Mafijas nodevējs

Mafijas nodevējs 2019


Palermo, Sicīlija, 1980. Mafijas loceklis Tommaso Buscetta kopā ar ģimeni nolemj pārcelties uz Brazīliju, bēgot no pastāvīgā kara starp dažādiem noziedzīgās organizācijas klāniem. Taču, kad pēc vairāku nelaimju pārdzīvojuma viņš ir spiests atgriezties Itālijā, viņš pieņem drosmīgu lēmumu, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs viņa dzīvi un Cosa Nostra likteni.



Corleone 2007


The story of Salvatore Riina, a mafioso boss from Corleone, Sicily.


The Octopus

The Octopus 1984


An epic crime saga of power, money, violence and corruption. The mafia controls everything through local and international networks like an octopus, and anyone who tries to bring them down pays the ultimate price.


Suburra: Blood on Rome

Suburra: Blood on Rome 2017


In 2008, a fight over land in a seaside town near Rome spirals into a deadly battle between organized crime, corrupt politicians and the Vatican.


Mafia Only Kills in Summer

Mafia Only Kills in Summer 2016


Palermo, 1979. The Giammarresi are a normal family — father, mother, a ten year old son and a daughter of sixteen — struggling with the problems of everyday life. Seemingly ordinary problems, oh, and the Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia. Inspired by Pierfrancesco “Pif” Diliberto's film.


The Hunter

The Hunter 2018


The story of Saverio Barone, a young prosecutor who in the early nineties became the protagonist of the “caccia alla Mafia” (Mafia-hunt) immediately following the Capaci and Via D'Amelio bombings. Inspired by the true story of the anti-Mafia magistrate Alfonso Sabella.


Corleone: A History of la Cosa Nostra

Corleone: A History of la Cosa Nostra 2019


How, from 1974 to 1993, Totò Riina (1930-2017), supreme boss of the Corleone family, ruled by blood and terror over the Sicilian Mafia. An implacable account, based on the testimony of his men and those who fought against them.