Atslēgvārds Monkey
Oza zemes burvis 1939
Aladdin 1992
Aladins 2019
Lai apprecētu princesi Jasmīni, jaunais zaglēns Aladins sapņo kļūt par princi. Tajā pašā laikā vezīrs Džafars plāno sagrābt varu un sava plāna izpildei viņam ir nepieciešama burvju lampa, kura glabājas Brīnumu alā. Kā izrādās, alā var nokļūt tikai cilvēks, kurš ir apveltīts ar tam nepieciešamajām spējām un, kā izrādās, tādas spējas piemīt tieši Aladinam...
Džungļu grāmata 2016
Filmas pamatā ir Redjarda Kiplinga slavenā grāmatu sērija par Maugli. Uzaudzis džungļos vilku barā, viņš sastopas ar savu ienaidnieku - tīģeri Širhanu, kurš ir gatavs iznīcināt visu, kas Mauglim ir kļuvis tuvs. Lai tiktu skaidrībā pats ar sevi un gūtu rūdījumu pārbaudījumos, Mauglis dodas episkā ceļojumā kopā ar saviem pavadoņiem - lāci Balū un panteru Bagiru.
Better Man 2024
Twelve Monkeys 1995
2035. gadā notiesātais Džeimss Kols negribīgi pieteicās nosūtīt atpakaļ laikā, lai atklātu nāvējošā vīrusa izcelsmi, kas iznīcināja gandrīz visus zemes iedzīvotājus un piespieda izdzīvojušos iekļūt pazemes kopienās. Bet, kad Kols kļūdas dēļ tiek nosūtīts uz 1990. gadu, nevis 1996. gadu, viņš tiek arestēts un ieslodzīts psihiatriskajā slimnīcā. Tur viņš satiek psihiatri Dr. Ketrīnu Reiliju un pacientu Džefriju Goinsu, slavena vīrusu eksperta dēlu, kuram, iespējams, ir noslēpumainās negodīgo grupas, 12 pērtiķu armijas, atslēga, kas, domājams, ir atbildīga par slepkavas slimības atbrīvošanu.
Dora un zudusī Zelta pilsēta 2019
Pavadījusi lielāko mūža daļu, izzinot džungļu biezokni kopā ar vecākiem, nekas nespēs Doru sagatavot viņas bīstamākajam piedzīvojumam mūžā - vidusskolai. Sirdī pētniece un izzinātāja, Dora ātri vien sāk vadīt Būtu - noslēpumainu džungļu iemītnieku - un pusaudžu grupu, kopīgi dodoties piedzīvojumiem pilnā ekspedīcijā, kurā jāglābj viņas vecāki un jāatrisina neiespējamā mistērija par zudušo inku civilizāciju.
The Monkey 2025
Outbreak 1995
Zoodārza Sargs 2011
Lādzīgais zoodārza darbinieks Grifins daudz labāk jūtas kopā ar lauvām nekā ar sievietēm. Saņēmis atraidījumu no savas draudzenes, Grifins secina, ka meitenēm viņa darbs nešķiet nekas sevišķs un izlemj pamest zoodārzu, lai atrastu prestižāku darbu. To uzzinājuši, dzīvnieki krīt panikā un izlemj pārkāpt zvēru galveno likumu, kas aizliedz runāt cilvēku valodā.
Doktors Dūlitls 1998
Trakā Madagaskara 2013
Iemīļotie varoņi no multfilmas “Madagaskara” svinēs mīlestību īpašajā Valentīndienas speciālizlaidumā.
Vivo 2021
Vivo ir unikāls, un tas tiek piedāvāts skatītājiem Havanā, Kubā. Viņš, iespējams, nekad nespēs runāt ar savu cilvēku Andrē, taču viņus saista mūzika un biedriskums. Kādu dienu tēls no Andrē pagātnes uzaicina viņu uz savu atvadu koncertu Maiami, taču pirms došanās prom notiek traģēdija. Vivo kopā ar Andrē radinieci Gabiju dodas meklējumos, lai viņa vietā izpildītu mīlas dziesmu.
Curious George 2006
Monkey Life 2007
Monkey Life was created in 2006 and has continuously documented the work of Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE and her team at Monkey World; Ape Rescue Centre. Filmed at Monkey World in Dorset, Monkey Life follows the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected primates. Many have mental as well as physical problems so the Primate Care Staff treat their individual needs until they can be reintegrated with primates of their own kind. The primates at the park range from apes, who were taken from the wild as babies and used as photographers props on Spanish beaches to monkeys, many of which were rescued from the UK pet trade. With unparalleled access Monkey World's dedicated team are filmed dealing with medical emergencies, primate moves, births and sometimes heart-breaking decisions. We follow Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE around the globe as she continues the park's mission to rescue abused primates. Monkey Life documents the daily life and drama of the world’s largest primate rescue centre.
Milkshake! Monkey 2009
A mischievous monkey visits his friends around the UK and gets up to various antics.
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers 2022
21 years ago, a baby arrived on earth inside of a peach. Today, five warriors based on the legend of Momotaro fight enemies that are inhabiting humans, invisible to the naked eye. Together they fight to take back gears based on previous Super Sentai.
Rocket Monkeys 2013
This Canadian cartoon focuses on two monkey brothers named Gus and Wally who are in outer space working as GASI agents (Galactic Animal Space Institute agents, so no pun intended!). They are accompanied by their robot friend YAY-OK and their boss Dr. Chimpsky as they are sent on missions to accomplish different tasks, including defeating their enemies.
Ape Escape 2009
Ape Escape is a series of cartoon shorts developed by Frederator Studios, Hawaii Film Partners, Project 51 Productions and Showcase Entertainment which aired on Nicktoons in 2009. It is based on Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.'s Ape Escape video game franchise, with characters and designs based on Ape Escape 2 in particular, and focuses around Specter's attempts to take over the world with his monkey army.
Monkey 1978
Buddhist priest Tripitaka and his three disciples Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy, travel from China to India to fetch the Buddhist scriptures. They have been sent by Buddha, and getting these scriptures will bring peace to the people of the world.
I Am Not an Animal 2004
I Am Not An Animal is an animated comedy series about the only six talking animals in the world, whose cosseted existence in a vivisection unit is turned upside down when they are liberated by animal rights activists.
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! 2004
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! is an American/Japanese animated television series, and was created by Ciro Nieli, one of the directors of Teen Titans, with animation being done by a Japanese studio known as The Answer Studio. Set mainly on the fictional planet of Shuggazoom, the series follows the adventures of five cyborg monkeys and a human boy named Chiro as they struggle to protect their planet - and the rest of the universe - from the forces of evil. As is obvious from the visual appearance of the show, there is a significant anime influence present, despite being produced for American television. It was also influenced by Star Trek, Super Sentai, Voltron, and Star Wars. The show also contains various references to pop culture, a notable example being the episode "Season of the Skull", which is a parody of the 1970s thriller The Wicker Man.
Monkey Business 1997
Monkey Business is a long-running TV series about the exploits of various primates who reside at Monkey World, a rescue centre and sanctuary for primates in Dorset, United Kingdom. The series features Jim and Dr. Alison Cronin, directors of Monkey World, as they travel around the world rescuing primates from lives of abuse, and returning them to Monkey World. Their goal is to rehabilitate the rescued primates and allow them to live in as natural a habitat as possible, being part of a group and living with friends of their own kind.
The Drinky Crow Show 2008
An alcoholic crow goes on suicidal adventures with his monkey friend.
Camp Lazlo: Shorts 2006
shorts featured on television and on the podcasts, and were created without the involvement of the creator, Joe Murray
Journey to the West 2006
Saiyūki is a 2006 Japanese historical TV drama based on the 16th Century Chinese novel Journey to the West. It is a successor to the popular 1970s TV show Saiyūki, known outside Japan as Monkey. There have been three dramas and one special based on Journey to the West that have aired previously, making this one the fifth adaptation in Japan.
Primates 2020
A celebration of the animals you thought you knew. Primates is the definitive portrait of a hugely charismatic family of animals, to which we all belong.
Monkey Planet 2014
We humans are part of an extraordinary family, with hundreds of bizarre and colourful relatives all over the world. Monkey Planet explores the ingenious survival tactics and amazing physical adaptations of our primate family, including strange lemurs, acrobatic monkeys, and enigmatic apes. Spanning the globe, we uncover the secrets of an array of fascinating, flexible primate minds.
Speed Racer 1967
Teenager Speed Racer aspires to be the world's best race-car champion with the help of his friends, family and his father's high-tech race-car, the Mach 5.
Spy in the Troop 1970
The series will deploy the most advanced Spy Creatures ever created to infiltrate groups of apes and monkeys. Sophisticated AI will enhance the Spies ability to communicate, allowing them to use the same calls and facial expressions as the primates they encounter.