
Samba 2014


Samba ir senegālietis, kurš jau desmit gadus dzīvo Francijā, taču viņam aizvien seko neveiksmes - viņš nespēj atrast labu darbu. Alise ieņem vadošu amatu, taču darbā ir burtiski izdegusi. Samba visiem spēkiem mēģina iegūt dokumentus, lai iekārtotos darbā, bet Alise meklē glābiņu no tukšuma, kas pārņēmis viņas dzīvi. Katrs no viņiem meklē izeju no savas bezizejas, līdz vienā jaukā dienā viņu likteņi krustojas. Caur smiekliem un asarām viņi bruģē sev ceļu uz laimi.


Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day 2024


A bittersweet romantic comedy about a job seeker who suddenly gets stuck in time as an old-ager one day, and an extraordinary internship with a prosecutor who is caught up in her all day and night.


Best før

Best før 2017


Lena loses both her job and husband on her 40th birthday. Now she has to start again - and deal with her ex-husband's new girlfriend.


Job or No Job

Job or No Job 2015


An unprecedented look at the job market facing today’s newly minted college graduates. Each episode will follow one highly-qualified young adult per episode on their journey to land a first job. Each job seeker will go on three interviews, and we will watch the intense ride to find out if he or she lands three, two, one – or zero offers.