Žmogus-voras: aplink multivisatą

Žmogus-voras: aplink multivisatą 2023


Po susitikimo su Gven Staisi, Bruklino rajono draugiškasis Žmogus-Voras katapultuojasi per Multivisatą, kur susitinka su Žmonių-vorų komanda, kuriai pavesta apsaugoti patį jos egzistavimą. Tačiau kai herojai susiginčija, kaip susidoroti su nauja grėsme, Milesas atsiduria vienas prieš kitus Žmones-Vorus. Jam teks surasti savyje drąsos, ryžto bei jėgų ir imtis iniciatyvos, kad išgelbėtų tiek Multivisatą, tiek – svarbiausia – savo artimus ir mylimus žmones.


Žmogus-Voras™: Į naują visatą

Žmogus-Voras™: Į naują visatą 2018


Naujoje animacinėje juostoje žmogus voras žengia į paralelines Visatas. Visi žino Žmogaus-voro istoriją: radioaktyvus voras įkanda Piteriui Parkeriui ir vaikinas tampa antžmogiškų galių turinčiu superherojumi. Tačiau ši istorija yra teisinga tik mūsų Visatoje. Tuo tarpu kitoje, paralelinėje Visatoje, po Žmogaus-voro kauke slepiasi paprastas Bruklino vaikinukas Mailsas Moralesas. Lygiai kaip mes nieko nežinome apie jį, jis lygiai taip pat nieko nežino apie mus ir mūsų Žmogų-vorą Piterį Parkerį. Tačiau vieną dieną, Visatoms susilietus, Bruklino paauglys sužino apie tai, kad jis – toli gražu ne vienintelis. Viename taške persiklojus net kelioms paralelinėms Visatoms, Mailsas susipažįsta su savo kaukėtais kolegomis iš kitų pasaulių, tarp kurių – ir mergina, ir keistas padaras su straubliuku vietoj nosies. Kiekvienas iš jų yra superherojus savame pasaulyje, tačiau dabar grėsmė iškyla visai multivisatai ir atskirai nė vienas iš jų nėra pajėgus pasipriešinti šiai grėsmei.


Auksinis kompasas

Auksinis kompasas 2007


Dvylikametė Laira išsiruošia į Šiaurės ašigalį gelbėti paslaptingos organizacijos, atliekančios eksperimentus su vaikais, pagrobto draugo. Lairai teks susikauti su blogio jėgomis, tačiau jai į pagalbą atskubės įvairių pasakų personažai: šiaurės raganos, milžiniški lokiai bei gerosios fėjos. Kelionėje mergaitei atsivers praeities paslaptys ir neįtikėtinas ryšys su paraleliniu pasauliu.


Kloverfyldo stotis

Kloverfyldo stotis 2018


Astronautų įgula leidžiasi į pavojingą misiją, siekdami išgelbėti pasaulį nuo žūties. Komanda net nesuvokia, kokia sudėtinga jų laukia misija. Vykdant eksperimentą, įgulą ištinka nelaimė. Kad ir kaip sunku bebūtų žmonės privalo sukaupt visas jėgas, rasti išeitį ir kelią atgal į žemę...



Vienveidis 2001


Policininkas Gabrielius susiduria su savo tamsiąja puse, su atklydusiu iš kitos visatos, iš paralelinio pasaulio – kosminiu dvyniu, kuris siekia Gabrielių sunaikinti. Atklydėlį vejasi du ano pasaulio tvarkdariai. Jie Gabrieliui paaiškina, kad tik jis ir galįs sutramdyti savo dvynį. Teisybės ieškotojas Gabrielius veikiai įsipainioja į nemenkas avantiūras ir tampa taikiniu net ir savo kolegoms. Atrodo, kad blogojo dvynio dėka juo niekas nebetiki. Net ir mylima žmona.


Pietų parkas: Prisijungimas prie Panderverse

Pietų parkas: Prisijungimas prie Panderverse 2023


Kartmano pažįstamo ir mylimo gyvenimo pabaigą pranašauja nerimą keliantys sapnai. Dirbtinio intelekto atėjimui keičiant visuomenę, Pietų Parko suaugusieji kovoja su savo asmeniniais sprendimais.



Juodraštis 2018


Vieną dieną Kirilas pasijunta tarsi ištrintas iš savo gyvenimo. Staiga jo nebeatpažįsta nei draugai, nei šeima, nei mylima mergina. Jo bute gyvena svetimi žmonės, o darbe apie jį niekas nėra girdėjęs. Sukrėstam Kirilui apie naują realybę papasakoja keista nepažįstamoji. Pasak moters, vaikinas yra išrinktas tapti „muitininku“, kurio misija – saugoti vartus tarp daugybės paralelinių pasaulių. Dėl šios priežasties jo ankstesnis gyvenimas, jo praeitis yra ištrinti.


Kosminis pasivaikščiojimas

Kosminis pasivaikščiojimas 2018


„Kino pavasario“ nugalėtojos Rekos Bucsi („Simfonija Nr. 42“) nauja ir spalvinga fantazija nuskraidina į kupiną paslapčių Saulės sistemą. Ji privers pasijausti mažomis kur kas didesnio pasaulio dalelėmis. Kils minčių apie tikėjimą ir gyvenimą. Ar kada nors gebėsime suprasti visatą?


Love Game in Eastern Fantasy

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy 2024


Pulled into the pages of a fantasy novel, a woman is shocked to find herself stuck in the role of a villain. Now, she must battle to rewrite her destiny.


Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts 2009


Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. It is unknown why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him.



ChalkZone 2002


When anything is erased from a chalkboard, it’s not really gone – it just enters a realm called the Chalkzone. And fifth grader Rudy Tabootie found a way to go there! With a piece of “White Lightning” chalk, he can enter the Chalkzone any time he likes. In the Chalkzone, Rudy befriends Snap, a bold superhero Rudy drew years ago. But Rudy soon discovers not every doodle is friendly.


The Last Empress

The Last Empress 2018


In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.


Beryl & Sapphire

Beryl & Sapphire 2018


"I've been holding a few words back for a long time — I like you!" "Beryl and Sapphire" is a popular manhua created by artist Ocarina. Here includes protagonists with the most random names in history — the mild-mannered Beryl (Green) and the easily-embarrassed Sapphire (Blue). At times the closest of friends, at others the worst of enemies… In this donghua where each episode is set in a different world, how would they encounter each other time and again?? Only angst? Too painful! Nothing but fluff? Too sugary! Come watch B&S, the show where you'll never guess the ending…



PopPixie 2011


Protected and empowered by the magical Tree of Life, the miniature metropolis of Pixieville is home to a group of extraordinary little creatures.


Nobunaga the Fool

Nobunaga the Fool 2014


Many years ago the world was divided into two stars, the Eastern and the Western, that were connected by a bond known as the Dragon Pulse. On the Western Star, Jeanne D’Arc is shunned as a heretic for her visions of a champion who will save the planets that have become embroiled in war. Now the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance as, at the order of King Arthur, Jeanne travels from the West to the East with Leonardo Da’Vinci at her side, in search of their long awaited savior- Nobunaga!


LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy 2024


The entire Star Wars galaxy gets completely mixed up when an ordinary nerf-herder, Sig Greebling, unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden Jedi temple. He finds himself thrust into adventure in a new, wondrously wild and twisted version of the galaxy where good guys are bad, bad guys are good, and the fate of all depends on Sig becoming the hero who can put all the pieces back together.


Vice Versa

Vice Versa 2022


Talay wakes up in the body of a man named Tess, and re-encounters Puen, a famous actor, who is now in the body of Tun following an accident. The two have Phuwadol, a nurse — who helps people from the same universe they left behind — to guide them through life in this new universe. According to Phuwadol, there's a chance they may be one another's 'portkey' — people who can help them return to where they came from once they have completed what they need to achieve.


Kiss that Kills: Parallel

Kiss that Kills: Parallel 2018


What would happen if Ōtarō wouldn't be able to go back in time with a kiss and be revived? A real-world-like parallel timeline about what happens after Ōtarō's deaths.


Otherside Picnic

Otherside Picnic 2021


Friendless college girl Sorawo finds a door to another world one day — a strangely post-apocalyptic-feeling Otherside with serene emptiness, which becomes her new “special place.” There, she meets one other human, the beautiful and independent Toriko, and they explore the abandoned Otherside together.


Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall

Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall 2022


The year is 2062. Earth has been left in ruin after the failure of a labor automation project when the AI called Artemis waged war against humanity. A girl, Empress, awakens in a research lab. As one of the three surviving guardians, she must destroy the Orbital Elevator before Artemis can complete its construction. Failure will result in a machine army overrunning Earth.


Ultraman Neos

Ultraman Neos 2000


Ultraman Neos is a Japanese tokusatsu show, being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultraman Neos was initially intended as a TV series but the project was shelved. Years later, Tsuburaya turned the concept into a 12-episode direct-to-video series. In spite of the appearance of similar designs and a cameo by Zoffy, the series is set in an alternate universe.



Obsolete 2019


In 2014, aliens revealed themselves to request trade with humanity. In exchange for limestone, they would provide a consciousness-controlled general-use robot known as an "Exoframe." Cheaper than an aircraft, tank, or firearm, and easy enough for anyone to operate, the "Exoframe" spreads change throughout the world in the blink of an eye...


Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost 1974


Rick Marshall and his children Will and Holly are on a weekend expedition rafting down a river when an enormous earthquake diverts them to an eclectic alien world inhabited by dinosaurs, chimpanzee-like cavemen called Pakuni, and aggressive, humanoid lizard creatures called Sleestak.


Scar on the Praeter

Scar on the Praeter 2021


In the wake of a rebellion in the Akatsuki Special Ward of Tokyo, agents known as the Scard rise up to become the protectors of peace. With Divine Tattoos that each possess unique powers, they’ll have to fight to preserve their own definitions of justice.


Katana Maidens – A Flash of Light

Katana Maidens – A Flash of Light 2020


Our world is under constant threat from supernatural creatures called Aradama. Only the Toji, priestesses of the sword, can repel them. To do so, they join a special police brigade. The government has created five schools that train future priestesses. These girls are already putting their knowledge into practice to protect the population, but what drives them is the great tournament planned for next spring that will designate the best among them...


Dimension 20: Time Quangle

Dimension 20: Time Quangle 2024


The Intrepid Heroes traverse through the Dimension 20 multiverse and get into some shenanigans.