Nhi Do Stebėtojų lyga Auroros Tygarden detektyvai. Medaus mėnuo, medaus žmogžudystė The Week They Won Spread High End Dying The Sorrow Devoured Jeffrey LEGO Friends: Holiday Special Door Mouse Tiger by the Tail Magic Stocking Small Town Christmas Stranger with My Face You're Bacon Me Crazy FREYA Mulligans Sužvejota meilė MatchMaker Mysteries: The Art of the Kill Poisoned in Paradise: A Martha's Vineyard Mystery Operation Gingham Good News Dil Rakh: Gloves of Kin Spread The Sorrow Querencia Tarnaitė. Vienišos mamos istorija LEGO Friends Heartlake Stories Eureka Be regėjimo The Irrational