Skauti pret zombijiem 2015
Nometnes pēdējā vakarā trīs skauti atklāj draudzības patieso nozīmi, kad mēģina glābt savu pilsētu no zombiju izlaušanās.
Nometnes pēdējā vakarā trīs skauti atklāj draudzības patieso nozīmi, kad mēģina glābt savu pilsētu no zombiju izlaušanās.
Pēc Emorijas koledžas absolvēšanas izcilais students un sportists Kristofers Makendless, ģimenei neko nezinot, sadedzina dokumentus, atdod savus mūža ietaupījumus labdarībai un atstāj savu mašīnu, lai ceļotu ar stopiem pa ASV. Viņa mērķis ir doties uz Aļasku, dzīvot savvaļā, pārtikt tikai no tā, ko daba piedāvā, un tikt prom no cilvēces. 20 mēnešu laikā pirms viņa lielā Aļaskas piedzīvojuma viņš apbraukā ASV, iepazīst jaunus cilvēkus un dziedina bērnības traumas, ko radījušas vecāku vardarbīgās attiecības.
Džils ar savu līgavu dodas atvaļinājumā uz Parīzi, lai gūtu iedvesmu savai nākamajai lugai
Danijs un Vīlers, iesprūduši 30.gados, dzīvo ar trūkumu - Danijam šķiet, ka viņš ir iesprūdis attiecībās un atraidījis satriecošo draudzeni. Vīlers tveras pēc jebkā, lai tiktu pie seksa. Kad viņi iekļūst kautiņā ar smagā auto šoferi, viņi izvēlas brīvprātīgo darbu. Abi tiek nosūtīti pie brāļiem - Danijs pie Augija, bet Vīlers pie Ronija. Vienā brīdī abi sāk pieļaut kļūdas. Vai abiem vīriešiem izdosies mainīties daudz, lai kļūtu par elkiem?
A white-collar crook, an itinerant carnival vendor and other colorful characters keep on chugging through life while residing in a campground. They are down on their luck. They live in a campground. But these eccentrics still embrace their own joie de vivre.
Three kids, Max, Neil and Nikki, spent the summer vacation at a dysfunctional campsite called 'Camp Campbell' which is currently in the hands the camp counselors, the overly cheerful David and the less optimistic Gwen.
Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to Motosu, she's forced to turn back because of worsening weather. Unable to set her eyes on her goal, she faints partway to her destination. When she wakes up, it's night, in a place she's never been before, with no way of knowing how to get home. Nadeshiko is saved when she encounters Rin, a girl who is out camping by herself. This outdoorsy girls story begins with this first encounter between Nadeshiko and Rin.
Four young adults must protect their workplace—a campground where the Boss is an agoraphobic bear—against a wild variety of perils ranging from the downright silly to the supernatural.
The Outclub goes on a journey! The Outdoor Activities Club, AKA the Outclub, has 3 members. In the countryside of Yamanashi Prefecture, there's a high school named Motosu High School. Go even further to one of the school buildings and you'll find a very laid-back outdoor club that uses one corner of the classroom as their club room.
Featuring the popular cast of "Light the Night", a reality show gathers up the friends from the hit drama series for a camping adventure together.
Join the summer holiday bubble at the Campsite, new and old friendships and flirtations blossom - and are put to the test.
Jack Steward joins Colton Smith to travel to America's greatest treasures, the awe-inspiring national parks, and to spotlight their beauty.
Motion features host Greg Aiello as he explores a variety of outdoor activities. From the Channel Islands in California to Bryce Canyon National Park, Maui, and Big Sur, Aiello takes a Nature-lovers perspective on exploration. Often times filmed solely by Aiello himself, the show acts as a guide on how to adventure to less-traveled places. Camping on a budget, kayaking with friends, and hiking mountains with safety cables are examples of Aiello's hobbies that are documented for viewers to see. Each half hour episode takes viewers to a location off the beaten path, with directions on exactly how to get there. With summer and winter vacations highlighted, Motion is produced with the average outdoorsmen in mind. Aiello narrates throughout, providing an inside look into his climbing, hiking, photography, and general fitness abilities.
Kento enjoys cooking with canned foods and eating them at a camp-ground. Nanako likes cooking with natural ingredients she obtains herself from nature. The only thing in common between them are that they eat and sleep alone at camp.
Shima Shima Tora no Shimajirō is a Japanese anime show aimed at preschoolers. The series debuted on December 13, 1993. Shimajiro was formed in 1988, followed by Kodomo Charenji. It was featured on the E! "The Soup" segment.
The variety show features the cast of Hospital Playlist going on a two-days-and-one-night camping trip together.