Atslēgvārds Apartment
Apartment 7A 2024
All of Us Strangers 2023
Rosemary's Baby 1968
Watcher 2022
#살아있다 2020
콘크리트 유토피아 2023
Skyline 2010
Everlija 2014
Filmas darbība risinās dzīvoklī. Kāda sieviete mēģina izglāb savu meitu un māti no slepkavām, ko uzsūtījis viņas bijušais draugs.
Blakusefekts 2013
Galvenās varones dzīvē viss aiziet šķērsām brīdī, kad viņas vīru ieliek cietumā. Sākumā viņa centās tikt galā ar depresiju pašas spēkiem, dzerot kaudzēm nervus nomierinošos līdzekļus. Kad tas nedeva rezultātu, Emīlijai nekas cits neatlika kā doties uz psihiatrisko klīniku.Viņai palīdzēs divi paši labākie klīnikas ārsti, kā arī eksperimentāli preparāti, kuriem piemīt samērā savādi blakusefekti.
Entergalactic 2022
Sievietes uz nervu sabrukuma robežas 1988
Kādā rītā Pepas dzīvesbiedrs Ivans telefonsarunā paziņo par šķiršanos. Dīvainas apmātības un alkohola vadīta, viņa nolemj dzīties pakaļ bijušajam draugam, lai aci pret aci jautātu: kāpēc? Ceļā viņa satiek ne mazums savādu ļautiņu – Ivana dēlu Karlosu no pirmās laulības, bijušo, taču ne mazāk ārprātīgo Ivana sievu un draudzeni, kura nelaikā uzrodas, lai apcerētu savu dēku ar vietējo teroristu.
回路 2001
The Humans 2021
Caché 2005
Time Lapse 2014
숨바꼭질 2013
Piercing 2019
Friends 1994
Six young people from New York City, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find the companionship, comfort and support they get from each other to be the perfect antidote to the pressures of life.
Sweet Home 2020
As humans turn into savage monsters and the world plunges into terror, a handful of survivors fight for their lives — and to hold on to their humanity.
DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story 2022
This series examines the gruesome and horrific true crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and the systemic failures that enabled one of America’s most notorious serial killers to continue his murderous spree in plain sight for over a decade.
Happiness 2021
A new type of deadly virus spread throughout the city, and the apartment where has different social classes of people is sealed off. With the fear of the virus, and the conflicts of the different classes, the residents have to spend and survive in the new habitation.
Love, Sidney 1981
A middle-aged gay artist shares his New York apartment with a single mother and her little girl. Based on a short story written by Marilyn Cantor Baker, which was subsequently adapted into a TV movie entitled Sidney Shorr: A Girl's Best Friend. Love, Sidney was the first program on American television to feature a gay character as the central lead, although for the series, Sidney's homosexuality was almost entirely downplayed from its subtle yet unmistakable presence in the two-hour pilot.
Tuca & Bertie 2019
Free-spirited toucan Tuca and self-doubting song thrush Bertie are best friends – and birds – who guide each other through life's ups and downs.
Smother-in-Law 2022
Living with her family since the pandemic struck, the meddling Isadir does her best to disrupt the lives of her bumbling son and rival daughter-in-law.
Hello Residents 1984
The family of Mr. (Asfoor), who works in one of the contracting companies (Hassan Abedin), suffers from poor living conditions in the house in which they live, and is trying to find a new apartment that accommodates all of them, and the director of the company in which Mr. (Asfoor) agrees to grant him a new apartment with him and his family in one of the buildings he built, provided that he bears legal responsibility for the architecture, especially after a problem occurred.
Concrete Market 1970
Tells the story of an unbroken apartment becoming a place for barter in a world that has been ruined since the earthquake.