Tas - otrā nodaļa

Tas - otrā nodaļa 2019


Ir pagājuši 27 gadi, kopš Neveiksminieku klubiņš uzveica Penivaizu. Neveiksminieki nu ir pieauguši, un viņu ceļi ir šķīrušies. Taču Derijā atkal sāk pazust bērni, tādēļ Maiks, vienīgais, kurš palicis dzimtajā mazpilsētā, ataicina bērnības draugus uz mājām. Viņiem būs jāpārvar savas dziļākās bailes, lai iznīcinātu slepkavīgo klaunu Penivaizu reizi par visām reizēm…



Tas 2017


Derija ir nomaļa mazpilsēta, kurā ik pa laikam notiek šausminoši un neizskaidrojami noziegumi – pazūd bērni, kuru mirstīgās atliekas pēcāk tiek atrastas sakropļotas. Septiņu draugu grupiņa, kurus citi bērni atstūmuši, bezbailīgi stājas pretī šaušalīgākajam briesmonim, kādu vien spēj iztēloties – klaunam Penīvaizam – noslēpumainam aizvēsturiskam radījumam, kas nogalinājis bērnus jau gadsimtiem ilgi.


Šarlotes tīkls

Šarlotes tīkls 2006


Sivēnam Vilberam ir bail no sezonas beigām, jo viņš zina, ka drīz tiks celts uz galda pusdienās. Kopā ar Šarloti, zirnekli, kas dzīvo viņa aizgaldā, viņi izstrādā plānu, lai būtu droši, ka tas nekad nenotiks.


Kā izglābt laulību

Kā izglābt laulību 2012


Pēc 30 laulībā pavadītiem gadiem Keja un viņas ietiepīgais vīrs Arnolds dodas uz mazpilsētu Greithoupspringsu pie slavena psihoterapijas guru, lai atjaunotu dzirksti attiecībās. Šajā laikā viņi ir spiesti viens par otru uzzināt pārsteidzošas lietas un izrauties no savas komforta zonas…



Haven 2010


FBI agent Audrey Parker arrives in the small town of Haven, Maine to solve a murder and soon discovers the town's many secrets—which also hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of her lost past.


The Mist

The Mist 2017


A small town family is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other.


Maine Cabin Masters

Maine Cabin Masters 2017


Builder Chase Morrill is teaming up with his brother, sister and best friend to save and transform abandoned cabins buried deep in the remote woods of Maine. From historic cottages nearly a century old, to camp cabins in need of some major TLC, they'll give these properties the facelift they've needed for decades. And, you never know what you might find when you go for a walk in the woods.


Castle Rock

Castle Rock 2018


Based on the stories of Stephen King, the series intertwines characters and themes from the fictional town of Castle Rock.


The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair 2018


A writer gets caught up in a murder investigation involving his mentor, an esteemed American author. Based on the book of the same name, by Joël Dicker.


Glory Days

Glory Days 2002


Wünderkind author Mike Dolan achieved literary fame at age 21 with a steamy exposé on his seemingly idyllic Maine town. Six years later, he hasn't written another word and reluctantly returns home in search of an antidote... where he is welcomed back with all the warmth of a lynch mob and where various odd and unpleasant occurrences are happening.


Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital

Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital 2004


Kingdom is a hospital whose bizarre population includes a brilliant surgeon who lives in the basement, a nearly blind security guard and a nurse who regularly faints at the sight of blood. But when patients and staff hear the voice of a girl crying through the halls and a patient destined for life as a paraplegic miraculously recovers, they are dismissive of any suggestion of mysticism or unseen powers... at their own peril.


Olive Kitteridge

Olive Kitteridge 2014


A look at a seemingly placid New England town that is actually wrought with illicit affairs, crime and tragedy, all told through the lens of Olive, whose wicked wit and harsh demeanor mask a warm but troubled heart and staunch moral center. The story spans 25 years and focuses on Olive's relationships with her husband, Henry, the good-hearted and kindly town pharmacist; their son, Christopher, who resents his mother's approach to parenting; and other members of their community.


Empire Falls

Empire Falls 2005


The humorous, poignant story of a declining New England town and its inhabitants, whose lives are deeply rooted in and influenced by the Knox River and its vacant mills, their class differences, and ghosts of the past.