Lidojums 2012
Pēc tam, kad pieredzējušais lidmašīnas pilots Vips Vitekers,demonstrējot izveicību un drosmi izglābj reisa pasažierus no drošas nāves, viņš kļūst par varoni. Taču, kad tiek uzsākta notikušā izmeklēšana, atklājās fakti...
Pēc tam, kad pieredzējušais lidmašīnas pilots Vips Vitekers,demonstrējot izveicību un drosmi izglābj reisa pasažierus no drošas nāves, viņš kļūst par varoni. Taču, kad tiek uzsākta notikušā izmeklēšana, atklājās fakti...
Nejauši ieraugot savu bildi pazudušo bērnu meklēšanas lapā internetā, Neitans negaidīti uzzina, ka cilvēki, kas viņu uzaudzinājuši, patiesībā nemaz nav viņa vecāki. Piepildās ļaunākās nojautas, ka viņš dzīvo kāda cita dzīvi. Viņš ir spiests bēgt, lai glābtu savu dzīvību. Puisim pakaļ dzenas FIB aģenti ar mērķi noskaidrot bēgļa noslēpumaino pagātni...
Ren Mihashi was the ace of his middle school's baseball team, but due to his poor pitching, they could never win. Constant losses eventually lead to his teammates bullying him and reached the point where his teammates no longer tried to win, causing Mihashi to graduate with little self-esteem. As a result, Mihashi decides to go to a high school in a different prefecture where he has no intention of playing baseball. Unfortunately, upon his arrival at Nishiura High, he is dragged into joining their new team as the starting pitcher. Although unwilling at first, Mihashi realizes that this is a place where he will be accepted for who he is; with help from the catcher Takaya Abe, he starts to have more confidence in his own abilities. Abe, seeing the potential in Mihashi, makes it a goal to help him become a pitcher worthy of being called an ace.
The story follows Murata, an office worker, who meets Ruriko, a vendor selling beer who looks like a gyaru. He becomes her first regular customer. Ruriko acts cold towards Murata, but she has an innocent personality that comes out when he is out of sight.