Nejaukais es 4

Nejaukais es 4 2024


Pasaulē iemīļotākais ļaundaris Grū, tagad - PretĻaundaru līgas aģents, kopā ar uzticamajiem minioniem atgriežas uz kinoekrāniem! Grū ģimenē ir papildinājums - Grū juniors. Kad tētis Grū sastopas ar jaunu ienaidnieku– atriebīgo Maksimu Lemālu un viņa liktenīgo sievieti Valentīnu, visa ģimene ir spiesta atstāt mājas, doties uz slepeno mītni skaistajā Meifloverā un mēģināt iekļauties vietējā sabiedrībā zem slepena vārda. Taču te ir kāds, kas zina, kas patiesībā ir Grū, un piedzīvojumi var sākties!


Robots savā vaļā

Robots savā vaļā 2024


Robotiņš ROZZUM 7134 jeb Rozu nonāk uz neapdzīvotas salas. Lai izdzīvotu skarbajā vidē, tas pamazām pielāgojas salas apstākļiem un sadraudzējas ar salas dzīvniekiem. Aizraujošs stāsts par sevis atklāšanu, par saikni starp modernajām tehnoloģijām un dabu, kā arī aizkustinošs ceļojums, atklājot, ko nozīmē būt dzīvam un vienotam ar visu dzīvo uz pasaules.


Ķepu patruļa: Varenā filma

Ķepu patruļa: Varenā filma 2023


Kad Piedzīvojumu pilsētā nokrīt noslēpumains meteorīts, tas Ķepu patruļas kucēniem piešķir superspējas, pārvēršot tos par Varenajiem Kucēniem! Skajai, mazākajai komandas dalībniecei, viņas jaunās spējas ir sapņa piepildījums. Taču, kad komandas pretinieks Humdingers izkļūst no cietuma un kopā ar zinātnieku plāno nozagt šīs superspējas, Varenajiem Kucēniem būs jāaptur supernelieši, kamēr nav par vēlu. Un Skaja uzzinās, ka pat mazākais kucēns var paveikt lielus varoņdarbus!



Monstrs 2023


Kad Saori dēls, piektās klases skolnieks Minato sāk uzvesties dīvaini – nogriež savus matus un pārnāk mājās tikai ar vienu kurpi –, māte saprot, ka noticis kaut kas nelāgs. Saori atklāj, ka vainīgs dēla skolotājs Hori kungs, un viņa dodas uz skolu, lai noskaidrotu, kas atgadījies. Taču direktore un pārējie skolotāji viņas raizes neuztver nopietni. Turklāt Hori vēl pastāsta, ka Minato terorizē savu klasesbiedru Jori. Apskatot notikušo no trīs cilvēku – Saori, skolotāja un Minato – perspektīvas, pamazām atklājas patiesība.



Troļļi 2016


Krāsainā animācijas filma no "Šreka" veidotājiem stāsta par aizraujošu ceļojumu, kurš aizvedīs troļļu meiteni Popiju tālu prom no ierastās viņai pasaules un liks viņai apvienot savus spēkus ar pašu drūmāko no troļļiem vārdā Zars. Viņai ir jāizglābj savus draugus no Karaļa Skrimšļa vecākā un viņam padoto bergenu ķetnām. Popijas neticamie piedzīvojumi būs sagatavojuši viņai īstus pārbaudījumus.


Ķepu patruļa: Filma

Ķepu patruļa: Filma 2021


Slavenā animācijas seriāla iemīļotie varoņi - uz lielā ekrāna! Raiders un viņa uzticamie kucēni tiek izsaukti uz Piedzīvojumu pilsētu, lai nepieļautu, ka jaunais pilsētas mērs Hamdingers to pārvērš milzu haosā. Raideru un viņa draugus gaida jauni uzdevumi un jautri piedzīvojumi!


Pokémon: Detektīvs Pikaču

Pokémon: Detektīvs Pikaču 2019


Izmeklētājs Harijs Gudmens noslēpumainā veidā pazudis, kā rezultātā viņa 21 gadu vecais dēls Tims apņēmies noskaidrot, kas īsti ir noticis. Izmeklēšanā palīdzību sniedz arī Harija bijušais Pokemonu partneris, apķērīgais un dzīvesgudrais, aizkustinoši piemīlīgais Pikaču. Saprotot, ka abiem ir unikāla spēja strādāt kopā, jo Tims ir vienīgais, kurš spēj ar Pikaču sarunāties, viņi savas spējas liek kopā, lai atrisinātu samudžināto mistēriju.


Mazie Ziemassvētki

Mazie Ziemassvētki 2017


Neveikls elfs Ziemassvētku vakarā netīšām samazina divus bērnus. Mazmazītiņi viņi dosies cauri Ziemassvētku trakumam, lai sveiki un veseli nokļūtu mājās.


The Simpsons

The Simpsons 1989


Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands. Since the beginning, the series has been a pop culture icon, attracting hundreds of celebrities to guest star. The show has also made name for itself in its fearless satirical take on politics, media and American life in general.


The Minimighty Kids

The Minimighty Kids 2008


Some have big feet or a sniffly nose, others are clumsy or too sweaty but these kids soon discover their mini problems can become superpowers.


Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil

Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 2010


Clarence Buttowski, a young boy, aspires to become the world's greatest daredevil, as he gets help from Gunther, his loyal friend and partner-in-crime.


The Legend of Tarzan

The Legend of Tarzan 2001


The Legend of Tarzan picks up where the 1999 feature film left off, with the title character adjusting to his new role as leader of the apes following Kerchak's death, and Jane adjusting to life in the jungle. Rounding out the cast are Jane's father, Professor Archimedes Porter; Tantor, the germophobic elephant; and Terk, a wisecracking female gorilla and Tarzan's old wrestling buddy.


Yo-kai Watch

Yo-kai Watch 2014


After elementary schooler Keita Amano (Nate Adams) frees a Yo-kai butler named Whisper, he is granted a special watch that allows him to see the Yo-kai causing trouble all around him.



Robotboy 2005


Robotboy is the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Due to fears that Robotboy would be stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to 10-year-old Tommy Turnbull, his biggest fan. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, or "G-man" as he calls himself, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy.


Shinkalion Change the World

Shinkalion Change the World 2024


"Unknown" is a mysterious enemy that suddenly appeared a long time ago. As a countermeasure, the "Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" (ERDA) has developed the "Shinkalion" robot that transform into bullet trains, to prepare for the threat. "I want to be a cool person who can protect something..." Taisei Oonari, a second-year junior high school student, transfers to Shinkai Gakuen Middle School in search of clues about his older sister who disappeared two years ago. Just then, the Unknown appears for the first time in 10 years. Taisei happens to have a high aptitude value as a Shinkalion pilot, and is forced to make a decision to fight it. What is the true nature of the Unknown and what is its purpose? What is the truth that comes to light at the end of the fight? The story of the boys' determination and growth begins now.


Turma da Mônica

Turma da Mônica 1976


Monica, the leader of the crew and 'ruler of the street,' is a little girl with a strong personality, not one to overlook any insult. She absolutely loves her stuffed bunny, Samson, and takes him with her everywhere. Jimmy Five, one of her best friends, is a smart kid, but he's always provoking her. Maggy is Monica's best friend and a super cute girl, who is always eating watermelons. To complete the show's main quartet, enter Smudge, a skillful boy who is terrified of water.


Tiny Toon Adventures

Tiny Toon Adventures 1990


Follow the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend the Acme Looniversity to become the next generation of characters from the Looney Tunes series.



KaBlam! 1996


KaBlam! is a sketch comedy television series that ran from 1996 to 2000. It features a collection of short films in several different styles of animation, bridged by the characters of Henry and June, who introduce the shorts, and have adventures of their own. The show ended its three-year run nine months short of four years on January 22, 2000.


The Huckleberry Hound Show

The Huckleberry Hound Show 1958


The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.


¡Vivan los niños!

¡Vivan los niños! 2002


¡Vivan los niños! is a Mexican telenovela for children that premiered in 2002. It ran for 155 episodes and finished in 2003. The opening, Vivan los niños, was recorded by the Latin pop group OV7. One of its closing themes, also entitled Vivan los niños, was performed by Cuban-American singer and songwriter Ana Cristina. The show is a version of the Argentinian telenovela "Jacinta Pichimahuida, la maestra que no se olvida". The series starred Andrea Legarreta as 2nd grade teacher Lupita Gómez. After the series ended, Andrea became the long-time host of the morning talk show Hoy. On July 12, 2012, in celebration of Andrea's birthday, the producers of Hoy reunited her with the young actors who played her students on the series.


Life’s Funniest Moments

Life’s Funniest Moments 2006


Almost anything is fair game, from wardrobe malfunctions, wedding bloopers, and sports debacles to out-takes from school plays and funny pet videos. Viewers of all ages will howl with laughter at Life’s Funniest Moments.


Pokémon Horizons

Pokémon Horizons 2023


Follow Liko and Roy as they unravel the mysteries that surround them and encounter Friede, Captain Pikachu, Amethio, and others during their exciting adventures!


Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 2023


After 13-year-old super-genius Lunella accidentally brings ten-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur into present-day New York City via a time vortex, the duo works together to protect the city's Lower East Side from danger.


Celebrity Substitute

Celebrity Substitute 2024


Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh lead acting class. Jordan Chiles fills in for the gym teacher. LISA forms her own dance group. They’re the best in the world at what they do—but teaching elementary school kids how to do it? Harder than it looks. And funny and adorable… but thank goodness the real teacher’s back in charge tomorrow. Hosted by Julian Shapiro-Barnum (Recess Therapy), Celebrity Substitute asks our favorite stars to swap limos for lesson plans and spend a day with an amazing class of public school kids. And, thanks to Amazon, every episode has a few other surprises in store… Most of all, Celebrity Substitute reminds us to give teachers their flowers. Because substituting for a day is one thing. The ones who do it full time? Absolute heroes. Celebrity Substitute is the ultimate feel-good series that celebrates the importance of education and the power of connection—whether you’re selling out Madison Square Garden or singing backup in your first grade choir.


El amor no tiene receta

El amor no tiene receta 2024


Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.


Ready, Steady, Wiggle!

Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 2013


New and old friends join The Wiggles for their musical adventures in Wiggle Town, learning lessons and solving problems as they go.