„Sarkanā oktobra” meklējumos

„Sarkanā oktobra” meklējumos 1990


Šis ir stāsts par padomju zemūdens kapteini Marko Ramiu, kas nepakļāvās pavēlēm un devās uz ASV austrumu krastu. Aprīkota ar inovatīvām pretizsekošanas tehnoloģijām, viņa zemūdene "Sarkanais oktobris" bija neredzama. Tiesa, kad amerikāņu zemūdene uz mirkli pamanīja krievu klātbūtni, CIP aģents Džeks Raiens devās noskaidrot Ramija motīvus.


Top Gun: Maveriks

Top Gun: Maveriks 2022


Pīts “Maveriks” Mičels vairāk kā 30 gadus ir bijis jūras kara flotes labākais pilots – nepārspējami bezbailīgs un karstgalvīgs. Viņš saņem jaunu uzdevumu - apmācīt jaunos pilotus kādai īpašai misijai. Jaunajā mācību grupā viņš sastop leitnantu Bredliju Bredšovu, sava bojāgājušā drauga Nika Bredšova dēlu.


Labākais šāvējs

Labākais šāvējs 1986


Maveriks ir pilots. Kad viņš Persijas līcī pārtver dažus MIG, viņa sabiedrotais ir apjucis un krīt izmisumā. Viņiem teju nav degvielas, tādēļ Maverikam izdodas abus nogādāt atpakaļ uz bāzes kuģi. Maveriks tiek nosūtīts uz Labāko šāvēju lidotāju skolu. Viņš cenšas būt labākais pilots un iet vismaz soli pa priekšu pārējiem studentiem. Tā ir pavisam cita pieeja nekā Čārlijam - personai, kurai viņš ir cītīgi pieķēries.



Karakuģis 2012


Kuģu flote tiek iesaistīta kaujā ar citplanētiešu peldlīdzekļu armādu.


Operācija: Hunter Killer

Operācija: Hunter Killer 2018


Amerikāņu atomzemūdene Hunter Killer, sadarbojoties ar ASV jūras kājnieku apakšvienību, iesaistās riskantā kaujas avantūrā, glābjot pasauli no katastrofas. Laika nav daudz, un dārga ir katra minūte: šādos apstākļos elitārajai komandai jāpaveic neiespējamais, lai novērstu globāla mēroga konfliktu.


Kauja par Midveju

Kauja par Midveju 2019


Kauja par Midveju vēsta par ASV flotes un Japānas Impērijas Jūras spēku kauju – vienu no vērienīgākajām un stratēģiski svarīgākajām kaujām Klusā okeāna reģionā Otrā pasaules kara laikā. Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīts stāsts par karavīru drosmi, sīkstumu un paļaušanos uz saviem instinktiem cīņā par panākumiem.



NCIS 2003


From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.


NCIS: Origins

NCIS: Origins 2024


In 1991, years prior to the events of NCIS, Leroy Jethro Gibbs starts his career as a newly minted special agent at the fledgling NCIS Camp Pendleton office, where he forges his place on a gritty, ragtag team led by NCIS legend Mike Franks.



JAG 1995


Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. is a former pilot turned lawyer working for the military's JAG (Judge Advocate General) division, the elite legal wing of officers that prosecutes and defends those accused of military-related crimes. He works closely with Lt. Col. Sarah Mackenzie, and together they do what needs to be done to find the truth.


Victory at Sea

Victory at Sea 1952


Victory at Sea is a documentary television series about naval warfare during World War II that was originally broadcast by NBC in the USA in 1952–1953. It was condensed into a film in 1954. Excerpts from the music soundtrack, by Richard Rodgers and Robert Russell Bennett, were re-recorded and sold as record albums. The original TV broadcasts comprised 26 half-hour segments—Sunday afternoons at 3pm in most markets—starting October 26, 1952 and ending May 3, 1953. The series, which won an Emmy award in 1954 as "best public affairs program", played an important part in establishing historic "compilation" documentaries as a viable television genre. Over 13,000 hours of footage gathered from US, British, German and Japanese navies during World War II were perused in the making of these compelling episodes.


Ensign O'Toole

Ensign O'Toole 1962


Ensign O'Toole is a military comedy that aired on NBC from September 23, 1962, to May 5, 1963, with 31-year-old Dean Jones in the title role of a nonchalant United States Navy ensign during the early 1960s. Jones, born in 1931 in Alabama and a Navy veteran of the Korean War, played an officer aboard the fictional U.S. Navy destroyer USS Appleby, which roamed the Pacific Ocean.


Sacrificing Liberty

Sacrificing Liberty 2020


The true story of the USS Liberty is more shocking than any spy novel written by Tom Clancy. The most top-secret spy ship in the world. Its client was the NSA. The ship and its 294 U.S. Navy sailors were rushed to the Mediterranean Sea. Only the White House and Pentagon knew that Israel was ready to attack Arab nations. The USS Liberty was deliberately sent into a kill zone. The casualties were staggering: 34 killed and 174 wounded. The coverup began immediately and has continued since 1967. Until now! The aging survivors have finally told their true story. Sacrificing Liberty sets the record straight.


The Silent War

The Silent War 2013


The story of the underwater war between US, UK and Soviet submarines in the second half of the 20th century.


Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor 2000


The incredible stories of some of the many men and women who have received America's highest military award, the Medal of Honor, authorized by President Lincoln on March 25, 1863 for bravery above and beyond the call of duty.


Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men

Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men 1989


Everyday, American submariners go below the waves for months at a time on submarine patrols. Steel Boats – Iron Men is the only film where the US Navy allowed filmmakers to go down with them. The film presents a never before seen look inside a state of the art nuclear powered submarine on patrol. It shows, in extraordinary detail, the daily ordinary and extraordinary lives of submariners. You will see things in this film that you have never seen before. The filmmakers also spent time trying to understand the character and personality that allows someone to become a submariner. They looked at training, family life, background, etc. The viewer visits a " wet trainer" at Sub School to see what these submariners must endure before they ever climb inside one of these remarkable ships. Who are these men, who live confined in a steel tube deep in the ocean for months at a time, surrounded by a hostile environment, in constant danger? What do they do and why do they do it?


US Navy: Pirate Hunters

US Navy: Pirate Hunters 2010


US Navy: Pirate Hunters is a one hour special following the U.S. Navy's efforts to capture the pirates that have been making headlines terrorizing commercial merchant ships off the coast of Africa.