Tumšie ūdeņi

Tumšie ūdeņi 2019


Advokāts Roberts Bilo, strādājis par ķīmisko vielu holdinga DuPont korporatīvo juristu, uzstājas tiesā, apsūdzot savu bijušo kompāniju, kas gadu desmitiem ciniski gandējusi cilvēku veselību, piesārņojot dzeramo ūdeni. Šo lietu advokāts vada jau 19 gadus. Kāda būs maksa par patiesību?


Hatfields & McCoys

Hatfields & McCoys 2012


It’s the true American story of a legendary family feud—one that spanned decades and nearly launched a war between Kentucky and West Virginia. The Hatfield-McCoy saga begins with Devil Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy.. Close friends and comrades until near the end of the Civil War, they return to their neighboring homes—Hatfield in West Virginia, McCoy just across the Tug River border in Kentucky—to increasing tensions, misunderstandings and resentments that soon explode into all-out warfare between their families. As hostilities grow, friends, neighbors and outside forces join the fight, bringing the two states to the brink of another civil war.