Atslēgvārds Missouri
Dambo 2019
Mazā zilonēna Dambo lielās ausis dara brīnumus – viņš spēj lidot un palīdz glābt cirku. Bet tad Dambo ar draugiem atklāj tumšus noslēpumus aiz cirka spožās ārienes.
Trīs paziņojumi pie Ebingas Misūri štatā 2017
Mildredas Heizas meita Andžela tika izvarota un noslepkavota pirms vairāk kā pusgada, taču slepkavības izmeklēšana nevirzās uz priekšu. Mildreda sper izmisīgu un pārdrošu soli – uz ceļa, kura malā Andžela tika atrasta, viņa uz reklāmas stendiem izvieto trīs paziņojumus, kas adresēti Ebingas pilsētiņas šerifam Viljamam Vilobijam. Policija uzskata šo par kara pieteikumu un dara visu, lai paziņojumi tiktu aizvākti. Taču Mildreda nedomā padoties, un spriedze tikai pieaug.
Džesija Džeimsa slepkavība 2007
Džesijs Džeims bija Mežonīgo rietumu leģenda, pārgalvis un sarežģīta personība, kura iekšējā pasaule daudziem bija noslēpums. Roberts Fords, kuram Džesijs ir bijis pielūgsmes objekts kopš bērnības, visiem spēkiem cenšas pievienoties Džesija vadītajai bandai. Neviens pat nenojauš, cik liktenīga būs Roberta loma Džesija dzīvē…
Tukšais vīrs 2020
Bonnie and Clyde 1967
Metāla skaņa 2020
Paper Moon 1973
You're Next 2013
Winter's Bone 2010
Ernest Scared Stupid 1991
Tom Sawyer 1973
Bend of the River 1952
Waiting for Guffman 1996
Huckleberry Finn 1974
L'État sauvage 2020
Tom Sawyer 2011
Malcolm & Eddie 1996
Malcolm and Eddie are as different as one can imagine. Nevertheless, they're best friends who manage to be roommates as well as co-workers and not kill each other.
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 1980
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends was a 1979 television series documenting the exploits of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, based on the novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by American writer Mark Twain. The series was made up of 26 episodes and was a Canadian/German coproduction. Huckleberry Finn is played by Ian Tracey who is also the narrator. Tom Sawyer is played by Sammy Snyders. Directed by Jack B. Hively and Ken Jubenvill, this mini-series was broadcast in many countries such as Germany, UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Venezuela and many other Latin American nations. The series was re-shown many times during the 1980s to early 1990s and has grown somewhat of a cult following. Even though Mark Twain originally wrote the books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as separate units, this mini-series conjures up both literary works as only one story. Therefore, it places greater importance on Huckleberry's character without putting aside Tom Sawyer's. In 2007, the complete series was released as a 4 DVD box set by Fabulous Films in the UK. It contains many extras including a 12 page color booklet and a 30 minute 'making of' documentary featuring interviews with many stars of the series including Sammy Snyders, Ian Tracey, and Blu Mankuma.
Ozark 2017
A financial adviser drags his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks, where he must launder $500 million in five years to appease a drug boss.
Black Bird 2022
As Jimmy Keene begins a 10-year prison sentence, he gets an incredible offer: If he can elicit a confession from suspected killer Larry Hall, Jimmy will be freed. Completing this mission becomes the challenge of a lifetime.
Sharp Objects 2018
Reporter Camille Preaker confronts the psychological demons from her past when she returns to her hometown to investigate the murders of two young girls.
The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys 2024
The high-stakes ranching and farming world of McBee Farm & Cattle is on the brink of becoming either a billion-dollar business or a financial disaster.
God, Guns & Automobiles 2013
Located in the tiny rural town of Butler, Missouri, Mark Muller and auto dealership Max Motors make car deals the old fashioned way. No trade or sales stunt, no matter how outrageous or controversial, is off the table if it can help him compete against the big city dealers.