Donald Douglas Greenfingers Dead Lucky Give My Regards to Broad Street She's Been Away A Mind to Murder Bridžitos Džouns dienoraštis: Ties proto riba L'Ombre d'un mensonge En fiende att dö för Kalnietis. Žaidimo pabaiga Lace 2 The Man Who Lived at the Ritz Seal Island Bridžitos Džouns dienoraštis Bridžitos Džouns kūdikis Vienu tiltu per toli Diana: Her True Story A Is for Acid The Reckoning Skin Deep Orkney The Lie Iš pragaro Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment Christopher's Movie Matinee Daktaras Kas Fresh Fields Agatos Kristi. Puaro Minder Minder Second Sight The Main Chance Peak Practice Blake's 7 Justice Kavanagh Q.C. Sense and Sensibility Kavanagh Q.C. Bergerac Play for Today The Wednesday Play Lord Peter Wimsey: Five Red Herrings Charles II: The Power and The Passion The Onedin Line Peter and Paul Strange Report Play for Today Karūna The Professionals The Avengers Budgie Cloud Howe