Pilsoņu karš

Pilsoņu karš 2024


Kalifornijas un Teksasas Nacionālā gvarde ar aviācijas atbalstu uzbrūk galvaspilsētai. Baltais nams gatavojas krist. Žurnālistu grupa cenšas nokļūt degošajā Vašingtonā, lai ierakstītu pēdējo interviju ar prezidentu kādreizējām Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm. Taču valstī, kurā valda haoss, nav nekā dārgāka par litru benzīna un nekā lētāka par cilvēka dzīvību.


Nedžentlmeniskas karadarbības ministrija

Nedžentlmeniskas karadarbības ministrija 2024


Neticams un noklusēts patiess stāsts par pašu pirmo īpašo spēku organizāciju, ko Otrā pasaules kara laikā izveidoja Vinstons Čērčils un neliela militāro ierēdņu grupa. Īpaši slepenā kaujas vienība, ko veidoja raibum raiba neliešu un disidentu komanda, devās riskantā misijā pret nacistiem, izmantojot neierastas un pilnībā „nedžentlmeniskas” cīņas tehnikas. Viņu bezbailīgā pieeja mainīja kara gaitu un ielika pamatus mūsdienu „slepeno operāciju” karadarbībai.


Kauja par Heksoridžu

Kauja par Heksoridžu 2016


Desmonds Doss ir viens no ievērojamākajiem 2.Pasaules kara varoņiem. Sīvu cīņu laikā par Heksoridžu starp ASV un Japānas impērijas armijām viņš izglāba vairāk nekā 75 kareivju dzīvības ne reizi nepieskaroties ieročiem vai nogalinot kādu. Viņš stingri ticēja, ka karš ir taisnīgs, bet nonāvēšana ir slikta. Viņš bija vienīgais karavīrs 2. Pasaules karā, kurš frontes līnijās cīnījās bez ieroča un par nopelniem valsts labā saņēma Goda medaļu (Medal of Honor) un Purpura sirds ordeni (Purple Heart).



Sisu 2022


Otrā pasaules kara pēdējās dienās, vientuļš ogļracis sastopas ar nacistiem, atkāpjoties no iznīcinātās zemes Somijas ziemeļos. Kad nacisti nozog viņa zeltu, viņi ātri atklāj, ka nav iekūlušies parastā kalnrača rokās. Lai gan nav tieša tulkojuma somu valodas vārdam "sisu", šis leģendārais bijušais komandieris iemieso to, ko nozīmē sisu: baltu drosmi un neiedomājamu apņēmību, papildinot to ar nepārvaramu spēku. Un, lai arī ko nacisti viņam mestu pretī, viņš vienpersoniski darīs visu iespējamo, lai atgūtu savu zeltu - pat ja tas nozīmēs nogalināt visus.


Rītdienas robeža

Rītdienas robeža 2014


Filmas “Rītdienas robeža” darbība norisinās tuvā nākotnē, kurā citplanētieši ir uzsākuši iznīcinošu uzbrukumu Zemei. Cietuši sakāvi visās līdzšinējās kaujās, pasaules valstu armijas apvienojas izšķirošajam uzbrukumam. Virsnieks Viljams Keidžs ir armijas zinātnieks, kurš nav piedalījies nevienā kaujā līdz brīdim, kad tiek pazemināts rangā un nosūtīts doties uzbrukumā. Viņš tiek nogalināts dažu minūšu laikā pēc uzbrukuma sākuma, bet pēkšņi atmostas dienu pirms savas nāves. Keidžs nokļūst neizskaidrojamā laika atkārtošanās ciklā, piespiežot viņu atkal no jauna doties zaudētajā kaujā un mirt.


Rembo 2

Rembo 2 1985


Džons Rembo tiek atbrīvots no cietuma pēc viņa bijušā priekšnieka, pulkveža Semjuela Trautmana pavēles, lai varētu piedalīties ļoti nopietnā un slepenā operācijā, kuras mērķis ir doties uz Vjetnamu un izglābt kara gūstekņus.



1917 2019


Pirmais pasaules karš, Rietumu fronte, diviem jauniem britu kareivjiem tiek dots praktiski neizpildāms uzdevums – nokļūt ienaidnieka aizmugurē, lai nogādātu ziņojumu, kas ļautu izglābt ievērojamu skaitu kareivju no drošas nāves.



Plēsoņas 2010


Septiņi, savā starpā nesaistīti cilvēki visai savādā veidā nonāk džungļu biezoknī. Viņi sastopas ar dažādiem neizskaidrojamiem atradumiem un līdz šim neredzētiem briesmoņiem. Mēģinot atrast izeju no džungļiem, grupa nonāk pie nepatīkama secinājuma - atgādāti uz citu planētu, viņiem ir paredzēta medījuma loma un vienīgā iespēja izdzīvot ir izlikt lamatas pašiem medniekiem.



Denkerka 2017


Otrā pasaules kara laikā Lamanša krastā nelielā teritorijā ap Denkerkas ostu simtiem tūkstošu britu un sabiedroto karavīru ir ienaidnieku aplenkti. Bezizejas situācijā nonākušajiem kareivjiem aiz muguras ir tikai jūra, bet ienaidnieks jau tuvojas… Episkajā kara trillerī "Denkerka", ko veidojis režisors Kristofers Nolans ("Starp zvaigznēm", "Pirmsākums", triloģija "Tumšais bruņinieks"), piedalās spožs aktieru ansamblis – Toms Hārdijs, Marks Railenss, Kenets Branags, Kilians Mērfijs un citi.



SEAL Team 2017


Military drama following the professional and personal lives of the most elite unit of Navy SEALs as they train, plan and execute the most dangerous, high stakes missions our country can ask of them.


Crash Landing on You

Crash Landing on You 2019


A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.


Descendants of the Sun

Descendants of the Sun 2016


After a chance meeting in a hospital, an ardent soldier falls for a gifted surgeon. Opposing philosophies tear them apart, but fate has other plans.


Glory of the Special Forces

Glory of the Special Forces 2022


Yan Poyue, a high school student who comes from a family of soldiers. He forgoes the university entrance examinations and joins the armed police force in order to prove his worth to his father.


Red vs. Blue

Red vs. Blue 2003


In the distant future, two groups of soldiers battle for control of the least desirable piece of real estate in the known universe: a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.



Shooter 2016


Bob Lee Swagger is an expert marksman living in exile who is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president.


Battle of Changsha

Battle of Changsha 2014


In 1938 October, the Japanese captured Wuhan Changsha, on the verge of death or destruction. City tea Xiang Hu family, under the support of grandson Xue Junshan, leave no stone unturned for Hu Jia's pet a pair of twins Xiangxiang and Xiaoman arrangement retreat. Xue Junshan first Xiangxiang introduced to studying abroad to return to defend Gu Qingming Changsha, but forceful nature of Xiangxiang and arrogant Gu Qingming met and potential with the fire, Xue Junshan had to elect people. In Xue efforts Xiangxiang finally got engaged, the engagement day, Chiang Kai Shek blaster fire Changsha, due to improper command, Changsha Fire lead to great disaster, the bustling old town were destroyed, many dreams a chance to run the people were burnt alive, including my fiance a. Is in such a scorched earth, around the heroes and heroines gathered in Changsha, and Hunan people's together hard to block the enemy's heel, Hu family also in this catastrophe interpretation of the scenes story of joys and sorrows.



Rome 2005


A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.


Ace Troops

Ace Troops 2021


Gao Liang and Gu Yi Ye are good friends and rivals since they joined the army. They fall in love with the same girl, Jiang Nan Zheng. However, Gu Yi Ye eventually gives up his love in the name of friendship and marries A Xiu, the daughter of their old squad leader who died in a war. As time passes, Gao Liang not only stays true to his heart but also shoulders the duties and mission of a soldier. In 2003, Gao Liang and Jiang Nan Cheng got married and formed a happy family. In 2008, Gao Liang, who returns from further studies in Russia, was transferred to be the acting brigade commander of the Blue Army because of an observation report.


Terminator Zero

Terminator Zero 2024


A warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unfeeling — and indestructible — cyborg.



Zakuro 2010


The story takes place during the Westernization Movement in an alternate world where humans and spirits coexist. To solve the problems that arise between the two, human lieutenants are partnered with half-spirit girls to form the Ministry of Spirit Affairs.


Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone 2021


In a world cleaved in two by a massive barrier of perpetual darkness, a young soldier uncovers a power that might finally unite her country. But as she struggles to hone her power, dangerous forces plot against her. Thugs, thieves, assassins and saints are at war now, and it will take more than magic to survive.


Strike Back

Strike Back 2010


The series follows John Porter, a former British Special Forces soldier, who is drafted back into service by Section 20, a fictional branch of the Secret Intelligence Service.


The Lion's Secret

The Lion's Secret 2021


The evolving relationship between Mu Wanqing, a successful CEO, and Liu Qing, a former soldier, who marry first and fall in love later. Initially strangers, their bond deepens as they face challenges together, including family expectations that lead them on a journey to Thailand.


Candle In The Tomb: The Wrath Of Time

Candle In The Tomb: The Wrath Of Time 2019


A group of tomb raiders team up together to explore an ancient tomb of Yuan dynasty which is located in the Ping Shan mountain in West Hunan province.


The Test Case

The Test Case 2017


Captain Shikha Sharma (Nimrat Kaur) is the only woman in a group of Indian Army officers training to join the Special Forces. She is also the first woman to be undertaking the course making her a "test case" for inducting women into combat oriented roles in the Indian Army. The story line revolves around her journey of overcoming challenges at home to biases by her colleagues despite being an intelligent and a highly motivated individual.


When Heroes Fly

When Heroes Fly 2018


Eleven years after falling out, four friends, war veterans of a Special Forces unit, reunite for one final mission: to find Yaeli, a former lover of one of them and sister of another. Their journey will take them deep into the Colombian jungle but, as to succeed, first they must confront the trauma that tore them apart.


'Allo 'Allo!

'Allo 'Allo! 1984


The misadventures of hapless cafe owner René Artois and his escapades with the Resistance in occupied France.


Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War 2010


After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons. They work to overcome the trauma of torture and captivity while settling back into their interrupted family lives. Meanwhile, the military psychiatrist assigned to them finds discrepancies in the soldiers' testimonies, and launches an investigation to discover what they are hiding.