Purpura smaile

Purpura smaile 2015


Edītes Kašingas (Mia Vasikovska) māte nomira, kad viņa bija jauna, taču turpina viņu sargāt. Augusi Viktorijas laikos, viņa cenšas būt vairāk nekā tikai sieviete precību gados. Viņu apbur noslēpumains svešinieks Tomass Šārps (Toms Hidlstons). Pēc tikšanos un atgadījumu virknes viņa apprec Tomasu un dodas līdzi viņam un viņa māsai lēdijai Lusillai Šārpai (Džesika Časteina) uz viņu dzīvesvietu, pametot visu, ko līdz šim ir pazinusi. Naivā meitene drīz saprot, ka ne viss ir tā, kā izskatās, jo pagātnes rēgi tiešā nozīmē iznāk no koka sienām.



Zelts 2016


Kenijs Velss (Metjū Makonahijs) ir mantojis ģeoloģiskās izpētes uzņēmumu, taču tā resursi sāk izsīkt. Aizrautīgais ģeologs Maikls Akosta viņu pārliecina meklēt zeltu Indonēzijas džungļos. Viņš iegulda visus sev pieejamos resursus, lai beidzot atrastu sen kāroto zelta rūdu. Tomēr džungļi ir nežēlīgi - Kenijs saslimst ar malāriju un nespēj dienām piecelties no gultas. Kad viņš atkopjas, Maikls pastāsta, ka viņi ir atraduši zeltu. Pēc zelta iegulu ievešanas Amerikā Kenija uzņēmums „Washoe Mining” kļūst par Volstrītas nežēlīgo tirgotāju mērķi, kuri ir apņēmušies no viņa peļņas izmānīt sev ieguvumu. Ar savas ilglaicīgās draudzenes Kejas iedrošinājumu un atbalstu Kenijs ir apņēmies aizsargāt savu zeltu.


Alu cilvēks

Alu cilvēks 2018


Filmas "Alu cilvēks" darbība risinās sensenos laikos, kad pa zemes virsu staigāja aizvēsturiski radījumi un mamuti ar biezu vilnas kažoku. Stāsta centrā ir dzīvespriecīgais un drosmīgais zēns Dags un viņa uzticamais pavadonis – cūkas un suņa krustojumam līdzīgais mājdzīvnieks. Kad alu cilvēku ciltij uzbrūk bronzas laikmeta ļaudis ar nežēlīgo pavēlnieku Nūtu priekšgalā, Dags iedvesmo savus ciltsbrāļus stāties pretī ienaidniekiem, lai glābtu savas mājas.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


Gold Rush: The Dirt

Gold Rush: The Dirt 2012


In Discovery Channel's top-rated show `Gold Rush', gold miners, inexperienced as some may be, hope to strike it rich in the wilds of Alaska and beyond. Some dismal summers result, filled with injuries, malfunctioning equipment and constant fighting among the greenhorn miners, yet serious cases of gold fever always trump any talk of giving up and sometimes leads to dreams being salvaged. The companion series `The Dirt' presents the inside scoop on behind-the-scenes relationships between such miners as brash youngster Parker Schnabel and longtime Yukon resident Tony Beets, as the quest to hit the mother lode never stops.



Fermont 2022


The documentary series takes us deep into the workings of the Mont-Wright iron complex for a fascinating and unprecedented close-up look at how the largest open-pit mine in Eastern North America operates.


Saving the Fucking Planet

Saving the Fucking Planet 2023


In the village of Utfjord, Sami Elin fights to preserve the pastures of the family that runs reindeer, but when she falls in love with Daniel, her values are put to the test.


Gold Rush: South America

Gold Rush: South America 2013


Between the third and the fourth seasons, Todd Hoffman and several crew members traveled to South America to prospect for gold in Peru, Chile, and Guyana. This was covered in several episodes, in a summer season for Gold Rush.


Devil's Dust

Devil's Dust 2012


An intensely personal drama based on one of Australia's most shocking corporate scandals, Devil's Dust tells the story of ordinary Australians caught in a web of deception in the James Hardie asbestos saga. Spanning four decades, Devil's Dust shows how industrial manufacturer James Hardie first covered up its knowledge of the dangers of its asbestos mining and products and then threaten compensation plans by moving the company overseas.


Gold, Lies & Videotape

Gold, Lies & Videotape 2023


One family has been fighting for over 70 years to recover what they say is rightfully theirs—a $28 billion treasure buried deep inside a mountain in the New Mexico desert. Some believe the U.S. Government stole the 16,000 gold bars and priceless artifacts, while skeptics claim it never existed. Now, the family and its supporters reveal exclusive evidence to prove their case and crack open the mystery of America's greatest treasure story.


Miners' Strike 1984: The Battle for Britain

Miners' Strike 1984: The Battle for Britain 2024


Forty years after, through the eyes of those directly involved, this powerful series explores the bitterly divisive strike that wounded the soul of the nation


Gold Rush: Legends

Gold Rush: Legends 2016


The crew members delve into their pasts before striking gold.


Asteroids: A New Horizon

Asteroids: A New Horizon 2021


Humanity's race to mine asteroids and unlock boundless resources in deep space. Trailblazing companies spearhead cutting-edge engineering to potentially reshape the future.