Raktažodis Love Problems
Be Abejo Turbūt 2008
Vilas Heisas – į ketvirtąją dešimtį įkopęs Manheteno gyventojas, įpusėjęs savo skyrybų procesą. Dešimtmetė Vilo dukra Maja netikėtai pradeda gana įkyrokai klausinėti tėčio apie tai, kaip jie susipažino su mama, kaip įsimylėjo ir apskritai – kokia buvo jų istorija. Vilas ima pasakoti. Pradžia – 1992-ieji, kuomet jaunas ir ambicingas politiko karjerą pradedantis vaikinas persikelia į Niujorką iš Viskonsino valstijos, kad papildytų prezidento rinkimų komandą. Vaikino asmeniniame gyvenime tuo metu atsiranda trys labai skirtingos moterys. Vilas pakeičia jų vardus, kad Maja pati galėtų pabandyti atspėti, kuri iš jų yra jos mama. Pasakojant šią istoriją ir tėvas, ir dukra suranda joje kažką naujo ir ypatingo. Maja supranta, kad meilė nėra toks paprastas jausmas, kaip gali pasirodyti iš pirmo žvilgsnio, o Vilui dukra padeda suprasti, kad meilei niekuomet nėra per vėlu, ir nesvarbu, kokia situacija – laiminga pabaiga vis dar įmanoma.
ลอง ลีฟ เลิฟว์ 2023
花宵道中 2014
Out-Minded 1970
La chaise invisible 2025
Beautiful Brooke 2016
モル 2002
Moterys meluoja geriau 2008
Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.
Pastewka 2005
Pastewka is a German television sitcom that began airing on German TV channel Sat.1 in 2005. The series, currently in its sixth season, is set in Cologne, with German actor Bastian Pastewka starring as a fictionalized version of himself. It has been compared to Seinfeld and Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm. The series was awarded, among others, the Rose d'Or and the German Television Prize. Series was directed by Joseph Orr and Jan Markus Linhof.
He Who Can't Marry 2006
Kekkon dekinai otoko, known in English as He Who Can't Marry, is a 2006 Japanese drama broadcast by Fuji TV. The theme song is "Swimmy" by Every Little Thing. The drama was produced by Kansai Telecasting Corporation and Media Mix Japan.
XX 2020
Yoon Na Na is a well-regarded bartender at XX bar. She takes pride in her work and position as the head bartender. She involves herself in other parts of XX like selecting menu items or setup of the interior. Her dream is to own XX bar. One day, the new owner of XX appears. She is Lee Roo Mi. The two women were best friends 5 years ago, but something happened between them. Yoon Na Na became upset at Lee Roo Mi. Now, Lee Roo Mi tries to make up with Yoon Na Na, but it's not easy.