Spąstai tėvams

Spąstai tėvams 1998


Vasaros stovykloje netikėtai susitinka dvi mergaitės – Helė ir Enė. Pasirodo, kad jos panašios kaip du vandens lašai! Mergaitės išsiaiškina, kad jos – dvynės, atskirtos nuo pat gimimo. Viena gyvena su tėčiu, o kita – su mama. Sesutės susikeičia vietom ir sumąsto, kaip vėl apvesdinti savo tėvus ir nubaidyti naująją tėčio sužadėtinę.


Purvini šokiai

Purvini šokiai 1987


Septyniolikmetė Beibi (akt. Jennifer Grey) su šeima atvyksta atostogų į prabangų viešbutį. Naivi ir miela mergina kaip mat susidraugauja su viešbučio personalu, vienas kurių – žavingas šokėjas Džonis (akt. Patrick Swayze). Bandydama padėti į keblią padėtį patekusiai vyruko šokių partnerei Peni (akt. Cynthia Rhodes), mergina tampa Džonio šokių mokine, o netrukus ir žengia ant parketo. Tačiau svaiginantys muzikos ritmai, vis labiau kaistanti atmosfera ir žavingas šokių mokytojas pakerta Beibi ir mergina leidžiasi suviliojama šokių ir pasiduoda meilei.


Penktadienis 13-oji

Penktadienis 13-oji 1980


Siaubo Istorija apie jaunuolių grupę, stovyklavusią prie Krištolinio ežero. Tai vyko penktadienį, 13 dieną.


Penktadienis 13-oji: III dalis

Penktadienis 13-oji: III dalis 1982


Pasprukęs praeitoje dalyje, Džeisonas sugrįžo, su ledo ritulio kauke ir kita, kad pratęstų savo žudynes aplinkui Krištolo ežerą.


Adamsų šeimos vertybės

Adamsų šeimos vertybės 1993


Dėdė Pūlinys įsimyli (ar bent jau galvoja įsimylėjęs) Debbę - naująją Adamsų auklę, pasamdyta auklėti jauniasią šeimos atžalą. Debbei rūpi tik Festerio pinigai, bet norėdama juos pasigrobti, ji pirmiausia turi atskirti savo "mylimąjį" nuo jo šeimos. Didžiasi vestuvių priešininkai Penktadienė ir Pugžlys jos dėka yra išsiunčiami į vasaros stovyklą...


Baimės gatvė 2 dalis: 1978

Baimės gatvė 2 dalis: 1978 2021


Šeidisaidas, 1978-ieji. Mokykla vasarą uždaryta, tačiau ,,Naktinio sparno" stovyklavietėje pramogos dar tik prasidės. Kai kitas šeidisaideris yra apsėstas su troškimu žudyti, linksmybės saulėje virsta žiauria kova dėl išlikimo.


Penktadienis 13-oji: II dalis

Penktadienis 13-oji: II dalis 1981


Ponia Voorhees negyva, o stovykla "Crystal Lake" uždaryta, tačiau šalia liūdnai pagarsėjusios vietos esančią stovyklą persekioja nežinomas užpuolikas.


Pasaulio kraštas

Pasaulio kraštas 2019


Keturi nepritapėliai sujungia jėgas, kad išgelbėtų pasaulį, kai ateivių invazija nutraukia jų vasaros stovyklą.


Paskutinės merginos

Paskutinės merginos 2015


Įvykių centre – mergina, vardu Max (akt. Taissa Farmiga), sunkiai išgyvenanti mamos mirtį. 80-iais jos mama buvo tikra kino žvaigžde. Vieną lemtingą vakarą, bežiūrint filmą, kuriame vaidino merginos mama, ji, drauge su likusiais draugais, netikėtai patenka į šį filmą. Šiurpūs nuotykiai prasideda...


Teatro stovykla

Teatro stovykla 2023


Vėl prasidėjus vasarai, vaikai iš visų kraštų renkasi į „AdirondACTS“, nedidelę teatro stovyklą Niujorko valstijoje, kuri yra pradedančiųjų atlikėjų prieglobstis. Po to, kai nepalaužiama stovyklos įkūrėja Džoana (vaidina Amy Sedaris) nugrimzta į komą, jos nieko nesuprantančiam sūnui Trojui (Jimmy Tatro) tenka užduotis išlaikyti teatrą. Artėjant finansiniam žlugimui, Trojus turi suvienyti jėgas su Amošu (Ben Platt), Rebeka Diana (Molly Gordon) ir jų ekscentriškų mokytojų grupe, kad iki premjeros vakaro sugalvotų sprendimą.



Galis 2012


The series focuses upon a summer camp called Galis, and the adventures of campers to Treasure Sargon - Boards Fate and Lost City. Galis is a spin-off of the series "The Dreamers".


BUNK'D: Learning the Ropes

BUNK'D: Learning the Ropes 2015


Siblings Emma, Ravi, and Zuri Ross leave their extravagant New York City penthouse once again to return to Camp Kikiwaka, a rustic summer camp in Maine where their parents met as teenagers.


Camp Lazlo

Camp Lazlo 2005


The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.


Total Drama Island

Total Drama Island 2007


Total Drama Island focuses on twenty-two teenagers' arrival at Camp Wawanakwa to compete on a reality television show. The contestants are divided into two teams and must compete in challenges every three days. While the winning team earns invincibility, the losing team has to vote off one of their own players. Whoever is voted off must walk the Dock of Shame to the Boat of Losers and leave the island. The teams eventually dissolve and the elimination process continues until the last contestant standing wins a grand prize of $100,000.


Camp Lakebottom

Camp Lakebottom 2013


Three kids spend a fun summer at Camp Lakebottom, an old, run down and ridiculously spooky summer camp with monsters as counselors, french flies for lunch, and literal “killer” waves.


The A List

The A List 2018


Romance, rivalry and radical mystery collide as a group of teens attend a remote island sleepaway camp in this suspenseful, supernatural drama.



Camp 2013


Off the grid and miles from civilization, Little Otter Family Camp has summer fun for everyone. Parents decompress over gin and tonics while their kids run wild, and teenage counselors fall in and out of love. Mackenzie Granger is the camp owner and director. Still reeling from her recent divorce, Mackenzie is ready for a fresh start. She is running things on her own for the first time and scrambling to keep the cash-strapped Little Otter from going under.


Camp Candy

Camp Candy 1989


Camp Candy is a 1989-1992 animated television series produced by DIC Entertainment, with comedian John Candy providing the voice for an animated version of himself.


Salute Your Shorts

Salute Your Shorts 1991


Salute Your Shorts is an American comedy television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 1991 to 1992 and in reruns until early 1999. It was based on the 1986 book, Salute Your Shorts: Life at Summer Camp by Steve Slavkin. The series, filmed at Franklin Canyon Park and the Griffith Park Boys Camp within Griffith Park in Los Angeles, was set at the summer camp Camp Anawanna. It focuses on teenage campers, their strict and bossy counselor, and the various capers and jocularities they engage in. The title comes from a common prank campers play on each other: a group of kids steals a boy's boxer shorts and raise them up a flagpole. Hence, when people see them waving like a flag, other kids would salute them as part of the prank.


Dan Vs.

Dan Vs. 2011


Dan, a short (and short-tempered) man, has nothing better to do with his time than rail against what he perceives to be life's injustices – even if he's completely in the wrong. Whether it's a beef against a fast-food chain, an untalented barber, the entirety of Canada, the game of baseball or lemonade-selling children, petulant Dan is always spurred into action, usually dragging his best friend Chris and Chris' undercover operative wife, Elise, along on the revenge-filled ride.


Camp Runamuck

Camp Runamuck 1965


Camp Runamuck is an American sitcom which aired on NBC during the 1965-1966 television season. The series was created and executive produced by David Swift, and aired for 26 episodes.


Camp Snoopy

Camp Snoopy 2024


After discovering their troop is in danger of disbanding, Snoopy and the Beagle Scouts set off to the great outdoors to earn their badges. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown and friends enjoy their summer at Camp Spring Lake.


Dead of Summer

Dead of Summer 2016


Set in the late 1980s, school is out for the summer, and a sun-drenched season of firsts beckons the counselors at Camp Clearwater, a seemingly idyllic Midwestern summer camp, including first loves, first kisses – and first kills. Clearwater’s dark, ancient mythology awakens, and what was supposed to be a summer of fun soon turns into one of unforgettable scares and evil at every turn.


Beaver Falls

Beaver Falls 2011


Three British graduates blag jobs at an elite American summer camp. The guys want a summer of fun, but they have to set an example to the gorgeous teenage offspring of California's rich and powerful.


Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders

Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders 2022


The true story of three young Oklahoma girls, found murdered after their first night at sleep-away camp. The tragedy, as well as the manhunt and trial of their suspected killer, captivated the nation in the summer of 1977. But decades later, uncertainties surrounding the case continue to haunt the Tulsa community, local law enforcement, and the victims' families.


Puberty Camp

Puberty Camp 2020


Welcome to the most embarrassing place on earth, Puberty Camp! There will be a stench of sweat, menstrual spots, pimples and everything that belongs to puberty.


Camp Wannakiki

Camp Wannakiki 2018


A drag reality show where the premise is simple...take a bunch of drag queens to an actual summer camp and see who can outlast the rest to claim the crown 'Queen of Camp'.