Atslēgvārds World War Ii
The Brutalist 2024
Openheimers 2023
Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.
Šindlera saraksts 1993
Niknais 2014
1945. gada aprīlis. Otrais pasaules karš tuvojas nobeigumam. Sabiedrotie gatavi dot izšķirošo triecienu nacistiskajai Vācijai Eiropā. Kaujās rūdītais seržants Vordedijs, tanka "Šermans" komandieris, vada savu kaujas mašīnu pretinieka aizmugurē, lai paveiktu specuzdevumu.
Kauja par Heksoridžu 2016
Desmonds Doss ir viens no ievērojamākajiem 2.Pasaules kara varoņiem. Sīvu cīņu laikā par Heksoridžu starp ASV un Japānas impērijas armijām viņš izglāba vairāk nekā 75 kareivju dzīvības ne reizi nepieskaroties ieročiem vai nogalinot kādu. Viņš stingri ticēja, ka karš ir taisnīgs, bet nonāvēšana ir slikta. Viņš bija vienīgais karavīrs 2. Pasaules karā, kurš frontes līnijās cīnījās bez ieroča un par nopelniem valsts labā saņēma Goda medaļu (Medal of Honor) un Purpura sirds ordeni (Purple Heart).
Zēns un gārnis 2023
The Six Triple Eight 2024
Imitācijas spēle 2014
Glābjot ierindnieku Raienu 1998
Pēc iebrukuma Eiropas cietoksnī 1944. gada 6. jūnijā, grupa ASV armijas kareivju dodas misijā, kurā ir jātrod un jānogādā mājās ierindnieks Džeimss Frensiss Raiens, kurš ir vienīgais no četriem mātes dēliem, kurš ir palicis dzīvs un atrodas aiz ienaidnieka frontes līnijas.
Sisu 2022
Otrā pasaules kara pēdējās dienās, vientuļš ogļracis sastopas ar nacistiem, atkāpjoties no iznīcinātās zemes Somijas ziemeļos. Kad nacisti nozog viņa zeltu, viņi ātri atklāj, ka nav iekūlušies parastā kalnrača rokās. Lai gan nav tieša tulkojuma somu valodas vārdam "sisu", šis leģendārais bijušais komandieris iemieso to, ko nozīmē sisu: baltu drosmi un neiedomājamu apņēmību, papildinot to ar nepārvaramu spēku. Un, lai arī ko nacisti viņam mestu pretī, viņš vienpersoniski darīs visu iespējamo, lai atgūtu savu zeltu - pat ja tas nozīmēs nogalināt visus.
The Zone of Interest 2023
Nedžentlmeniskas karadarbības ministrija 2024
Neticams un noklusēts patiess stāsts par pašu pirmo īpašo spēku organizāciju, ko Otrā pasaules kara laikā izveidoja Vinstons Čērčils un neliela militāro ierēdņu grupa. Īpaši slepenā kaujas vienība, ko veidoja raibum raiba neliešu un disidentu komanda, devās riskantā misijā pret nacistiem, izmantojot neierastas un pilnībā „nedžentlmeniskas” cīņas tehnikas. Viņu bezbailīgā pieeja mainīja kara gaitu un ielika pamatus mūsdienu „slepeno operāciju” karadarbībai.
Denkerka 2017
Otrā pasaules kara laikā Lamanša krastā nelielā teritorijā ap Denkerkas ostu simtiem tūkstošu britu un sabiedroto karavīru ir ienaidnieku aplenkti. Bezizejas situācijā nonākušajiem kareivjiem aiz muguras ir tikai jūra, bet ienaidnieks jau tuvojas… Episkajā kara trillerī "Denkerka", ko veidojis režisors Kristofers Nolans ("Starp zvaigznēm", "Pirmsākums", triloģija "Tumšais bruņinieks"), piedalās spožs aktieru ansamblis – Toms Hārdijs, Marks Railenss, Kenets Branags, Kilians Mērfijs un citi.
Pianists 2002
Filmas darbība notiek Polijas galvaspilsētā Varšavā. 1930. gados poļu-ebreju mūziķis Vladislavs Špīlmans bija slavens pianists Polijā. Pienākot Otrajam pasaules karam, viņš brīnumainā kārtā izdzīvo pret ebrejiem vērstajā holokaustā. Filmā tiek rādīts, kā Špīlmans cīnās par izdzīvošanu kara plosītajā Varšavā, un pēc kara atkal var pievērsties savai iemīļotajai nodarbei – klaviermūzikas spēlēšanai.
Malèna 2000
Pirmais atriebējs 2011
The Sullivans 1976
The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 1976 until 1983. The series told the story of an average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect World War II had on their lives. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Gibraltar and New Zealand.
Hetalia 2009
In a time filled with wars, environmental concerns and issues, there lives a gaggle of beautiful boys that are the personification of the world's countries. Japan, England, France, Finland, Germany and the rest of the boys attend the World Conference and tackle issues like global warming with a heavy dose of fun. Through multiple world wars the gang will traverse deserts, build mecha U-boats and solve the world's problems together!
Combat! 1962
Combat! is an American television program that originally aired on ABC from 1962 until 1967. The show covered the grim lives of a squad of American soldiers fighting the Germans in France during World War II. The program starred Rick Jason as platoon leader Second Lieutenant Gil Hanley and Vic Morrow as Sergeant "Chip" Saunders.
The Waltons 1972
The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.
World War Two 2018
Follow the deadliest conflict in human history in real time, week by week, blow by blow.
Das Boot 2018
An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn between loyalty for her home country and the French resistance in the WWII drama.
Band of Brothers 2001
Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men from paratrooper training in Georgia through the end of the war. As an elite rifle company parachuting into Normandy early on D-Day morning, participants in the Battle of the Bulge, and witness to the horrors of war, the men of Easy knew extraordinary bravery and extraordinary fear - and became the stuff of legend. Based on Stephen E. Ambrose's acclaimed book of the same name.
Masters of the Air 2024
During World War II, airmen risk their lives with the 100th Bomb Group, a brotherhood forged by courage, loss, and triumph.
Hogan's Heroes 1965
Hogan's Heroes is an American television sitcom that ran for 168 episodes from September 17, 1965, to July 4, 1971, on the CBS network. The show was set in a German prisoner of war camp during World War II. Bob Crane starred as Colonel Robert E. Hogan, coordinating an international crew of Allied prisoners running a Special Operations group from the camp. Werner Klemperer played Colonel Wilhelm Klink, the commandant of the camp, and John Banner was the inept sergeant-of-the-guard, Hans Schultz. The series was popular during its six-season run. In 2013, creators Bernard Fein through his estate and Albert S. Ruddy acquired the sequel and other separate rights to Hogan's Heroes from Mark Cuban through arbitration and a movie based on the show has been planned.
SAS Rogue Heroes 2022
The dramatised account of how the world’s greatest Special Forces unit, the SAS, was formed under extraordinary circumstances in the darkest days of World War Two.
Snow Leopard 2010
The story of Zhou Wen, a graduate of Whampoa Military Academy for rich kids. After being sentenced to death for murder, he was able to escape. Changing his name to Zhou Wei Guo and joining the military, he went on to create the special operations task force known as “Snow Leopard” to fight off the Japanese during WWII.
Pulang Araw 2024
Red Sun is a family drama that tells stories of courage, sacrifice, and hardships that every Filipino family has. These stories were inspired by the tales of the unsung heroes who defied the odds of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.
The Pacific 2010
Track the intertwined real-life stories of three U.S. Marines – Robert Leckie, John Basilone, and Eugene Sledge – across the vast canvas of the Pacific Theater during World War II. A companion piece to the 2001 miniseries Band of Brothers.
'Allo 'Allo! 1984
The misadventures of hapless cafe owner René Artois and his escapades with the Resistance in occupied France.
Masterpiece Mystery 1980
Mystery! is an episodic television series that debuted in 1980 in the USA. It airs on PBS and is produced by WGBH. The show has brought a large number of detective series and television movies—most of them British productions from the BBC or the ITV companies and usually adapted from mystery fiction literary sources—to air on American television. In 2002, they added an American-produced series based on the novels of Tony Hillerman to their roster.
Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler 2019
The origin story of Bruce Wayne's legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who forms a security company in 1960s London and goes to work with young billionaire Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha, before they become Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Awakening of Insects 2019
Set during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai in 1941, the drama follows Chen Shan who was forced to be a Japanese spy to save his younger sister who was held in captive; and his journey to become a patriotic fighter.
Foyle's War 2002
As WW2 rages around the world, DCS Foyle fights his own war on the home-front as he investigates crimes on the south coast of England. Foyle's War opens in southern England in the year 1940. Later series sees the retired detective working as an MI5 agent operating in the aftermath of the war.
Nuremberg 2000
Justice Robert H. Jackson leads Allied prosecutors in trying 21 Germans for Nazi war crimes after World War II.
Under Military Law 2015
It is July 1941, and the Nazis are advancing towards Kyiv. A special squad is tasked with investigating major cases by acting both at the frontline and in the city itself, where rising criminals are joining German subversives in infiltrating the city, while a number of Soviet government representatives are happily profiting from other people’s misery.