Debesu valstība 2005
Jaunais franču kalējs Balians ir spiests bēgt no savas dzimtenes un pievienoties krustnešu pulkam, kuru vada viņa tēvs. Drīz vien viņš iegūst bruņinieka titulu un stājas tēva vietā, kļūstot par prasmīgu karavadoni.
Jaunais franču kalējs Balians ir spiests bēgt no savas dzimtenes un pievienoties krustnešu pulkam, kuru vada viņa tēvs. Drīz vien viņš iegūst bruņinieka titulu un stājas tēva vietā, kļūstot par prasmīgu karavadoni.
Filma ir stāsts par Maiklu Oheru – resnu, neizglītotu melnādainu pusaudzi – kuru savās mājās pieņem labi situēta baltā ģimene. Viņi rūpējas par zēnu, palīdzot viņam kļūt par sporta zvaigzni un iestāties universitātē.
Kāds sērojošs vīrs saņem noslēpumainu ielūgumu satikties ar Dievu kādā vietā, ko sauc par Būdu.
"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.
An enigmatic conservative Christian group known as the Family wields enormous influence in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of its global ambitions.
What could go wrong in a small Christian church? From failing sermons, to disagreements in the office, join this church staff as they go through the daily struggles of working in ministry.
"A Thousand Tomorrows" tells the story of bull rider Cody Gunner and the great price he would pay for a handful of seasons, a mere thousand tomorrows, with the one he loves more than life.
It is said to be one of the oldest books in the world. Has it been altered? If yes why? A remarkable journey back in time to see what the Old Testament and the New Testament is hiding from us.
Ryan Defrates is arrogant and reckless and always insists on working alone. That is, until the day he's paired with a very unlikely partner... his mom! Deb Defrates is not a spy. She knows more about cutting coupons then cutting down on crime, but her wisdom and kindness somehow always seem to save the day.
Swan's Place is a variety Christian comedy talk show hosted by comedian Dennis Swanberg and shown on FamilyNet television affiliates. The format of the show is similar to most late night talk shows. The show typically consists of a short monologue by Dennis Swanberg, followed by a series of Christian singers and comedians, who chat with "The Swan" after their performances. Swanberg ends the show by reading letters from viewers, followed by a short Christian-related message.
Each episode takes the Grammy Award singer Natalie Grant to a church to match up one of their eligible singles. The church and pastor pick the guinea pig, who then consents. Various "matchmakers" in the church nominate eligible dates, someone they think would be good, and describes before the church why they picked the candidate. The church then narrows the field down to 3 finalists through ballot voting.