Krauklis 2024
Dvēseles radinieki Ēriks Dravens un Šellija Vēbstere tiek nežēlīgi nogalināti. Saņemot iespēju upurēt sevi un glābt savu mūža mīlestību, Ēriks dodas ceļā, šķērsojot dzīvo un mirušo pasauli, lai atriebtos un izcīnītu taisnību.
Dvēseles radinieki Ēriks Dravens un Šellija Vēbstere tiek nežēlīgi nogalināti. Saņemot iespēju upurēt sevi un glābt savu mūža mīlestību, Ēriks dodas ceļā, šķērsojot dzīvo un mirušo pasauli, lai atriebtos un izcīnītu taisnību.
Ariela, dzīvespriecīga un nebēdnīga nāriņa, ir devusies mūža lielākajā ceļojumā kopā ar savu labāko draugu, mīļo Flaunderu, un regeju dziedošo Karību krabi Sebastianu pie sāniem. Taču būs vajadzīga visa viņas drosme un gribasspēks, lai piepildītu sapņus un glābtu mīļo tēva karaļvalsti no nekrietnās jūras raganas Urzulas! Pievienojieties Arielai un Sebastjanam aizraujošā virtuālajā ceļojumu spēlē, kas jūs aizvedīs zemūdens pasakā un sagādās daudz citu prieku!
Skaistā Malefisenta dzīvo mierīgā karaļvalstī, līdz kādu dienu tās harmoniju izjauc iebrucēju karaspēks. Malefisenta kļūst par karaļvalsts brīvības dedzīgāko aizstāvi, taču piedzīvo nodevību, kas viņas sirdi pārvērš akmenī.
Cistiskā fibroze ir prasīga slimība, kas liedz pusaudzei Stellai fiziskus kontaktus ar mīļoto puisi.
Henrijs ir spēlētājs, kurš prasmīgi vilina sievietes. Bet, kad šis veterinārārsts satiek Lūsiju, meiteni ar neparastu problēmu, kad runa ir par pilnīgu atsaukšanu, viņš saprot, ka ir iespējams iemīlēties no jauna ... un atkal, un atkal. Tas ir tāpēc, ka apburošajai Lūsijai nav īstermiņa atmiņas, tāpēc Henrijam viņa jāturpina dienu pēc dienas, līdz viņš beidzot viņu slauka no kājām.
Pasaka par iedomīgu jaunekli un meiteni, kurai ir tirāniska pamāte. Abiem ir jātiek galā ar burvestībām un pārbaudījumiem, lai varētu būt kopā.
La Tormenta is a Colombian 2005 telenovela produced by RTI Colombia and broadcast by Telemundo and Caracol TV, starring Natalia Streignard and Christian Meier. Maria Teresa is a woman accustomed to living in the city, but she has to move to live at ‘La Tormenta’, her family’s estate, to try to save her family from financial ruin. The family is facing economic problems and she thinks La Tormenta will save them from bankruptcy.
After recovering from a long term illness, semi-retired popular singer Wah Fong-Ying realizes that she has lived an unfulfilled life. With two failed marriages and estranged relationships with all her children, she lives a lonely life.
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...
War looms over the kingdom of Neunatia, where two young women are both burdened and blessed by the power of song.
Looking for true love, women meet potential husbands while traveling to scenic locales. The catch? Only women can propose, while men are on the clock.
The play tells the story of the love between man, ghost and fox among scholar Wan Wentong, female ghost Liu Zi, and vixen Hu Qianqian
Mary Ann Singleton, a naïve young secretary from the mid-west, tumbles head first into the colorful world of San Francisco, where carefree chaos revolves around the funky old apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane.
If you had a chance to live a much different life, would you take it? A happy-go-lucky fishmonger, Liu Wenpin, lives and works in a small village and has for the most part been content with his way of life. But one day, he meets Yi Weilien, a city man who has been involved in an accident and who looks very much like him...
Layla Majnun
The series begins with the life of Mamed (Nofal Shahlaroglu), who cannot pay his debts and is always in trouble. Mamed's work as an actor was never going well. On the eve of his life going wrong, he meets a spirit named Suleyman (Elnur Huseynov) who can only be seen by those who hold the magical rosary, which no one can see.