Trečiojo Reicho žlugimas

Trečiojo Reicho žlugimas 2004


1945 m. balandžio 20-oji diena, Berlynas. A. Hitleris su svita slepiasi bunkeriuose po Vokietijos Kanceliarija su vadu kartu slepiasi ir jo asmeninė sekretorė Traut Jungė - 22-jų metų rausvaskruostė mergina iš Miuncheno. Rusų armija supa Berlyna vis glaudesniu žiedu, sostinė pavirtusi griuvėsiais. Vokietijos pralaimėjimas neišvengiamas – Berlyną gina tik saujelė kareivių, remiama Liaudies Nerguliariosios kariuomenės (Volkssturm) ir paauglių iš Hitlerio Jaunimo formuočių. Giliai bunkeriuose A. Hitlerio meilužė Eva Braun ruošia 56-ojo Fiurerio gimtadienio šventę.


Savigynos menas

Savigynos menas 2019


Šios juodosios komedijos epicentre - Keisis, kuris vieną kartą yra užpuolamas nepažįstamųjų gatvėje ir po šio incidento nusprendžia pradėti mokytis savigynos meno. Karatė mokykloje Keisis atranda savo pašaukimą ir žavia moterį-kovotoją. Jo gyvenimas ima keistis iš pagrindų.



K-9 1989


Kai kovos su narkotikais skyriaus inspektorius Maiklas Dulis imasi darbo, tai jau niekas jo nesulaikys. Bėda, kad užsispyrėliui netinka joks partneris. Tačiau ekstravagantiškas policininkas randa išeitį. Jam talkins dresavimo mokyklos pažiba, vilkšunis Džeris Li, vadinamasis agentas K-9, išmokytas ieškoti narkotikų. Mat inspektorių vaikosi narkotikų prekeivis, su kuriuo jiedu turi senų sąskaitų. Tad dabar Maiklas, kuris šunų net nemėgsta, priverstas su juo gyventi viename name, o ir šuo nelabai patenkintas. Jo charakteris dar bjauresnis už Dulio, jis dirba, kada nori, visaip rodo kaprizus, džiugiai palamdo Maiklo mašiną, jaukia namus ir asmeninį savo partnerio gyvenimą. Bet užtat puikiai sutaria su Maiklo drauge Teri.


Megan Lyvi

Megan Lyvi 2017


Filmas pagrįstas realia istorija, apie jauną Meganan Lyvi, kuri Irake sugebėjo išgelbėti daugelio žmonių gyvybes dėl savo unikalios drausmės ir atsidavimo,kartu su šunimi "Rex". Per metus "Megan" ir "Rex" atliko daugiau nei 100 misijų, kol vieną dieną, savarankiškai pagamintos bombos jie buvo rimtai sužeisti, tai atsiliepė jų ateičiai


K-9: Privatus detektyvas

K-9: Privatus detektyvas 2002


Detektyvas Dulis ir jo ištikimas partneris aviganis Džeris Li turėtų išeiti užsitarnauto poilsio. Tačiau netikėtai tenka pensiją atidėti. Garsus policininkas nė nemano sėdėti rankų sudėjęs ir laukti, kol ką nors išsiaiškins FTB. Jis nusprendžia pasinaudoti privataus detektyvo licencija ir pats viską nuodugniai ištirti.



K-911 1999


Tai antroji garsiosios komedijos “K-9” dalis. Džeimso Belušio įkūnytas herojus ir jo ištikimas keturkojis draugas gauna… naujus partnerius. Žavi policininkė drauge su paklusniu išmuštruotu dobermanu, kaip reikiant gadina dviem “policijos vilkams” gyvenimą. Tačiau visus pykčius ir nesutarimus tenka užmiršti, kai ketveriukė gauna užduotį susekti pavojingą nusikaltėlį…


Hudson & Rex

Hudson & Rex 2019


Detective Charlie Hudson teams up with what he calls his "highly trained law enforcement animal" German Shepherd dog named Rex who he prefers to team up with because he doesn't talk his ear off.


The Littlest Hobo

The Littlest Hobo 1979


The Littlest Hobo is a Canadian television series based upon a 1958 American film of the same name directed by Charles R. Rondeau. The series first aired from 1963 to 1965 in syndication, spanning six seasons and was revived for a popular second run on CTV from October 11, 1979 to March 7, 1985. It starred an ownerless dog. All three productions revolved around a stray German Shepherd, the titular Hobo, who wanders from town to town, helping people in need. Although the concept was perhaps similar to that of Lassie, the Littlest Hobo's destiny was to befriend those who apparently needed help. Despite the attempts of the many people whom he helped to adopt him, he appeared to prefer to be on his own, and would head off by himself at the end of each episode. Never actually named on-screen, the dog is often referred to by the name Hobo or by the names given by temporary human companions. Hobo's background is also unexplained on-screen. His origins, motivation and ultimate destination are also never explained. Although some characters appeared in more than one episode, the only constant was the Littlest Hobo himself.


The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin

The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin 1954


The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin is an American children's television program. Beginning in October 1954 until May 1959, 166 episodes originally aired on ABC television network. It starred child actor Lee Aaker as Rusty, a boy orphaned in an Indian raid, who was being raised by the soldiers at a US Cavalry post known as Fort Apache. He and his German shepherd dog, Rin Tin Tin, helped the soldiers to establish order in the American West. Texas-born actor James Brown appeared as Lieutenant Ripley "Rip" Masters. Co-stars included veteran actor Joe Sawyer and actor Rand Brooks from Gone with the Wind fame.



Kelly 1991


Kelly is a Australian children's television series that first screened on Network Ten in 1991. The series was produced by Jonathan M. Shiff Productions and featured the adventures of a former highly trained German Shepherd police dog called Kelly.


The Littlest Hobo

The Littlest Hobo 1963


A German Shepherd roams ceaselessly, pausing solely to perform acts of kindness or assist those in distress, before resuming his never-ending journey.


Run, Joe, Run

Run, Joe, Run 1974


Run, Joe, Run was a Saturday morning television program that aired on NBC from 1974 to 1976. It centered around Joe, a German Shepherd in the military's K-9 Corp., and his master, Sergeant Will Corey. One day, during training, Joe was falsely accused of attacking his master, a crime for which the dog would be put to sleep as punishment. However, he escaped before being killed and a $200 bounty was put on his head. Sgt. Corey believed Joe was innocent and also pursued him, hoping to find Joe before the authorities did. While on the run, Joe helped people he encountered. During the show's second season, Sgt. Corey, having never found Joe, was called back to duty. Joe then teamed with a hiker, Josh McCoy, and continued to help others, all the while still on the run. The show was considered as a cross between Lassie and The Fugitive. Like The Fugitive, and later, The Incredible Hulk, it centered around a falsely accused person running from authorities and helping out people he meets along the way. The show was produced by William P. D'Angelo Productions, who also produced the NBC young adult drama, Westwind.