Čārlijs un šokolādes fabrika

Čārlijs un šokolādes fabrika 2005


Filma ir stāsts par kādu zēnu Čārliju, kas kopā ar ģimeni dzīvo lielā nabadzībā. Kādu dienu viņš kopā ar četriem citiem bērniem tiek pie izdevības apmeklēt šokolādes fabriku, kas jau vairākus gadus ir slēgta sabiedrībai. Fabrikas dīvainajās un interesantajās telpās sākas piedzīvojumi, kā arī notiek dažādi negadījumi.


Par Bitēm

Par Bitēm 2007


Pabeidzis koledžu, bite vārdā Barijs B. Bensons saprot, ka viņa karjerā nākamais un arī vienīgais solis ir medus vākšana. Dziļi vīlies par tik vājām nākotnes izredzēm, viņš, būdams dedzīgas dabas, steigšus atstāj dzimto stropu un dodas plašajā pasaulē. Drīz vien viņš pārkāpj pirmo bišu noteikumu - nerunāt ar cilvēkiem un iepazīstas ar floristi vārdā Vanesa. Pavadot laiku kopā, Berijs neviļus uzzina, ka cilvēki jau gadsimtiem ilgi uzturā lieto bišu sūri grūti sarūpēto medu. Berijs saprot, ka viņa dzīves galvenais uzdevums ir cīnīties pret šo netaisnību.


Clocking Off

Clocking Off 2000


How much do you know about the person working next to you? From the outside, life at Mackintosh Textiles appears to run smoothly, but in a community with so many secrets to hide, things are far from straightforward. In six powerful, self-contained dramas, everyday life is fractured by tumultuous marriages, snatched passions, disappearing husbands and gang harassment.


Miss Lee

Miss Lee 2019


The president has disappeared one day. His body hasn’t been found but he’s not returning. Cheongil Electronics is now buried in debt, and all the employees are desperate to survive. Sun Shim is a bookkeeper whom everyone belittles. She’s sick of her life and dreams to be a shareholder of Cheongil. With Mr. Oh’s disappearance, Sun Shim, who knows nothing, becomes the next president.


The New Phil Silvers Show

The New Phil Silvers Show 1963


The New Phil Silvers Show is an American situation comedy starring comedian Phil Silvers which aired thirty episodes on CBS from September 28, 1963, to April 25, 1964, under the sponsorship of General Foods.


Crocodile Shoes

Crocodile Shoes 1994


Crocodile Shoes is a British 7-part television series made by the BBC and screened on BBC One in 1994. The series was written by and starred Jimmy Nail as a factory worker who becomes a country and western singer. A sequel, Crocodile Shoes II followed in 1996 and the theme tune "Country Boy" was a hit for Nail too.


Curry and Chips

Curry and Chips 1969


Curry and Chips is a British sitcom broadcast in 1969 which was produced by London Weekend Television for the ITV network. Set on a factory floor of 'Lillicrap Ltd', it starred a blacked up Spike Milligan as an Asian immigrant who went by the name of Kevin O'Grady. It also featured Eric Sykes as the foreman, Norman Rossington as the shop steward, and other regulars were Kenny Lynch, and Sam Kydd. The series was written by Till Death Us Do Part writer Johnny Speight, but based on idea by Milligan. It was the first LWT sitcom to be made in colour, and all episodes still exist.