Atslēgvārds Bombing
Neiespējamā misija: Rēgu protokols 2011
Pēc sprādziena Kremlī, kurā tiek vainota aģentūra IMF, tā aģents Ītens Hants un pārējie viņa komandā tiek atstādināti “rēgu protokola” ietvaros. Bez papildspēkiem un resursiem aģentiem jāatrod veids, kā novērst vēl vienu uzbrukumu un kliedēt šaubu ēnu pār viņu aģentūru. Šis uzdevums prasīs no viņiem pat pirmajā brīdī šķietami neiespējamo…
Children of Men 2006
Brazil 1985
Survivor 2015
Dadzītis 2019
Teodors Dekers bija 13 gadus vecs, kad Ņujorkas Metropoles muzeja apmeklējuma laikā piedzīvoja teroraktu, kurā gāja bojā viņa māte. Traģēdija izmaina Teo dzīves gaitu, kur mijas sēras, vainas apziņa, atbrīvošanās un jauns sākums, kā arī mīlestība. Visā dzīves ceļā viņš turas pie kādas taustāmas cerības, piemiņas lietas no briesmīgās dienas, - nelielas glezniņas, kurā attēlots putniņš - dadzītis.
Pierrot le fou 1965
名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌 2017
The Iceman 2012
Stiprāks 2017
Sižeta centrā ir vienkāršs strādnieku puisis Džefs Baumans, kurš 2013. gada Bostonas maratona teroraktā zaudēja abas kājas. Viņa fotoattēls no traģēdijas brīža aizkustināja ļaužu sirdis visā pasaulē, bet mediji viņu pret paša gribu padarīja teju par rokzvaigzni.
Hell's Angels 1930
はだしのゲン 1983
The Assignment 1997
Closed Circuit 2013
5 Days of War 2011
CSI: Immortality 2015
Mrs. Miniver 1942
The Little Drummer Girl 2018
Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic.
The Border 2014
After a bombing attack at the Poland–Ukraine border which killed his friends from the Border Guard, Captain Wiktor Rebrow tries to unravel the mystery and figure out what happened and who is behind it all.
Apocalypse: The Second World War 2009
A six-part French documentary about the Second World War composed exclusively of actual footage of the war as filmed by war correspondents, soldiers, resistance fighters and private citizens. The series is shown in color, with the black and white footage being fully colorized, save for some original color footage. The only exception to the treatment are most Holocaust scenes, which are presented in the original black and white.
Murder Among the Mormons 2021
High-stakes exploits turn deadly — and shake a global church to its core — in this extraordinary true crime story.
From There to Here 2014
From There To Here is set in the aftermath of the 1996 Arndale bombing and follows Daniel Cotton, a Manchester family man who is torn between the life he wants and the life he could have.
Terrorism Close Calls 2018
The war on terror is everywhere and anywhere. In this series, we learn about the deadly terrorist attacks that almost happened or were not as deadly as planned. Each episodes explores a recently declassified terrorist scheme intended to cause mass casualties.
Lockerbie 1970
Follow the investigation into the crash of Pan Am 103 from both sides of the Atlantic and discover the devastating effect it had on the small town and the families who lost loved ones.
Shoot to Kill: Terror on the Tube 2024
Documentary featuring previously unheard testimony, exploring the manhunt following the London bombings of 2005, and the shooting of innocent electrician Jean Charles de Menezes by armed police.
Blitz: The Bombs That Changed Britain 2017
Documentary series examining the effects of individual bombs that fell during the Blitz, from their initial impact on individual lives right through to their consequences for World War Two and the present day.