Atslēgvārds Insurance Fraud
Double Indemnity 1944
Es mīlu tevi, Filip Moris 2010
Stīvena Rasela (Džims Kerijs) dzīve rit pavisam parasti - viņš ir laimīgi precējies, strādā vietējā policijas nodaļā, ir krietns draudzes loceklis. Taču satiksmes negadījums apgriež viņa dzīvi kājām gaisā - viņš nolemj izdzīvot savu dzīvi visā pilnībā, arī ja tas nozīmētu pārkāpt likumu. Par izkrāptām apdrošināšanas prēmijām, viltotiem dokumentiem, kredītkartēm un tamlīdzīgām pretlikumīgām darbībām Stīvens nonāk cietumā, kur sastop Filipu Morisu (Jūens Makgregors). No ieslodzījuma viņš izkļūst, taču nonāk aiz restēm atkārtoti. Liekot lietā dažnedažādas viltības, Stīvens pamanās izkļūt no cietuma četras reizes - un tas viss mīlestības dēļ!
Sleuth 2007
Malice 1993
Holivudas blēži 2020
Makss Bārbers ir viduvējs Holivudas producents, kurš iekūlies milzu parādos. Neredzot nekādu izeju no situācijas, viņš izstrādā viltīgu plānu: tā īstenošanai vajag tikai izlikties, ka tiek uzņemta filma un apdrošināt galvenā aktiera dzīvību. Filmēšanas aizsegā galvenais varonis “nejauši” ies bojā, bet Makss saņems apdrošināšanas atlīdzību. Taču izrādās, ka novākt aktieri nemaz nav tik vienkārši. Neveiksme neveiksmes galā tomēr noved pie panākuma – Maksa “viltus” filma beidzot izdodas izcila!
The Big White 2005
The Fortune Cookie 1966
검은 집 2007
Dangerous Passage 1944
Torture Money 1937
Dick Tracy's Dilemma 1947
Le Trio Infernal 1974
Restitution 2011
Kolmas laukaus 1959
Wild Card 2003
Wild Card is an American comedy-drama series starring Joely Fisher. It was broadcast in the United States on Lifetime, and on the Global Television Network in Canada from August 2003 to July 2005.
The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe 2022
The extraordinary and compelling story of how John Darwin faked his own death to claim life insurance and avoid bankruptcy will be told in The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe. The drama relates how Anne Darwin's husband, a prison officer, came up with the hare-brained scheme to defraud insurance companies, unbeknownst to their two sons.
マルホの女 2014
Kashiwagi Natsuko, who has stayed in the US for a long time, is a new investigator of Adjust Research, an insurance investigation firm. She possesses scientific genius and vast personal wealth, but has a tendency to feel out of place in Japanese society which is overly logical. On the other hand, Tono Aki is a veteran investigator in the same company. Born in the old part of Tokyo and a former delinquent, she is rather stingy because she lived in poverty when she was growing up. However, she has superb memory and animal instincts. Natsuko and Aki make an odd combination as they confront ingenious crimes associated with insurance money and expose the truth.
Lime Street 1985
Lime Street is an American action/drama series that aired on the ABC television network during the 1985 television season. The series was created by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, who also served as executive producer alongside husband Harry Thomason and series star Robert Wagner. Robert Wagner is half of a crackerjack team of insurance investigators. A colorful British bachelor (John Standing) is the other half, and he resides in a castle outside London. This Lloyd's of London-type duo travel all over the world to crack some of the toughest insurance cases ever devised by a scriptwriter. Lew Ayres is Wagner's dapper Virginia countrygentleman father and the grandfather to Bob's motherless children.
Scandinavian Star 2020
The story of the tragedy on board the Scandinavian Star in 1990, is still the biggest unsolved murder mystery in Scandinavia in recent times. 30 years after the disaster, a new Danish documentary series tells the entire story.