Tylus skrydis

Tylus skrydis 1972


Filmo veiksmas vyksta tolimoje ateityje. Žemėje sunaikinta visa augmenija ir gyvūnija. Tik keletas jo pavyzdžių išsaugota didžiuliuose šiltnamius primenančiuose kupoluose, esančiuose kosminėje stotyje. Tarp keturių stoties mokslininkų įgulos yra botanikas ir ekologas Frimanas Lovelas, kuris rūpinasi miškų augmenija iki būsimo jos sugrįžimo į Žemę. Didžiausią savo gyvenimo dalį jis ir praleidžia šiame dirbtiniame miške augindamas įvairius augalus ir veisdamas įvairias gyvūnų rūšis. Kai iš Žemės atkeliauja įsakymas sunaikinti kupolus, Frimanas pradeda maištą. Kartu su trimis sumaniais robotais jis stengiasi žūtbūt išsaugoti žmonijai likusius gyvosios gamtos pavyzdžius. O tai nėra lengva...



Ruka 1965



The Private Life of Plants

The Private Life of Plants 1995


Without plants, there would be no food, no animals of any sort, no life on earth at all. Yet for most of the time their lives remain a secret to us, hidden, private events.The reason is merely a difference of time. Plants live on a different time-scale from ours. Though not obviously to the naked eye, they are constantly on the move: developing, fighting, avoiding or exploiting predators or neighbours, struggling to find food, to increase their territories, to reproduce themselves, to find and hold a place in the sun. We only need to learn to look.



Life 2009


David Attenborough looks at the extraordinary ends to which animals and plants go in order to survive. Featuring epic spectacles, amazing TV firsts and examples of new wildlife behaviour.


Power Of Plants

Power Of Plants 2022


Far From being passive or boring, Plants have evolved a host of tricks to beat the elements, predators and other plants


Destination jardin avec Guillaume

Destination jardin avec Guillaume 2017


Guillaume Thibert gives us a glimpse into the world of flowers and plants alongside his mother and his team, while they interact with plants, customers, and suppliers.


Kingdom of Plants

Kingdom of Plants 2012


Sir David discovers a microscopic world that’s invisible to the naked eye, where insects feed and breed, where flowers fluoresce and where plants communicate with each other and with animals using scent and sound.


Basil Planter

Basil Planter 2006


As part of the drama, the work deals with the character of a snirror, a person who is interested in planting and selling the basil plant, and things go normally until he hits people who rent his house and try to defraud him and implicate him in many failed projects.



GardenSMART 2007


This informative PBS gardening how-to documentary series covers the United States visiting beautiful public and private gardens and resorts, providing helpful advice and tips along the way.