Pro mano langą

Pro mano langą 2022


Ilgametis Raquel įsimylėjimas šalia esančiam kaimynui virsta kažkuo daugiau, kai jis pradeda jai jausti jausmus, nepaisant jo šeimos prieštaravimų.


Saulės kultas

Saulės kultas 2019


Danės ir Kristijano santykiai nenumaldomai artėja prie pabaigos, tačiau dėl nesenos tragedijos vieno iš jų šeimoje nė vienas nedrįsta ištarti lemtingų išsiskyrimo žodžių. Apsimesdami, kad viskas gerai, jiedu nusprendžia dalyvauti ypatingame renginyje. Nedideliame Švedijos kaimelyje kartą per 90 metų rengiamas ir devynias dienas trunkantis vidurvasario festivalis turėtų būti džiugia gamtos pašlovinimo švente, tačiau pamažu virsta kraują stingdančia senovinių užkeikimų ir kraupių ritualų ceremonija.



Paklydėliai 2023


Paliktas šuo susivienija su kitais benamiais šunimis, kad atkeršytų buvusiam šeimininkui.


Bloga nuo savęs

Bloga nuo savęs 2022


Signė ir Tomas yra nepagydomi narcizai. Jie negali pakęsti, kai vakarėlio svečių akys nėra nukreiptos į juos. Kad atsidurtų dėmesio centre, gali griebtis bet ko. Nesumokėti už maistą restorane? Lengvai. Pavogti kėdę iš parduotuvės? Jokių bėdų! Problemos prasideda, kai Tomas surengia kelias sėkmingas parodas ir sulaukia žiniasklaidos dėmesio. Jausdama, kad liko partnerio šešėlyje, Signė karštligiškai ieško išeities ir pradeda gerti baisų šalutinį poveikį turinčius vaistus. „Bloga nuo savęs“ yra baisiai šlykšti ir šlykščiai juokinga satyra apie žmones, kurių niekas nesugebėtų pamėgti. Bet reikia būti aklam, kad neatpažintum juose savęs.



Solo 2023




Cusp 2021



Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED 2002


Cosmic Era 71. Mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth, and Coordinators, genetically enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies known as PLANTs. The story revolves around a young Coordinator named Kira Yamato, who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony secretly developing mobile suits for the Earth Alliance is attacked by the PLANTs' military force, ZAFT.


I Bought Boyfriend with Loan

I Bought Boyfriend with Loan 2018


Tae Ukishima works at the front desk for a company. Her dream is to marry a competent man and live as a housewife. Her boyfriend is Shunpei Shiraishi and he works at the same company. They have dated for the past year. To marry him, Tae Ukishima pretends to act like a naive and shy person in front of him. Her real personality though is to speak frankly and making sharp remarks. Tae Ukishima wants to relieve her stress and she decides to purchase Jun Setsuna as her boyfriend. To pay off his debt, Jun Setsuna becomes an obedient boyfriend to Tae Ukishima.


90 Day: The Single Life

90 Day: The Single Life 2021


Six singles from the various 90 Day Fiancé series give dating another shot. Letting go of their past proves difficult as they have to go through first dates and falling in love all over again. The singles seek out the help of dating coaches, events, apps, friends and family.



Wilderness 2023


A dream holiday becomes a nightmare for a young British couple who seemingly have it all, as heartbreak turns into fury and revenge.


Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins

Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins 2022


Faith Jenkins investigates burgeoning romances from their sweet beginnings, and follows what happened all the way through to their bitter endings. With her background as a criminal prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, and her expertise in matters of the heart, Faith gives her professional POV of the nightmarish cases. With firsthand accounts from victims' family, friends and law enforcement, each episode reveals the inner workings of intimate attachments that seemed fated to last forever and ended in murder.


Shattered Hearts

Shattered Hearts 2022


American TV host, model and social activist Ananda Lewis looks at doomed love triangles, controlling relationships and dangerous romantic obsessions that end in murder.


The Guest

The Guest 1970


Ria has never had the time or opportunity to think about what she might actually want from the world. So, when she starts cleaning for successful business owner Fran, she's intoxicated by this confident and self-assured woman who encourages her to take control of her life and, when Ria flourishes, an intense friendship is forged. However, when Fran’s advice leads to a shocking event, the lives of these two very different women become intertwined by shared secrets and dangerous plots. What follows is a compelling and manipulative game of cat-and-mouse.