
Zūlanders 2001


Kas gan būtu domājis, ka modes industrija bijusi aiz katras būtiskas politiskas slepkavības pēdējos 200 gadus! Un, būsim godīgi, vīrieši-topmodeļi patiešām varētu būt ideāli slepkavas – viņi ir savā labākajā fiziskajā formā, tiek iekšā pat visdrošāk apsargātajās vietās un beigu beigās... viņi taču nedomā, bet dara, ko liek!


Zūlanders 2

Zūlanders 2 2016


Dereks un Ansītis jau atkal tiek ievilināti modelēšanā, šoreiz Romā, kur viņi kļūst par ļaunas sazvērestības mērķi.


My Dear Donovan

My Dear Donovan 2022


Donovan is an American model in search of a woman he's lost touch with. Pam is a kindergarten teacher. When her grandfather becomes sick, Pam learns he'll need to undergo an expensive operation. In order to raise the funds, Pam takes a job working for Palee Modeling where she's assigned to work as a manager and personal interpreter for Donovan. She's soon wrapped up in both his work and personal affairs. The two are going closer when Pam learns Donovan's secret.



Built 2013


Built is an American reality television series on the Style Network that premiered on January 28, 2013. Built follows a Manhattan-based home decor and construction company that is staffed with all male models who also have experience as being handymen.