Raktažodis Bisexuality
Meilė, melas, kraujas 2024
Sporto klubo vadybininkė Lu pamilsta Džekę, kultūrizmu užsiimančią merginą, kuri sustoja mieste vykdama į konkursą Las Vegase.
Esminis instinktas 1992
Policijos inspektorius, tirdamas serijinių žmogžudysčių bylą, susipažįsta su kriminalinių romanų autore Ketrina – kerinčio grožio ir šalto proto moterimi, kuri ir yra pagrindinė įtariamoji byloje. Detektyvas pakliūna į jos žavesio tinklus ir nepajėgia atsispirti intelektualiosios gundytojos vilionėms. Seksas tampa prievartos sinonimu, o nevaldoma, protą užtemdžiusi aistra kiekvieną filmo herojų maksimaliai priartina prie pražūtingos ribos. Scena, kai įtariamoji žmogžudyste detektyvų rašytoja Ketrina Tremel į apklausa ateina be apatinio trikotažo, iki dabar laikoma praėjusių dešimtmečio kino erotizmo simboliu.
Kryčio anatomija 2023
Pastaruosius metus rašytoja Sandra, jos vyras Samuelis ir jų sūnus Danielis gyveno atokiame Prancūzijos Alpių miestelyje. Vieną dieną Samuelis randamas negyvas sniege prie jų namo ir Sandra tampa pagrindine įtariamąja. Prasidėjęs teismo procesas pamažu virsta viešu Sandros ir Samuelio sudėtingų santykių nagrinėjimu, o tyrimo eiga priklauso nuo jų aklo sūnaus parodymų.
Atominė blondinė 2017
Tarp Rytų ir Vakarų padalintame mieste kažkas nužudo slaptosios britų tarnybos MI6 agentą bei pasisavina itin slaptą ir kompromituojantį dvigubų agentų sąrašą. Išnarplioti susidariusios situacijos ir išgelbėti slaptosios tarnybos agentų tapatybes (o tuo pačiu – ir gyvybes) į Berlyną išsiunčiama geriausia MI6 agentė Lorena Broton, žinoma „Atominės blondinės” slapyvardžiu. Vienintelis žmogus, kuriuo ji gali pasikliauti svetimoje šalyje, apsupta priešų, yra vietinio britų žvalgybos biuro vadovas Deividas. Iš pirmo žvilgsnio – grubus ir netašytas, Deividas pasirodo besąs neįkainojamas partneris ir pagalbininkas. Pasitelkusi visus savo sugebėjimus ir nuolat žiūrėdama mirčiai į akis, Lorena ima sekti dar karštais šnipų-žudikų pėdsakais. Atominė blondinė privalo įvykdyti užduotį, išgelbėti Vakarų žvalgybą nuo sutriuškinimo ir atstatyti trapią pasaulio jėgų pusiausvyrą.
Frida 2002
Shiva Baby 2021
Liepsnojantis dangus 2023
Netoli Baltijos jūros pakrantės susipina keturių jaunų žmonių likimai. Egocentriškas, savimi abejojantis rašytojas Leonas ir fotografijos studijas pradėsiantis Feliksas atvyksta į Felikso mamos vasarnamį. Leonas nori baigti redaguoti naują knygą, o Feliksas – pasiruošti stojamiesiems egzaminams.
映画 佐々木と宮野ー卒業編ー 2023
Joven y alocada 2012
Ekstremalus filmas 2008
Siužetinė komedija apie paauglių sekso džiaugsmus ir nepatogumus. Bet daugiausia - apie gėdą.
Cabaret 1972
Beach Rats 2017
Les Valseuses 1974
Frontière(s) 2007
映画 ギヴン 2020
Samurai Flamenco 2013
Male model Masayoshi Hazama decides to become a superhero, despite having no superpowers or the technology to create a high-powered suit. He becomes the hero, Samurai Flamenco and begins to fight crime in the name of justice. Police officer Hidenori Goto finds out about Samurai Flamenco and his real identity by a twist of fate, which leads to him getting involved in lots of trouble. These two young men will come face to face with hardships of being crime-fighters while discovering what it truly means to be a hero of justice.
Great Pretender 2020
Supposedly Japan's greatest swindler, Makoto Edamura gets more than he bargained for when he tries to con Laurent Thierry, a real world-class crook.
Go Princess Go 2015
Zhang Peng is a playboy who hits his head as he falls into a pool when he's trying to run away from an ex-girlfriend. He wakes up to find that he's traveled a thousand years into the past but that's not even the biggest problem, he woke up as the crown princess, Zhang Peng Peng, of the dynasty. Hilarity ensues as Peng weighs between trying to get back to his time and leveraging his new female identity to seduce all the concubines and women he can. Did I forget to mention the hot crown prince and his equally handsome brother the 9th prince, who eventually fall in love with her.
Devilman Crybaby 2018
Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat, Ryo suggests combining with a demon. With this, Akira becomes Devilman, a being with the power of demon but with a human heart.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off 2023
Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes stand in the way of their love.
You Me Her 2016
An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.
Beryl & Sapphire 2018
"I've been holding a few words back for a long time — I like you!" "Beryl and Sapphire" is a popular manhua created by artist Ocarina. Here includes protagonists with the most random names in history — the mild-mannered Beryl (Green) and the easily-embarrassed Sapphire (Blue). At times the closest of friends, at others the worst of enemies… In this donghua where each episode is set in a different world, how would they encounter each other time and again?? Only angst? Too painful! Nothing but fluff? Too sugary! Come watch B&S, the show where you'll never guess the ending…
Merlí 2015
He’s surly, unorthodox, unapologetically blunt, and he’s about to change your life. Meet the new philosophy teacher, Merlí, who will help his students view the world in a whole new light, both in and out of the classroom.
Merlí. Sapere Aude 2019
In this drama set at a university, a wayward philosophy student navigate life on campus while seeking guidance from an intriguing new professor.
The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself 2022
Caught between two warring clans, the son of a notorious witch responsible for a deadly massacre tries to find his place in the world — and his powers.
High Seas 2019
Two sisters discover disturbing family secrets after a string of mysterious deaths occur on a luxury ship traveling from Spain to Brazil in the 1940s.
My Husband's Lover 2013
The story of Vincent Soriano who got his girlfriend Lally pregnant while they were still in college. They decided to get married even if Vincent's mother Elaine was very much against it. But unknown to Lally, Vincent is keeping a secret from her - a secret he kept from everyone else ever since he was young.
Teenage Bounty Hunters 2020
After joining forces with a veteran bounty hunter, sixteen-year-old fraternal twin sisters Sterling and Blair dive into the world of bail skipping baddies while still navigating the high stakes of teenage love and sex.
Gypsy 2017
The journey of Jean Holloway – a therapist who begins to develop dangerous and intimate relationships with the people in her patients' lives.
Visible: Out on Television 2020
Explore the history of the LGBTQ movement through the lens of TV in this five-part docuseries. Combining archival footage with new interviews, it looks at homophobia, invisibility, the evolution of LGBTQ characters, and coming out in the TV industry.
Escort Boys 2014
The story follows the life of Leopold. For all, he is a waiter in a luxury hotel, but the reality is quite different. Faced with money problems, he secretly leads the life of an escort boy. A series in a dramatic world, disturbing and sometimes funny, we will learn if Leopold is ready for anything for money.
The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo 2016
A wondrous story of the complexities of relationships, friendly and romantic that blurs the lines of expected tropes through random comedy and realistic, interconnected interactions.
To Give a Dream 2015
13 years ago, the Abe family moved to a town in the suburbs, surrounded by nature. The Abe family consists of their French father Toma (De Lencquesaing Nozomi), his Japanese wife Mikiko (Rinko Kikuchi) and their beautiful daughter Yuko (Kanon Tani). They appear like the perfect family. Mikiko managed to get her daughter Yuko to take part in a CM audition and she was picked by Murano (Joe Odagiri), director of the advertising agency. Yuko is now in show business. Several years later, Yuko (Nana Komatsu) transfers to a large entertainment company. As her mother wishes, Yuko is now popular and appears on the cover of magazines, variety shows and drama series. Yuko, though, feels an uncomfortable imbalance between her public image and her real self. During this time, she meets a dancer, Seiko (Mackenyu), who marches to the beat of his own drum, and falls in love with him.
I Love You 2 2018
At the age of 35, Hector happens to meet his childhood love Louise and falls in love with her all over again. But there's a big problem. He's gay and has been in a loving relationship with a man for several years. His life is turned upside down. He soon realizes that he doesn't want to have to choose between his two loves, Louise and Jérémie. How long can he keep the secret of his double life, the cause of both suffering and joy?
The Theory of Y 2017
Anna and Matheo's relationship is all but perfect when she meets Malik. Anna is confused about her sexuality and Malik's commitment issues are harboured by loyalty. La théorie du y is about how they find their way to live life through experiences, friendship and love.