
Ārzemnieks 2017


Filma stāsta par kādu necilu Londonas uzņēmēju, ķīniešu restorāna īpašnieku ar noslēpumainu pagātni, kurš bezjēdzīgā, politiski motivētā bumbas sprādzienā zaudē savu tuvāko cilvēku – meitu. Apņēmies personīgi atriebties teroristiem, viņš uzsāk nerimstošu vainīgo personu meklēšanu, kas aizved viņu līdz tālākajiem britu varas gaiteņiem.


71: Pēdējais kareivis

71: Pēdējais kareivis 2014


Konflikts Ziemeļīrijā 1971. gadā draud pārvērsties pilsoņu karā. Belfāsta ir sadalījusies uzticamajos protestantos un naidīgajos katoļos, situācijas noregulēšanā tiek iesaistīta armija. Drīz pēc ierašanās Belfāstā, jauniesauktā Gerija vads tiek iesaistīts it kā ikdienišķā patruļā, kas drīz vien pāraug šausminošā ielu cīņā.


Say Nothing

Say Nothing 2024


Through the eyes of various Irish Republican Army (IRA) members, explore the extremes some people will go to in the name of their beliefs, the way a deeply divided society can suddenly tip over into armed conflict, the long shadow of radical violence for both victims and perpetrators, and the emotional and psychological costs of a code of silence.


Harry's Game

Harry's Game 1982


A British Cabinet Minister is gunned down outside his home in London by a member of the Provisional IRA. Security protocols are activated, but the assassin evades them and successfully escapes to Belfast. In the aftermath of the incident, rash decisions are made by politicians seeking revenge, and the Ministry of Defence responds by sending Captain Harry Brown (Ray Lonnen) - a special forces soldier who has done deep cover work in hostile territory - into the Falls Road area of Belfast, notorious for civil unrest and Republican activity. Harry's mission is to infiltrate the local nationalist population, uncover the identity of the assassin, and kill him in his own neighborhood - proving to the IRA that they are not safe, even in their "own back yard".


Act of Betrayal

Act of Betrayal 1988


An IRA informer and his family are given new identities and new lives in Australia but the IRA are still determined to track them down.


The Irish Revolution

The Irish Revolution 2019


The remarkable story of the Irish War of Independence (1919-1922) which resulted in the formation of the Irish Free State and became the model for other British colonies to gain their independence.