Smaids 2

Smaids 2 2024


Pasaules turnejas priekšvakarā jaunā popmūzikas sensācija Skaja Railija (Naomi Scott) sāk piedzīvot arvien šausminošākus un neizskaidrojamākus notikumus. Pieaugošo šausmu un slavas spiediena pārņemta, Skaja ir spiesta stāties pretī savai tumšajai pagātnei, lai atgūtu kontroli pār savu dzīvi, pirms ir par vēlu. Šausmu trillera "Smaids" turpinājums.


Malholanda ceļš

Malholanda ceļš 2001


Uz līkumotā Malholanda ceļa Losandželosā naktī notikusi avārija. Bet, attopoties notikuma vietā, jauna sieviete neatceras neko, pat ne to, kas ir viņa pati. Viss šķiet mulsinošs kā sirreālā sapnī. Tāds apjukums, tik daudz neatbildētu jautājumu! Pavisam citādi jūtas Betija, kura tikko ieradusies Holivudā. Cerību spārnotajai jaunajai aktrisei te viss šķiet brīnišķīgs, īsts sapņu piepildījums! Kopīgiem spēkiem abas mēģinās saprast, kas īsti noticis.



Megana 2022


M3GAN jeb Megana ir mākslīgā intelekta brīnums, lelle, kas radīta būt par bērna pavadoni un vecāku sabiedroto. Lelle, ko izstrādājusi rotaļlietu uzņēmuma robotiķe Džemma, spēj mācīties un spēlēties, kļūt par draugu un aizsargu bērnam, ar kuru viņa ir saistīta. Kad Džemma pēkšņi kļūst par 8 gadus vecās brāļameitas Keidijas aizbildni, viņa vēl nav gatava kļūt par vecāku. Džemma nolemj izmantot M3GAN prototipu, lai atrisinātu Keidijas pieskatīšanu. Šausmām ir jauna seja, un viņas vārds ir Megana.


Es, robots

Es, robots 2004


Robotos ir ieprogrammēti trīs likumi, kas neļauj nodarīt ļaunu cilvēkam. Viens robots šos likumus pārkāpj un ja to spēj izdarīt viens robots, tad cilvēku rase ir apdraudēta. 2035. gads


Kārtējais pirmais randiņš

Kārtējais pirmais randiņš 2004


Henrijs ir spēlētājs, kurš prasmīgi vilina sievietes. Bet, kad šis veterinārārsts satiek Lūsiju, meiteni ar neparastu problēmu, kad runa ir par pilnīgu atsaukšanu, viņš saprot, ka ir iespējams iemīlēties no jauna ... un atkal, un atkal. Tas ir tāpēc, ka apburošajai Lūsijai nav īstermiņa atmiņas, tāpēc Henrijam viņa jāturpina dienu pēc dienas, līdz viņš beidzot viņu slauka no kājām.


Vaniļas debesis

Vaniļas debesis 2001


Deivids ir sieviešu mīlulis, kurš, līdz ar iemīlēšanos Sofijā, sajuties izpircis vainu. Tomēr, pirms šīs attiecības var sākties, Deivids iekuļas problēmās - viņš tiek pierunāts sēsties mašīnā, kuru vada pašnāvnieciskā bijusī - Jūlija. Nobraucot no tilta, Jūlija iet bojā un smagi ievaino Deividu. Operācija un Sofijas mīlestība, šķiet, ir atgriezusi Deivida veiksmi, tomēr baismīgi negadījumi drīz vien liek viņam pārdomāt eskstences pamatus.



Reprodukcija 2018


Pēc tam, kad talantīgais zinātnieks Viljams Fosters zaudē autokatastrofā savu ģimeni, pateicoties veiktajiem eksperimentiem viņam veiksmīgi izdodas pārcelt bojā gājušo apziņu uz datoru. Kļuvis apsēsts ar savas ģimenes atgūšanu, Viljams ir gatavs pārkāpt dzīvības un nāves robežas, ignorēt zinātnieka ētiku, kā arī mest izaicinājumu dabas likumiem.


The Secret House

The Secret House 2022


A story about quitting being a good boy and chasing evil to the end for the sake of the mother and sister who sacrificed for themselves. A revenge play in which a dirt spoon lawyer chasing the traces of his missing mother walks into the secret surrounding him to fight the world.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


The Exorcist's Meter

The Exorcist's Meter 2017


Each day, night shift taxi driver Ma Kwai drives female doctor Chong Tsz-Yeuk to and from work on time, cherishing the moments they share, without realizing that he is meant to be her guardian. One night, at midnight, when Ma Kwai is urinating on a highway, he accidentally breaks the spell placed on a hundred-year-old genie, Shek Kam-Dong, and starts having inconceivable experiences. He not only sees things that others around him don't see but also receives superpowers. Though Ma Kwai initially feels very annoyed at this turn of events, he later teams up with Kam-Dong to hunt demons for money.


49 Days

49 Days 2011


After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.


See You Again

See You Again 2019


Shi Jian time travels back to the past in her dreams after a plane crash. Armed with knowledge from the future, she decides to solve all her problems beforehand and win over her future husband Ye Jiacheng from the beginning. Unfortunately, the younger Ye Jiacheng is an overly ambitious lad who also has a knack for breaking ladies’ hearts.


Love is Fate

Love is Fate 2019


The three friends Ma Dong Shan, Han De Chang, and Song Tian Ming set up a hotel together. Thirty years later, Ma Dong Shan has fallen ill, Han De Chang died early and Song Tian Ming lost his son. Therefore, Ma Dong Shan, who is the chairman, wants his daughter Ma Ke Ai to inherit the hotel and calls her back from abroad. In the meanwhile, Ke Ai gets into a car accident and barely escapes death, but gains a new ability after waking up again: she can see into the future. Upon hearing about her father’s illness, she immediately returns back home. After a series of accidents happen, Ke Ai realizes that there must be some big secret behind it. Together with Xia Yu Xing by her side, Ke Ai withstands all upcoming hardships and also finds love along the way.


The Lies Within

The Lies Within 2019


Kim Seo-hui’s life is changed forever when her politician father dies in a car crash and her husband disappears – all in one day. She enters the world of politics and join hands with small-town detective Jo Tae-sik to uncover the truth when she finds out that the car crash might not have been an accident after all.


Someone Like You

Someone Like You 2015


A man loses everything in one day in a tragic car accident. Fang Zhan Cheng lost his fiancée, Liang Luo Han, but he also lost his own eyesight. Devastated by the loss of his fiancée, Zhan Cheng is inconsolable and even refuses a corneal transplant that could restore his vision. But his life takes an unexpected turn when Wang Yu Xi, who looks exactly like his fiancée, is hired to become Zhan Cheng’s day nurse. Another young woman, Xu Ya Ti, receives Luo Han’s heart in a transplant and begins to exhibit many of Luo Han’s mannerisms and personality. Caught between a woman who looks exactly like his beloved dead fiancée and another woman who behaves just like her, what will Zhan Cheng do?


City Hunter

City Hunter 2011


The story takes place in Seoul, 2011. Lee Yoon-sung is a talented MIT-graduate who's working on the international communications team at the Blue House. He encounters dangerous situations while solving a variety of cases, both big and small, for people who need his help, and eventually becomes a "city hunter."


Perfect Marriage Revenge

Perfect Marriage Revenge 2023


Waking from a fatal accident to find herself in the past, Han Yi-joo teams up with Seo Do-guk to take revenge on the family who never loved her.


Hi Bye, Mama!

Hi Bye, Mama! 2020


The story of a mother who died and begins a 49-day long project of reincarnation, and a husband who has barely begun to live a new life after overcoming the pain of losing his wife. Jo Kang Hwa is a skilled thoracic surgeon. After losing his wife four years ago, he had been working as a single father until he got married again two years ago. While he seems like a caring person, he does not offer a hand nor intervene when needed.


Man to Man

Man to Man 2017


From Kim Won Seok, the writer of Descendants of the Sun, a drama about a special bodyguard with a background in special investigations and the Hallyu star he is supposed to protect.


Conspiracy of Love

Conspiracy of Love 2019


A story of love and hate follows a woman who intentionally gets close to a man for the sake of revenge. She approaches him to further her goal without realizing that he is also a calculating man with his own agenda. Xu Shu Bei lost both her parents at a young age in a car accident. In order to exact revenge, she treads every step carefully and is willing to use everything at her disposal to get close to her target. In the process, she enters into a complicated relationship with ShengShi Group successor Sheng Yun, fuerdai Shang Ming, and the Xia family's daughter Xia Yin Wa. Xu Shu Bei and Sheng Yun fall for each other, but they are scared to reveal their true feelings. As Xu Shu Bei is trapped by her emotions and her memories, she discovers a chilling secret surrounding memory implants.


Just Between Lovers

Just Between Lovers 2017


Two survivors of a building collapse discover support and love in each other as they overcome the pain of loss and reconstruct a hopeful future.


Your Honor

Your Honor 2017


Dark, gripping and morally complex, Your Honor tells the story of Micah Alkoby, a respected judge who is on the cusp of a big promotion. After his troubled teenage son is involved in a hit-and-run, this all changes. The victim of this accident turns out to be a member of a notorious criminal family that runs its own system of justice. How many laws is Micah willing to break in order to shield his son?


Dear Prince

Dear Prince 2017


The crew from My Little Princess is back with a new drama. This time, Zhang Yu Xi will play an ordinary girl while the new male lead Melvin Sia will be the one with prince syndrome. Crazy fan Sun Xiao Tao’s biggest wish is to go to a concert of her favorite idol Zhou Yi Ran. Furthermore, she wants to fulfill the promise she once made to him. When her dream finallyis about to come true, she bumps into Jiang Hao and her ticket for Zhou Yi Ran’s Japan concert gets ripped. From then on, the fates of these two become strangely entangled… (Source: CdramaBase)


Loneliness Society

Loneliness Society 2023


When courier Meena witnesses Arthit struck down in the road, she rushes him to a hospital. There, she's put in a position where she allows the staff to misunderstand her relationship with the patient. When his family arrives to find Meena caring for him and Arthit awakes with no memory of his relationship with Meena, his family readily attributes it to amnesia. His younger brother Than is less convinced.


I Feel You Linger in the Air

I Feel You Linger in the Air 2023


Jom is an architect responsible for the renovation of a historic house alongside the Ping River. There he discovers a wooden chest packed with old drawings, drawings that look strangely familiar. The contents are intriguing. However, Jom doesn't have time to concern himself with them; he must take a trip back to Bangkok to see his love. For years, Jom has been counting the days till his boyfriend would return from his far away studies, only to find him engaged to someone else. Heartbroken, Jom comes to a place of acceptance as he runs his car into the river. In the cold darkness, Jom catches the sweet scent of fresh frangipani flowers coming from the stream and in the distance, he can make out a deep, gentle voice pronouncing clearly, "Pho Jom." Jom will find himself waking up in 1920s Chiang Mai.