Lielais 6

Lielais 6 2014


Jaunais Hiro Hamada – izgudrotājs un robotu konstruēšanas ģēnijs. Kopā ar vecāko brāli Tadaši viņi realizē pašas pārgalvīgākās tehnoloģijas nākotnes pilsētas Sanfransokijas Tehniskajā universitātē. Pēc noslēpumainu notikumu sērijas draugi nokļūst bīstamas sazvērestības centrā. Izmisumā Hiro nolemj izmantot jautro un labsirdīgo eksperimentālo robotu Beimaksu, pārprogrammējot viņu par neievainojamu kaujas mašīnu.


Jaukās dienas

Jaukās dienas 2023


Klusais Hirajama ceļas rītausmā, uzvelk darba drēbes, nopērk dzēriena kārbu, iesēžas savā mikroautobusā un dodas uz pilsētu. Viņš tīra Tokijas sabiedriskās tualetes, it kā tās būtu svēta vieta un viņa darbs būtu rituāls. Reizēm Hirajama sēž parkā un ēd sviestmaizi, reizēm pacietīgi palīdz kādam vieglprātīgam kolēģim. Pēc darba braucot mājup, viņš apstājas pirtī, mašīnā klausās Petijas Smitas un Vena Morisona dziesmas, pirms gulētiešanas lasa Viljamu Folkneru un Patriciju Haismitu. Nākamajā rītā viņš ceļas rīta agrumā un atkal dara to pašu. Hirajamas smaids nepazūd, jo viņš vienkārši bauda dzīvi.



Zaglēni 2018


Kāda trūcīga, bet saticīga ģimene pieņem Tokijas bargajā salā atrastu meitenīti. Viņu dienas aizrit itin laimīgi, līdz notiek negadījums, cits pēc cita atklājas daudz noslēpumu un izrādās, ka ciešās saites, kuras saista tuviniekus, sabiedrības acīs ir vien noziegums. Kore-eda Hirokadzu – viens no Japānas talantīgākajiem un starptautiski atzītākajiem filmu veidotājiem – ir bijis biežs viesis Kannu kinofestivālā, kur par šo filmu ieguva Zelta palmas zaru. Visi režisora uzņemtie darbi sniedz iespēju uz brīdi patverties no savas dzīves un vienlaikus saskatīt tajā patiesi būtisko. Pasaule kā sarežģīta, skumja un nāves apdvesta telpa, tomēr šķietami nenozīmīgi mirkļi savieno cilvēkus un iegulst atmiņā uz mūžu.



Kate 2021




Mežs 2016


Kāda sieviete ieiet Japāņu pašnāvību mežā, kur viņa sastop savu dvīņu māsu, kā arī tiek pakļauta pārdabiskiem spēkiem.


Alice in Borderland

Alice in Borderland 2020


With his two friends, a video-game-obsessed young man finds himself in a strange version of Tokyo where they must compete in dangerous games to win.


Tokyo Vice

Tokyo Vice 2022


A first-hand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat following Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who embeds himself into the Tokyo Vice police squad to reveal corruption. Based on Jake Adelstein’s non-fiction book of the same name.


Japan Sinks: 2020

Japan Sinks: 2020 2020


After catastrophic earthquakes devastate Japan, one family's resolve is tested on a journey of survival through the sinking archipelago.



Giri/Haji 2019


Soulful thriller set in Tokyo and London, exploring the butterfly effect of a single murder across two cities. A dark, witty and daring examination of morality and redemption.



NANA 2006


Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vocalist for a punk band called Black Stones and she desires fame and recognition more than anything else. Nana Komatsu is an outgoing and flighty young woman with a weak will and a stable past. Her life revolves around her desire to find love and marriage. The two meet for the first time while traveling to Tokyo - in pursuit of their respective dreams - and they later decide to be roommates. Although drastically different people, the two become very close and together they find out if their biggest dreams have room for their best friend.


PERSONA5 the Animation

PERSONA5 the Animation 2018


Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Following a particular incident, his Persona awakens, and together with his friends, they form the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts” to reform hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, bizarre and inexplicable crimes have been popping up one after another… Living an ordinary high school life in Tokyo during the day, the group maneuvers the metropolitan city as Phantom Thieves after hours. Let the curtain rise for this grand, picaresque story!


Midnight Diner

Midnight Diner 2009


Set in a small restaurant in the corner of a shopping district. The unusual eatery is only open after midnight, and its standard menu consists of just a single choice. However, the customers still come for the amusing chatter and the proprietor's willingness to cook any dish that they request. This drama depicts the lives of the restaurant's patrons, including a yakuza, an unsuccessful actor, a group of office ladies, a newspaper delivery boy, and a stripper.


Bubblegum Crisis

Bubblegum Crisis 1987


MegaTokyo 2033: Tokyo was left flattened as a result from a great earthquake. A new city, MegaTokyo, was then recreated due in no small part from the aid of a multi-million dollar company, Genom Corp. Genom created and mass-produced biomechanical creatures called Boomers to aid in the restoration of MegaTokyo. When the Boomers began to run out of control, the ADPolice at first tried to stop them, but they proved to be far more difficult to deal with than was first imagined. Under the ever looming Boomer threat, a group of four girls from varying degrees of society banded together. Calling themselves The Knight Sabers, they were the only ones with enough firepower and resourcefullness to defend the fledgling MegaTokyo from Genom and it's berserk Boomers.



Babylon 2019


Zen Seizaki is a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office. While investigating illegal acts by a certain pharmaceutical company, Seizaki stumbles upon a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair and skin, along with the letter "F" scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen's imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth. Digging deeper into the investigation, Zen begins to uncover a concealed plot behind the ongoing mayoral election and ties to many people of interest involved in the election and those closer than he thinks. The case grows more severe and propels Zen into an unforeseen hurricane of corruption and deceit behind the election, the establishment of the Shiniki district, and the mysterious woman associated with it all.


Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night

Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night 2024


In the bustling heart of Shibuya, four young women—an artist, a retired idol, a V-tuber, and a composer—form JELEE, an anonymous artist group. United in their quest for self-expression, they journey towards self-discovery and finding their voice.


Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City

Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City 2015


A new set of six men and women start their lives together under one roof. All they get is a fabulous home and a car. As always, there is no script.


Ikebukuro West Gate Park

Ikebukuro West Gate Park 2020


The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.


Ikebukuro West Gate Park

Ikebukuro West Gate Park 2000


Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21-year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth gang called the G-Boys. Known for his cool head and ability to get things done, Makoto becomes a key troubleshooter for the gang by diffusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm's way. However, the death of his girlfriend and an escalating turf war with a rival gang threaten to be more than Makoto can handle.


Midnight Occult Civil Servants

Midnight Occult Civil Servants 2019


Miyako Arata is newly assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office's Nighttime Regional Relations Department. Each of Tokyo's 23 wards has one such department, established to mitigate paranormal and occult-related events. Arata's special skill is the understanding of non-human speech, and the story begins with him encountering a youkai at Shinjuku Gyoen park who refers to him as the legendary Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei.


JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope 2021


In 2023 in Tokyo, Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama pushes for COMS at the World Environment Conference. COMS is a method to liquify pollutants and store it in the crack of the sea floor. Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama gathers young and talented bureaucrats and launches Japan Future Promotion Conference, which is to benefit the future of Japan. Keishi Amami of the Ministry of the Environment and Kōichi Tokiwa of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry are members of that conference.


Tokyo Girl

Tokyo Girl 2016


The story follows Aya from the time she moves to Tokyo at age 23 up until she turns 40. Aya has to adjust to the different values and perceptions of the big city as she struggles with challenging situations. We get to follow Aya’s move from one neighborhood to another as she maneuvers her career and love life.


BARTENDER Glass of God

BARTENDER Glass of God 2024


At Eden Hall, each glass has a story. A quiet bar lies tucked away in the streets of Tokyo, and it seems only the most desperate souls burdened by their own troubles manage to find its doors. But after a glass of God poured by the brilliant bartender Ryu, they leave renewed. Ryu has a gift—he knows how to soothe the soul with the perfect drink. Who will he meet next?


A.D. Police

A.D. Police 1999


MegaTokyo 2038: A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki loses another partner to a rabid boomer. A day after he's sent off-duty, he receives a new partner: German cop Hans Kleif.


Otaku Elf

Otaku Elf 2023


Koito Koganei works as the teenage shrine maiden at the Takamimi Shrine, catering to the whims of its resident: a centuries-old elf who loves video games as much as she hates going outside! Line up your offerings for the otaku elf—some energy drinks, chips and video games will do nicely—and watch her new friends scramble to keep up!


RoOT - Route of OddTaxi -

RoOT - Route of OddTaxi - 2024


The hardened veteran detective Rena and bright-eyed rookie Sato take on a menial investigation. The job goes well until a thug named Dobu steals their evidence. Disheartened, they take a job looking into the life of a taxi driver named Odokawa in hopes of redeeming themselves. They wind up in the middle of a missing girl case, with gangsters, aspiring students, and surprises around every corner.