Suņi nevalkā bikses

Suņi nevalkā bikses 2019


Vienlaikus atbrīvojoša un bīstama ir izlaušanās no jūtu stinguma, kas pārņēmis Juhu pēc viņa sievas noslīkšanas, peldes laikā sapinoties zvejas tīklā. Viņš nejauši nonāk vidē, kur aizvien pieaugošo atkarību no smakšanas, kas ļauj atslābt ciešanu žņaugiem, apmierina bargā pavēlniece Mona. Cienījamais sirds ķirurgs neona gaismu kambaros ir tikai suns... Esamības saldās sāpes mīlestībā, zaudējumā, perversajā un cildenajā. Vizuāli iespaidīgais stāsts raisa gan nevaldāmas smieklu šaltis, gan pārdomas par neizdibināmajiem ceļiem, kādos izdodas pārvarēt likteņa triecienus. Somu autorkino režisoram ir labi pazīstamas tumsas dzīles, no kurām jātiek laukā emocionāli atkailinātajam varonim, jo pats vairāk nekā desmit gadus cīnījies ar depresiju.



Aita 2001



Taskmaster Finland

Taskmaster Finland 2020


In this Finnish version of popular British format "Taskmaster," Jaakko Saariluoma will be seen in the role of Taskmaster, with Pilvi Hämäläinen as his right hand. They will be judging the stars competing as they explore the limits of their insight in a variety of tasks that require intelligence, skill, and wit. Guests will be visiting the studio and joining the fun.


Huume-Suomen historia

Huume-Suomen historia 2015


The four-part documentary series explores how substances that are now considered illegal drugs came to Finland. The concept of illegal drugs was only born in the 1960s. Before that, cannabis, opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine and amphetamine were mainly medicinal substances that were also occasionally abused.


Junior Taskmaster Finland

Junior Taskmaster Finland 2024


The junior version of the phenomenal Grandmaster puts children in the limelight! The basic idea of ​​the program is the same as for adults: children compete in tasks that require intelligence, skill and wit prepared by the Grand Master. There will be speed and even wild situations, as well as downright sharp analysis in the studio. Jaakko Saariluoma is rightfully the grandmaster, and his right-hand man is judge Pilvi Hämäläinen.