Slēgtā sala

Slēgtā sala 2010


1954. gads. Maršals Tedijs Deniels un viņa pārinieks Čaks dodas uz cietumu garīgi slimiem noziedzniekiem, kas atrodas nomaļajā Slēgtajā salā, lai izmeklētu kādas pacientes pazušanu. Izmeklēšana norisinās veiksmīgi līdz brīdim, kad Tedijs atrod pierādījumus, ka cietuma speciālisti ārstē savus pacientus ar nelikumīgām metodēm – cietuma galvenā ārsta pieeja pacientu rehabilitācijai un ārstēšanai balansē starp neētisku, nelegālu un šausminošu. Drīz stipras vētras dēļ pārtrūkst visi sakari ar ārpasauli, un Tedijs kopā ar pārinieku kļūst par noslēpumainās salas gūstekņiem. Tedijs arvien dziļāk iegrimst tumsā, salas rēgainajos skāvienos un savas pagātnes šausmu zibšņos, apšaubot ne tikai savu pārinieku un slimnīcas vadību, bet arī savu veselo saprātu...


Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


2035. gadā notiesātais Džeimss Kols negribīgi pieteicās nosūtīt atpakaļ laikā, lai atklātu nāvējošā vīrusa izcelsmi, kas iznīcināja gandrīz visus zemes iedzīvotājus un piespieda izdzīvojušos iekļūt pazemes kopienās. Bet, kad Kols kļūdas dēļ tiek nosūtīts uz 1990. gadu, nevis 1996. gadu, viņš tiek arestēts un ieslodzīts psihiatriskajā slimnīcā. Tur viņš satiek psihiatri Dr. Ketrīnu Reiliju un pacientu Džefriju Goinsu, slavena vīrusu eksperta dēlu, kuram, iespējams, ir noslēpumainās negodīgo grupas, 12 pērtiķu armijas, atslēga, kas, domājams, ir atbildīga par slepkavas slimības atbrīvošanu.


Misters Stikls

Misters Stikls 2019


Apsarga Deivida Dana superspējas palīdz notvert Kevinu Vendelu Krambu, vīru, kura garīgie traucējumi ļauj viņam pārtapt 24 dažādās personībās.



Palāta 2010


Psihiatriskajā klīnikā mīt spoks, kas terorizē pacientus


Sapņu māja

Sapņu māja 2011


Ģimene pārvācas uz jaunu dzīvesvietu un drīz vien noskaidro, ka iepriekšējie īpašnieki bija iesaistīti kādā nežēlīgā noziegumā.


Kapu Satikšanās

Kapu Satikšanās 2011


Spoku ķērāju TV realitātes šova dalībnieki piekrīt pavadīt nakti pamestā psihiskajā slimnīcā par kuru jau sen klīst leģendas.



Rats 2003




Bird 1988



It's Okay to Not Be Okay

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 2020


Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected – a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.


My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary 2013


Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl Rae, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months after attempting suicide, begins to reconnect with her best friend Chloe and her group, who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months.



Maniac 2018


Two strangers are drawn to a mysterious pharmaceutical trial that will, they're assured, with no complications or side-effects whatsoever, solve all of their problems, permanently. Things do not go as planned.



Mental 2016


Four young adults with different stories but the same destination; closed psychiatric ward.


Takin' Over the Asylum

Takin' Over the Asylum 1994


A salesman starts to run a hospital radio station inside a facility for people with mental heath needs.



Asylum 1996


Asylum is a British comedy series which was shown on Paramount Comedy Channel in 1996. Set in a mental asylum, it ran for one series of six episodes. Unlike traditional sitcoms or comedy television shows, it was to some extent an opportunity for stand-up routines by various comedians, mixed with an overall story involving much black humour. It is significant for involving a large number of British comedians, many who have gone on to work on some of the most successful comedy programmes of the last decade. It marked the first collaboration of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson, who would go on to make cult sitcom Spaced. Many of the characters names were the same as those of the actors who portrayed them. David Devant & His Spirit Wife were the "house band" for the series, performing segments in every episode, from their first album, Work, Lovelife, Miscellaneous. The lead-in track "Ginger" served as the programme's title music. The series has yet to be released on DVD; however, the full episodes are viewable on Norman Lovett's website.


Too Close

Too Close 2021


A dedicated forensic psychiatrist, Emma Robertson, is assigned to assess the sanity of Connie Mortensen, a “yummy mummy” accused of a despicable crime.


Pinel : au coeur de la maladie mentale

Pinel : au coeur de la maladie mentale 2018


Follows the daily lives of caregivers and patients who live and work inside Philippe-Pinel Institute. The institute welcomes patients who committed violent acts and have been declared not criminally responsible, but who are still a threat to themselves and others.