Atslēgvārds Youth Film
さよならくちびる 2019
ほとりの朔子 2013
Biologie! 1990
Nid d'oiseau 2022
Non Scordarti 2014
小情书 2017
热舞吧! 青春 2018
七月的舞步 2021
あの群青の向こうへ 2020
Приключения Кроша 1961
La cour 2022
Trophée 2021
Players 2020
Buras 1977
Uz jūrskolu mācīties atnākuši dažādu raksturu pusaudži, kurus vieno mīlestība pret jūru. Pirmā kursa audzēkņiem kopa ar pedagogiem jāiziet mācības uz burinieka "Kruzenštern".
In Search of Captain Grant 1985
Lord and Lady Glenarvan found a bottle in the ocean. This bottle contained a letter from Captain Grant that he and two of his sailors had survived a disaster at sea and need help. Unfortunately, the letter was damaged by water, and the latitude is known (37 degrees), but not the longitude. The Glenarvans decide to find Captain Grant.