Larry Holt Flareup Last Man Standing Commando Shaughnessy: The Iron Marshal Any Which Way You Can Raw Deal Zvaigžņu kari: VI epizode. Džedaju atgriešanās Rollercoaster Extreme Justice Brave New World Through the Magic Pyramid The Golden Gate Murders Instinct The Legend of the Golden Gun Betmens atgriežas The Six Million Dollar Man The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Bachelor Party Escape Slam Dance Zvaigžņu kari: VI epizode. Džedaju atgriešanās Sneakers On Deadly Ground Samainītais Zoom 13 Moons Beyond the Valley of the Dolls Secret Agent 00 Soul 99 and 44/100% Dead The Dead Pool Class Commando Goldie and the Bears The Towering Inferno The Poseidon Adventure The Sword and the Sorcerer Fletch Set It Off Switchblade Sisters Earthquake 48 Hrs. Every Which Way but Loose The Net Battle for the Planet of the Apes Love, Cheat & Steal Policewomen Firestarter Apocalypse Now Straight Time Karību jūras pirāti: Melnās pērles lāsts Lucky Lady Maniac Cop 2 Tron Midnight Run Slow Burn Ghostbusters Motel Hell The Mask of Zorro The Golden Child Undercover Blues In the Line of Fire Fright Night Fast Times at Ridgemont High The Rookie Black Caesar The First Power Eve of Destruction Bedazzled Ratboy To Live and Die in L.A. The Domino Principle Strange Days Black Sunday Sudden Impact 1941 Lady Ice The Swarm Robin Hood: Men in Tights Waist Deep The Manitou Fletch Lives The Cowboy and the Movie Star I'll Be Home for Christmas Mežonīgie rietumi The Tie That Binds Hard Country Necessity That's Life! The Man in the Moon The Heist The O.J. Simpson Story True Crime Ghostbusters II The Thing California Split Throw Momma from the Train Assassin Avenging Angel The Great Smokey Roadblock Swashbuckler City of Angels W.C. Fields and Me Toma Seems Like Old Times Exterminator 2 The Fantastic Journey Freejack Holy Matrimony