Kreisie poliči

Kreisie poliči 2014


Saņēmuši ielūgumu uz kostīmu ballīti, Džastins un Raiens nolemj pārģērbties par policistiem un draugi iegūst nedalītu popularitāti ballītes viesu vidū. Panākumu iedvesmoti, viņi nolemj turpināt šo spēli arī ikdienas dzīvē, taču pilnīgi nejauši iepinas īstā kriminālā notikumā. Tagad ir pienācis...



Fabelmeni 2022


Jaunais Semijs Fabelmens kopā ar ģimeni dzīvo Arizonā laikā pēc Otrā pasaules kara. Pēc kāda kino apmeklējuma Semijs iemīlas filmās, sāk tās veidot pats un atklāj, kā filmās mītošais spēks palīdz viņam saskatīt patiesību ģimenes noslēpumos.



Viesnīca "Diženā Budapešta" 2014


Viesnīca "Diženā Budapešta" stāsta par Eiropā slavenās viesnīcas leģendārā viesmīļa Gustava H un portjē Zero Mustafa piedzīvojumiem.



Monstrs 2023


Kad Saori dēls, piektās klases skolnieks Minato sāk uzvesties dīvaini – nogriež savus matus un pārnāk mājās tikai ar vienu kurpi –, māte saprot, ka noticis kaut kas nelāgs. Saori atklāj, ka vainīgs dēla skolotājs Hori kungs, un viņa dodas uz skolu, lai noskaidrotu, kas atgadījies. Taču direktore un pārējie skolotāji viņas raizes neuztver nopietni. Turklāt Hori vēl pastāsta, ka Minato terorizē savu klasesbiedru Jori. Apskatot notikušo no trīs cilvēku – Saori, skolotāja un Minato – perspektīvas, pamazām atklājas patiesība.


Lieliskais Lapsas kungs

Lieliskais Lapsas kungs 2009


Lapsas kungs dzīvo idillisku dzīvi kopā ar Lapsas kundzi un dēlēnu, un pie viņiem bieži ciemojas krustdēls Kristofersons. Tomēr Lapsa jūt, ka viņā atkal mostas dzīvnieciski instinkti. Drīz viņš dodas vecajās medību takās, lai čieptu vistas un citus labumus no netālu mītošo fermeru kūtīm. Lai gan nekad netiek pieķerts, viņš ar jauno nodarbošanos apdraud ne tikai savu sievu un dēlu, bet arī visas dzīvnieku komūnas mieru un drošību. Nav ilgi jāgaida, līdz fermeri, pārskaitušies par Lapsas nekaunību, nolemj to izsvēpēt no alas. Turklāt Lapsu saime nav vienīgie, kas nonākuši briesmās, arī viņu kaimiņi - Kurmis, Zebiekste, Bebrs un Trusis ar ģimenēm tiek iesprostoti pazemē. Daudzi ir tuvu izmisumam, bet pārējie jau zaudējuši cerības izglābties. Tikai ne pats Lapsas kungs - viņa glābšanās plāns ir spīdošs!


Krūdi 2: Jauna ēra

Krūdi 2: Jauna ēra 2020


Aizvēsturiskās Krūdu ģimenes jaunais izaicinājums ir konkurējošā Labākmaņu ģimene, kuri sevi pasludinājuši par labākiem, pārākiem un attīstītākiem. Taču viņi negrasās padoties, jo vienmēr ir gatavi jebkuram izaicinājumam un doties pašos neticamākajos piedzīvojumos.


Ir laiks

Ir laiks 2013


Kādas ne īpaši izdevušās Jaungada ballītes laikā, Tima tēvs savam 21 gadu vecajam dēlam atklāj noslēpumu. Viņu ģimenes vīriešiem piemīt unikālas spējas - ceļot laikā. Vēsturi izmainīt viņam nav pa spēkam, taču viņš var izmainīt to, kas notiek un ir noticis viņa personīgajā dzīvē.


Mans mīļākais ienaidnieks

Mans mīļākais ienaidnieks 2021


Lai sasniegtu augstākos mērķus savā karjerā, Lūsija ir gatava darīt daudz, bet ar vienu noteikumu - tas nedrīkst pārkāpt vispārpieņemtās ētikas normas. Bet tas nav viegli, kad galvenais sāncensis ir saltai Džošuā. Nepalīdz arī tas, ka Lūsijai lēnām sāk rasties jūtas pret viņu.



NCIS 2003


From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.


Tyler Perry's Sistas

Tyler Perry's Sistas 2019


There's nothing that bonds a group of single black women together more than sidestepping the land mines of living, working and dating in Atlanta. In a sea of swipe-lefts, social media drama and unrealistic #relationshipgoals, these friends try to find their Mr. Right.


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2022


Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


The End of the F***ing World

The End of the F***ing World 2017


James is 17 and is pretty sure he is a psychopath. Alyssa, also 17, is the cool and moody new girl at school. The pair make a connection and she persuades him to embark on a darkly comedic road trip in search of her real father.


Love Between Fairy and Devil

Love Between Fairy and Devil 2022


When a low-ranked fairy accidentally resurrects a powerful demon, their fates become cosmically entangled as the world is thrown into turmoil.



Psych 2006


Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen eye for detail (and a lasting dislike of his dad). Years later, Shawn's frequent tips to the police lead to him being falsely accused of a crime he solved. Now, Shawn has no choice but to use his abilities to perpetuate his cover story: psychic crime-solving powers, all the while dragging his best friend, his dad, and the police along for the ride.



Hawkeye 2021


Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a superhero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.


Clarkson's Farm

Clarkson's Farm 2021


Follow Jeremy Clarkson as he embarks on his latest adventure, farming. The man who on several occasions claims to be allergic to manual labour takes on the most manually labour intensive job there is. What could possibly go wrong?


KinnPorsche: The Series

KinnPorsche: The Series 2022


Kinn, the second son of a prominent mafia head, is ambushed by an enemy and meets Porsche, a college student who comes to his rescue, thus beginning their reluctant relationship as boss and bodyguard, which soon turns into something more.


Adventure Time: Distant Lands

Adventure Time: Distant Lands 2020


Based on the animated series Adventure Time, these four specials explore the unseen corners of the world with both familiar and exciting brand-new characters.


Pan Am

Pan Am 2011


In this modern world, air travel represents the height of luxury and Pan Am is the biggest name in the business. The planes are glamorous, the pilots are rock stars and the stewardesses are the most desirable women in the world. They're trained to handle everything from in-air emergencies to unwanted advances—all without rumpling their pristine uniforms or mussing their hair.


Recovery of an MMO Junkie

Recovery of an MMO Junkie 2017


Moriko Morioka is a 30-year-old single NEET woman. After dropping out from reality, she has taken off in search for a fulfilling life and ended up in a net game or "netoge." In the netoge world, she began her new life as a refreshing and handsome character named Hayashi. While starting out as a beginner, a pretty character named Lily reached out to help her. Meanwhile, in the real world, awaits a shocking encounter with a good-looking elite company employee, a mysterious blue-eyed blonde.


Hello, My Twenties!

Hello, My Twenties! 2016


With different personalities, life goals and taste in men, five female college students become housemates in a shared residence called Belle Epoque.


Private Practice

Private Practice 2007


Having left behind Seattle Grace Hospital, renowned surgeon Addison Forbes Montgomery moves to Los Angeles for sunnier weather and happier possibilities. She reunites with her friends from medical school, joining them at their chic, co-op, Oceanside Wellness Center in Santa Monica.


Beast Wars: Transformers

Beast Wars: Transformers 1996


Two spaceships, one manned by benevolent Maximals, the other by evil Predacons, crash-land on a pre-humanoid planet while en route to Earth. Their crews assume indigenous animal forms to protect themselves from an overabundance of natural energy, transforming into robots to do battle. Thus, the Beast Wars have begun...


The 4400

The 4400 2004


4400 centers on the return of 4400 people who, previously presumed dead or reported missing, reappear on Earth. Though they have not aged physically, some of them seem to have deeper alterations ranging from superhuman strength to an unexplained healing touch. A government agency is formed to track the 4400 people after one of them commits a murder.


Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!

Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! 2024


Snowflakes aren’t the only things dropping in Hokkaido—so are jaws, thanks to the super adorable gals who are turning the icy north into a hotbed of fashion and fun. Brace yourself for a winter storm of laughs, love, and killer outfits as these gals prove that being cute is an all-season affair. Here, frostbite meets fashionista!


Call of the Night

Call of the Night 2022


Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily... When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he's stoked! But then he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them... Is it just the delicious taste of his blood that makes her meet him night after night for late-night adventures, conversation and...naps? Or something else? Then, when a cute girl from Yamori's past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test!


Will & Grace

Will & Grace 2017


That’s right, honey! A decade after their unforgettable eight-season run, comedy’s most fabulous foursome is back.