Zaļknābis pie stūres

Zaļknābis pie stūres 2017


Viņš ir jauns un talantīgs, galvenokārt, tad, kad ātri jātiek prom no nozieguma vietas. Kad viņš satiek savu sapņu meiteni, viņš saredz iespēju aizmukt no kriminālās pasaules. Taču tas nav tik vienkārši kā šķiet - Mazais tiek iesaistīts vēl vienā noziegumā, kas apdraud viņa dzīvi, mīlestību un brīvību.



Skudrcilvēks 2015


Blēdis Skots Lengs tiek apbruņots ar īpašu kostīmu, kam piemīt pārsteidzoša spēja samazināt savu īpašnieku, vienlaikus ievērojami palielinot viņa spēku. Tagad Skotam jākļūst par supervaroni. Vai viņam izdosies palīdzēt doktoram Henkam Pimam?


Cietais rieksts

Cietais rieksts 1988


Šajā spriedzes trillerī, kas pacēla latiņu šī žanra filmām, Brūss Viliss atveido Ņujorkas policistu Džonu Makleinu, kurš Losandželosā ir ieradies pavadīt brīvdienas ar savu sievu Holiju. Bet, kamēr Makleins gaida, līdz beigsies Holijas darba ballīte, ēkā iebrūk teroristi. Grupējuma vadonis Hanss Grūbers ar saviem padotajiem sagrābj ķīlniekus, bet Makleins tikmēr gatavojas pieteikt viena cilvēka karu, un uzvarēt tajā var tikai Makleins!



Sadursme 1995


Nīls Makkoulijs savu ceļu noziedzības pasaulē izkarojis pats. Viņš ir gudrs, vērīgs un nenotverams. Makkoulijs ir viens no iekārojamākajiem zagļiem kriminālajās aprindās, kurš rūpīgi izkalkulē riskus. Ja zādzību nav iespējams veikt 30 sekundēs, tad tas nav tā vērts. Vinss Hanna ir ambiciozs policists, kurš nepieļauj kļūdas un vienmēr ir «spēles virsotnēs».



Pilsēta 2010


Filma ir par četriem banku laupītājiem. Kāds no laupītājiem bankas laupīšanas laikā iemīlas bankas darbiniecē. Izveidot un saglabāt šādas attiecības nav viegli, sevišķi, ja uz pēdām ir FIB aģenti.


Itālijas variants

Itālijas variants 2003


Plāns bija nevainojams, tas tika izpildīts līdz pilnībai un viņiem bija skaidrs aizbēgšanas ceļš. Vienīgais riska faktors, kuru galvenais kriminālprocess Čārlijs Krokers nespēja novērst, nāca no viena no bandas locekļiem, kura sastāvā bija viņa iekšējais vīrietis Stīvs, datoru ģēnijs Lils, šoferis Robs, sprāgstvielu eksperts "Kreisā auss" un veterāns seifa uzlauzējs Džons Bridžers. . Pēc satriecoša miljonu dolāru liela trieciena spēcīgi apsargātā Venēcijas palazzo Čārlijs un banda ir šokēti, atklājot, ka kāds no viņiem viņus ir nodevis. Tagad tas vairs nav par laupīšanu, bet par atriebību. Tad skaistais Stella ieiet notikuma vietā - eksperts seifa meklētājs, kurš pievienojas Čārlijam un bandai, kad viņi atgriežas Kalifornijā, meklējot nodevēju.


Oušena ducis

Oušena ducis 2004


Denijs Oušens un viņa krimināli neatvairāmie draugi gan labprāt dzīvotu klusi un nemanāmi, baudītu savu naudu, taču Terijam Benediktam tomēr ir izdevies viņus atrast. Jā, visus! Un Terijs zina arī, kā piedraudēt katram no viņiem. Lai dabūtu savu naudu atpakaļ. Un ar procentiem – trīs gados viņam nozagtie 160 miljoni taču būs uzkrājuši labus procentus, vai ne? Rādās vien, ka Denijam un viņa draugiem būs atkal jāizdomā kāds darbiņš..


Oušena banda

Oušena banda 2001


Danny Ocean ir harizmātisks zaglis, kurš tikai 24 stundas pēc ilga cietumsoda izciešanas jau plāno savu nākamo noziegumu. Viņa mērķis: atbrīvot lielāko kazino vēsturi vēsturē. Lai to izdarītu, viņš izveidos vienpadsmit vīru komandu, katra no tām būs labākā savā laukumā. Tomēr radīsies negaidīta problēma: telpu īpašnieks Terijs Benediks iepazīstas ar Tesu, savu bijušo sievu.



Transā 2013


Izsoles nama darbinieks Saimons ir izplānojis gleznas zādzību, taču, būdams tāls no kriminālās pasaules, noalgo šim darbam pieredzējušus zagļus. Laupīšanas laikā notiek incidents, kurā Saimons saņem sitienu pa galvu, zaudē samaņu un pamostas slimnīcā ar daļēju amnēziju. Glezna ir pazudusi un viņš ir vienīgais, kurš varētu zināt tās atrašanās vietu.


One Cent Thief

One Cent Thief 2022


With his ill father medical bills piling up, a cash-stapped banker devises an elaborate scheme to steal one cent from every customer's account.



Kaleidoscope 2023


A master thief and his crew attempt an epic and elaborate heist worth $7 billion dollars — but betrayal, greed and other threats undermine their plans.



Firefly 2002


In the year 2517, after the arrival of humans in a new star system, follow the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship.


Sky Rojo

Sky Rojo 2021


On the run from their pimp and his henchmen, three women embark on a wild and crazy journey in search of freedom.


Carmen Sandiego

Carmen Sandiego 2019


A master thief who uses her skills for good, Carmen Sandiego travels the world foiling V.I.L.E.'s evil plans -- with help from her savvy sidekicks.


The Great Heist

The Great Heist 2020


Based on the 1994 robbery of US$33 million from Colombia's central bank, which turned the country upside down.


Bank Under Siege

Bank Under Siege 2024


Spain, 1981: When armed men hold up a bank and take hundreds hostage, a reporter races against the authorities to uncover the true motive for the heist.


The Kill Point

The Kill Point 2007


A small group of military veterans sets out to rob a major bank in Pittsburgh. When things go awry, they're forced to take more than a dozen hostages from all walks of life, including a wealthy and powerful businessman's daughter.


Money Heist

Money Heist 2017


To carry out the biggest heist in history, a mysterious man called The Professor recruits a band of eight robbers who have a single characteristic: none of them has anything to lose. Five months of seclusion - memorizing every step, every detail, every probability - culminate in eleven days locked up in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain, surrounded by police forces and with dozens of hostages in their power, to find out whether their suicide wager will lead to everything or nothing.


The Sticky

The Sticky 2024


Ruth Clarke, a tough, supremely competent middle-aged Canadian maple syrup farmer has had it with being hemmed in by the polite, bureaucratic conventions native to her country’s identity. With the help of Remy Bouchard, a pint-sized local blockhead and an aging Mike Byrne, a low-level mobster, Ruth changes her fate — and transforms the future of her community with the theft of millions of dollars’ worth of maple syrup.



Culprits 2023


Family man Joe Petrus is living the American dream with his fiancé and step-kids. However, unbeknownst to them, Joe was involved in a mysterious crime three years ago and now his dangerous past is about to catch up with him. When a killer starts targeting the crew behind the crime, Joe realizes it's only a matter of time before his family is targeted. He returns to London to track down his old gang and find out who is coming after them.


The Day

The Day 2018


The nerve-racking events of a cold winter's day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims.


The Helicopter Heist

The Helicopter Heist 2024


Two childhood friends decide to try one last heist — to rob millions from Sweden's safest cash depot. But the police are already on their heels.


Inside Men

Inside Men 2012


The story of three employees of a security depot who plan and execute a multi-million pound cash heist.


Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist

Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist 2024


The story of how on the night of Ali’s defeat of Jerry Quarry, which came after he was banned from boxing for refusing to enter the military draft, hundreds of guests at an after-party were robbed at gunpoint, becoming one of the largest armed robberies the country has ever seen.



Pushovers 2011


Six men unfairly dismissed from their jobs, decide to take revenge and form an inexperienced band to rob the trucks of their old transport company. But what they ignore is that the new owner is one of the most dangerous mobsters of all South America.



Ice 2016


A diamond dealer navigates the culturally diverse and treacherous world of the diamond business.



Smith 2006


Though Bobby Stevens appears to be a regular family man with a nine-to-five job, he's actually an expert thief who is seeking a few last big jobs so he can finally leave the business for a comfortable, lawful lifestyle with his wife, Hope, and their two children. While they never discuss Bobby's illegal pursuits, Hope is growing weary of turning a blind eye.


Hei$t: The Great Robbery of Brazil's Central Bank

Hei$t: The Great Robbery of Brazil's Central Bank 2022


In August 2005, through a tunnel almost 80 meter long, thiefs invaded the bank vault of Brazil's Central Bank in Fortaleza and stole over 160 milions reais, ou or nealy 3,5 tons of cash. This documenty explores that spectacular and historic heist.



Thief 2006


Nick Atwater, the leader of a robbery crew, is balancing his personal life with the planning of a major heist while being targeted by a relentless cop and the Chinese mafia.