Robert M. Stevens Honor Bound Serial Mom Pecker Kaimynai New York, New York Žąsine, kur mano automobilis? The Man Who Knew Too Little Mask Kickin' It Old Skool Crackers The People Next Door Simply Irresistible Frances There Goes the Neighborhood: The Making of The 'Burbs Lipstick Breast Men Straight Time Cecil B. Demented Delirious Murder at 1600 Mr. Boogedy Veino pasaulis Nuogas ginklas 2½: Baimės kvapas Nuogas ginklas 33⅓ House Broken Fear Vaiduoklių medžiotojai Busting Vanessa in the Garden Racing with the Moon Nuogas ginklas: Iš ypatingojo policijos skyriaus Pats baisiausias filmas 3 Butch and Sundance: The Early Days Amazing Stories Taking the Heat The Legend of the Lone Ranger Peeper National Lampoon's Vacation Beyond the Law Nothing but Trouble A Kidnapping in the Family