Herbert L. Strock I Was a Teenage Frankenstein Psycho Sisters Donovan's Brain Gog The Magnetic Monster The Crawling Hand The Crawling Hand The Crawling Hand Blood of Dracula The Devil's Messenger How to Make a Monster Battle Taxi Rider on a Dead Horse Carnival of Souls Donovan's Brain Brother on the Run Gog The Glass Wall Night Screams Witches' Brew Decisions! Decisions! Witches' Brew Monstroid UFO Journals UFO Journals Destination Nightmare The Crawling Hand The Crawling Hand The Magnetic Monster Summer Seductions UFO Syndrome Hurray for Betty Boop Hurray for Betty Boop Appointment with Fear Appointment with Fear Riders to the Stars Riders to the Stars Riders to the Stars You Snooze You Lose Monstroid The Small Miracle Shark!