Star is a tough-as-nails young woman who came up in the foster care system and decides one day to take control of her destiny. She tracks down her sister, Simone, and her Instagram bestie, Alexandra, and together, the trio journeys to Atlanta with the hope of becoming music superstars.



Profiler 1996


Rachel Burke is a criminal profiler, one of the best, actually. She, along with a sophisticated team of specialists on the FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force in Atlanta, investigates crimes throughout the country. Together, they solve the toughest of cases while trying to live their lives as best they can.


Designing Women

Designing Women 1986


Julia Sugarbaker, Mary Jo Shively, Charlene Frazier-Stillfield and Suzanne Sugarbaker are associates at their design firm, Sugarbaker and Associates. Julia is the owner and is very outspoken and strong-willed. Mary Jo is a divorced single-parent whom is just as strong-willed as Julia, but isn't as self-confident. Charlene is the naive and trusting farm girl from Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Suzanne is the self-centered ex-beauty queen whom has a number of wealthy ex-husbands.


Love & Hip Hop Atlanta

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta 2012


Get to know Atlanta hip-hop stars like Rasheesa Frost, Karlie Redd, Yung Joc, Renni Rucci, Erica Mena and more as they make music, build businesses and juggle their relationships.



Helix 2014


Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind's salvation...or total annihilation.



Containment 2016


An epidemic breaks out in Atlanta leaving the large city quarantined and those stuck on the inside fighting for their lives. This is the story of loved ones torn apart, and how the society that grows inside the quarantine reveals both the devolution of humanity and the birth of unlikely heroes.


Little Women: Atlanta

Little Women: Atlanta 2016


These new little ladies turn it up wherever they go, especially with club promoter Emily Fernandez leading the charge with identical twins, Andrea and Amanda Salinas, Bri Barlup, Ashley "Minnie" Ross and Tiffany "Monie" Cashette. The drama heats up with these friends as catfights erupt among their feisty personalities and power hierarchies. Like many friends, they deal with problems with their parents, fights over men and one little lady even has a baby on the way. When it comes down to it, this clique is not afraid to get into it with each other, but together they face the daily challenges that come with being a little person while proving they are the true queens of Atlanta.



Vanished 2006


Sara Collins is gone. But before the FBI can solve the mystery of where she is, they first need to figure out who she really is. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone is a suspect. Everyone has a secret. And no one is safe. Sara is the beautiful young wife of prominent Georgia Senator Jeffrey Collins, and she has gone missing. Through the eyes of Senior FBI Agent Graham Kelton, ambitious reporter Judy Nash and the distraught members of the Collins family, viewers will journey inside a sensational, mysterious national soap opera.


Preachers of Atlanta

Preachers of Atlanta 2016


Elite megapreachers in Atlanta are the focus of this reality series, the third entry in the "Preachers" franchise. The unconventional preachers tackle hot-button issues in America, such as racial tensions, while delivering spiritual messages in unique ways, including the use of hip-hop lyrics.


Ladies Who List: Atlanta

Ladies Who List: Atlanta 2022


Six professional Black women in business, including top-producing brokers, high-profile attorneys and luxury agents, manage their ever-changing work and personal relationships while serving clients in the Atlanta real estate market.