Kauja par Heksoridžu

Kauja par Heksoridžu 2016


Desmonds Doss ir viens no ievērojamākajiem 2.Pasaules kara varoņiem. Sīvu cīņu laikā par Heksoridžu starp ASV un Japānas impērijas armijām viņš izglāba vairāk nekā 75 kareivju dzīvības ne reizi nepieskaroties ieročiem vai nogalinot kādu. Viņš stingri ticēja, ka karš ir taisnīgs, bet nonāvēšana ir slikta. Viņš bija vienīgais karavīrs 2. Pasaules karā, kurš frontes līnijās cīnījās bez ieroča un par nopelniem valsts labā saņēma Goda medaļu (Medal of Honor) un Purpura sirds ordeni (Purple Heart).


Melnais vanags notriekts

Melnais vanags notriekts 2001


1993. gada oktobris. Amerikas elites karavīri tiek nosūtīti uz Mogadišu (Somālija) Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas miera misijā. Domājams, ka mērķis ir glābt dzīvības, nevis tās nogriezt. Bet izrādās, ka misijas galvenais mērķis ir sagūstīt karavadoni Aididu un izskaust karu. Sākumā šķiet, ka viss norit labi, līdz tiek notriekti divi Black Hawk helikopteri, acīmredzami neuzvarami. Pēc tam misija pārvēršas izmisuma sacensībās, lai glābtu negadījumā ieslodzītos vai ievainotos apkalpes locekļus un sauszemes karavīrus.


Uzbrukums Baltajam namam

Uzbrukums Baltajam namam 2013


ASV Kongresa nama drošības darbinieks Džons Keils dodas uz darba interviju Baltajā namā, jo viņa sapnis ir strādāt Prezidenta apsardzes dienestā. Saņēmis atteikumu, viņš nespēj par to paziņot meitiņai, kura viņu gaida aiz durvīm. Tomēr abi iešmauc tūristu grupas barā, kas apmeklē Balto namu. Šī ekskursija drīz vien pārtop murgā, jo tieši todien teroristi sāk uzbrukumu prezidenta mītnei un pašam prezidentam. Keils ir nokļuvis īstajā vietā un īstajā laikā, lai pierādītu savu gatavību aizsargāt prezidentu, taču kaut kur šajā namā atrodas arī viņa meita.


Visuredzošā acs

Visuredzošā acs 2015


Slepenas militāras operācijas laikā ar drona palīdzību tiek novērota teroristu grupa, kura atrodas Nairobi, Kenijā. Kad tiek noskaidrots par teroristu plāniem veikt pašnāvniecisku uzbrukumu, par novērošanas misijas galveno uzdevumu kļūst mērķa iznīcināšana. Taču situāciju sarežģī kāds apstāklis - trieciena zonā atrodas deviņus gadus veca meitenīte, kura nostāda operācijā iesaistītās personas grūta lēmuma priekšā.



Mute 2018




Lioness 2023


Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine, is recruited to join the CIA's Lioness Engagement Team to help bring down a terrorist organization from within. Joe, the station chief of the Lioness program, is tasked with training, managing and leading her female undercover operatives.


Tour of Duty

Tour of Duty 1987


The trials of a U.S. Army platoon serving in the field during the Vietnam War.


Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. 1964


Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. is an American situation comedy that originally aired on CBS from September 25, 1964, to May 2, 1969. The series was a spinoff of The Andy Griffith Show, and the pilot was aired as the finale of the fourth season of The Andy Griffith Show on May 18, 1964. The show ran for five seasons and a total of 150 episodes. In 2006, CBS Home Entertainment began releasing the series on DVD. The final season was released in November 2008. The series was created by Aaron Ruben, who also produced the show with Sheldon Leonard and Ronald Jacobs. Filmed and set in California, it stars Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle, a naive but good-natured gas-station attendant from the town of Mayberry, North Carolina, who enlists in the United States Marine Corps. Frank Sutton plays Gomer's high-octane, short-fused Gunnery Sergeant Vince Carter, and Ronnie Schell plays Gomer's friend Gilbert "Duke" Slater. Allan Melvin played in the recurring role of Gunnery Sergeant Carter's rival, Sergeant Charley Hacker. The series never discussed nor addressed the then-current Vietnam War, instead focusing on the relationship between Gomer and Sergeant Carter. The show retained high ratings throughout its run.


Generation Kill

Generation Kill 2008


The first 40 days of the war in Iraq as seen through the eyes of an elite group of U.S. Marines who spearheaded the invasion along with an embedded Rolling Stone reporter. A vivid account of the soldiers and of the forces that guided them in an often-improvised initiative.


The Brave

The Brave 2017


The complex world of our bravest military heroes who make personal sacrifices while executing the most challenging and dangerous missions behind enemy lines.



Valor 2017


The boundaries between military discipline and human desire are tested on a U.S. Army base that houses an elite unit of helicopter pilots trained to perform clandestine international and domestic missions. The drama unfolds in the present as well as in flashbacks to a failed mission involving one of the first female pilots in the unit, ultimately uncovering layers of personal and government/military secrets and leading to a season-long plan to rescue a group of MIA soldiers.


Over There

Over There 2005


Gritty, intense, evocative and emotional, "Over There" takes you to the front lines of battle and explores the effects of war on a U.S. Army unit sent to Iraq on their first tour of duty, as well as the equally powerful effects felt at home by their families and loved ones.


Live to Tell

Live to Tell 2016


An intimate look into contemporary U.S. Special Forces missions on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq.