Burbuļvannas laika mašīna 2

Burbuļvannas laika mašīna 2 2015


Pēc ceļojuma ar burbuļvannu laika mašīnu uz pagātni, puišu dzīves krasi izmainījās, kas nepalika bez sekām nākotnē... Lai visu labotu viņi mēģina ar burbuļvannas laika mašīnas palīdzību atgriezties pagātnē, bet negaidīti, nokļūst nākotnē kur bez trakiem piedzīvojumiem neiztikt.


Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap 2022


It's been nearly 30 years since Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. Now, a new team, led by physicist Ben Song, has been assembled to restart the project in hope of understanding the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it. Everything changes, however, when Ben makes an unauthorized leap into the past, leaving the team behind to solve the mystery of why he did it.